
Defines functions hbl_s_tau

Documented in hbl_s_tau

#' @title Superseded: suggest a value of s_tau
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @description Superseded:
#'   suggest a value of the `s_tau` hyperparameter
#'   to roughly target a specified minimum amount of borrowing
#'   in the hierarchical model with the uniform prior.
#'   Only use if a diffuse prior on `tau` is not feasible.
#' @details The target minimum amount of borrowing
#'   is expressed in the `precision_ratio` argument.
#'   The precision ratio is a metric that quantifies the amount of
#'   borrowing in the hierarchical model. See the "Methods" vignette
#'   for details.
#' @return Numeric of length equal to `length(precision_ratio)` and
#'   `length(sigma)`, suggested values of s_tau for each element of
#'   `precision_ratio` and `sigma`.
#' @param precision_ratio Positive numeric vector of elements between 0 and 1
#'   with target precision ratios.
#' @param sigma Positive numeric vector of residual standard deviations.
#' @param n Number of non-missing patients.
#' @examples
#' hbl_s_tau(precision_ratio = 0.5, sigma = 1, n = 100)
hbl_s_tau <- function(precision_ratio = 0.5, sigma = 1, n = 100) {
  true(precision_ratio, . > 0, . < 1, is.finite(.))
  true(sigma, . > 0, is.finite(.))
  true(length(precision_ratio) == length(sigma))
  2 * sigma * sqrt((1 / n) * ((1 / precision_ratio) - 1))

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