Description Usage Format Details Examples
Results of a simulation study on the effect of missing data on estimates of parameters of a hidden Markov model. In the simulation, 1000 datasets were simulated, each consisting of 100 time series of length 50. The model generating the data was a hidden Markov model with 3 states. Missing values were generated for 25% of cases, independent of the hidden state (i.e. data can be considered missing at random.)
1 | data("MAR_simulation_results")
A data.frame
with the following variables:
Parameter name
True value of parameter
Average of parameter estimates for a model that assumes MAR.
Standard deviation of parameter estimates for a model that assumes MAR.
Mean Absolute Error of parameter estimates for a model that assumes MAR.
Average of parameter estimates for a model that assumes MNAR.
Standard deviation of parameter estimates for a model that assumes MNAR.
Mean Absolute Error of parameter estimates for a model that assumes MNAR.
Relative MAE of the MNAR model over the MAR model (e.g. MAE_MNAR/MAE_MAR)
This data frame was generated with the following code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 | library(depmixS4)
### Start simulation
nsim <- 1000
nrep <- 100
nt <- 50
randomSeeds <- sample(seq(1,nsim*1000),nsim)
out <- rep(list(vector("list",3)),nsim)
prior <- c(8,1,1)
prior <- prior/sum(prior)
transition <- 5*diag(3) + 1
transition <- transition/rowSums(transition)
means <- c(-1,0,1)
sds <- c(3,3,3)
pmiss <- c(.25,.25,.25)
truepars1 <- c(prior,as.numeric(t(transition)),as.numeric(rbind(means,sds)))
truepars2 <- c(prior,as.numeric(t(transition)),as.numeric(rbind(means,sds,1-pmiss,pmiss)))
for(sim in 1:nsim) {
truestate <- matrix(nrow=nt,ncol=nrep)
for(i in 1:nrep) {
truestate[1,i] <- sample(1:3,size=1,prob=prior)
for(t in 2:nt) {
truestate[t,i] <- sample(1:3,size=1,prob=transition[truestate[t-1,i],])
dat <- data.frame(trueState=as.numeric(truestate),trial=1:nt)
dat$trueResponse <- rnorm(nrow(dat),mean=means[dat$trueState],sd=sds[dat$trueState])
dat$missing <- rbinom(nrow(dat),size=1,prob=pmiss[dat$trueState])
dat$response <- dat$trueResponse
dat$response[dat$missing==1] <- NA
mod <- depmix(list(response~1),family=list(gaussian()),data=dat,nstates=3,ntimes=rep(nt,nrep))
mod <- setpars(mod,truepars1)
ok <- FALSE
ntry <- 1
while(!ok & ntry <= 50) {
fmod <- try(fit(mod,emcontrol=em.control(maxit = 5000, random.start=FALSE),verbose=FALSE))
if(!inherits(fmod,"try-error")) {
if(fmod@message == "Log likelihood converged to within tol. (relative change)") ok <- TRUE
ntry <- ntry + 1
out[[sim]][[1]] <- list(pars=getpars(fmod),logLik=logLik(fmod),viterbi=posterior(fmod)[,1],trueState=dat$trueState)
mod <- depmix(list(response~1,missing~1),family=list(gaussian(),multinomial("identity")),data=dat,nstates=3,ntimes=rep(nt,nrep))
mod <- setpars(mod,truepars2)
ok <- FALSE
ntry <- 1
while(!ok & ntry <= 50) {
fmod <- try(fit(mod,emcontrol=em.control(maxit = 5000, random.start = FALSE),verbose=FALSE))
if(!inherits(fmod,"try-error")) {
if(fmod@message == "Log likelihood converged to within tol. (relative change)") ok <- TRUE
ntry <- ntry + 1
out[[sim]][[2]] <- list(pars=getpars(fmod),logLik=logLik(fmod),viterbi=posterior(fmod)[,1],trueState=dat$trueState)
### End simulation
### Process results
simi <- out
bias1 <- matrix(0.0,ncol=length(truepars1),nrow=nsim)
bias2 <- matrix(0.0,ncol=length(truepars2),nrow=nsim)
colnames(bias1) <- names(simi[[1]][[1]][[1]])
colnames(bias2) <- names(simi[[1]][[2]][[1]])
pcorstate1 <- rep(0.0,nsim)
pcorstate2 <- rep(0.0,nsim)
for(sim in 1:nsim) {
tmp <- simi[[sim]][[1]][[1]]
pr <- tmp[1:3]
trt <- matrix(tmp[4:12],ncol=3)
ms <- tmp[c(13,15,17)]
sds <- tmp[c(14,16,18)]
ord <- order(ms)
bias1[sim,] <- c(pr[ord],trt[ord,ord],as.numeric(rbind(ms[ord],sds[ord]))) - truepars1
fsta <- recode(simi[[sim]][[1]]$viterbi,`1` = which(ord == 1), `2` = which(ord == 2), `3` = which(ord == 3))
pcorstate1[sim] <- sum(fsta == simi[[sim]][[1]]$trueState)/(nrep*nt)
tmp <- simi[[sim]][[2]][[1]]
pr <- tmp[1:3]
trt <- matrix(tmp[4:12],ncol=3)
ms <- tmp[c(13,17,21)]
sds <- tmp[c(14,18,22)]
ps0 <- tmp[c(15,19,23)]
ps1 <- tmp[c(16,20,24)]
ord <- order(ms)
bias2[sim,] <- c(pr[ord],trt[ord,ord],as.numeric(rbind(ms[ord],sds[ord],ps0[ord],ps1[ord]))) - truepars2
fsta <- recode(simi[[sim]][[2]]$viterbi,`1` = which(ord == 1), `2` = which(ord == 2), `3` = which(ord == 3))
pcorstate2[sim] <- sum(fsta == simi[[sim]][[2]]$trueState)/(nrep*nt)
sim3_bias1 <- bias1
sim3_bias2 <- bias2
sim3_est1 <- t(t(bias1) + truepars1)
sim3_est2 <- t(t(bias2) + truepars2)
sim3_pcorstate1 <- pcorstate1
sim3_pcorstate2 <- pcorstate2
tmp <-
colnames(tmp) <- c("$\pi_1$","$\pi_2$","$\pi_3$","$a_{11}$","$a_{12}$","$a_{13}$","$a_{21}$","$a_{22}$","$a_{23}$","$a_{31}$","$a_{32}$", "$a_{33}$", "$\mu_1$","$\sigma_1$","$\mu_2$","$\sigma_2$","$\mu_3$","$\sigma_3$")
tmp$sim <- 1:nsim
tmp <- gather(tmp,key="param",value="estimate",-sim)
tmp$true <- rep(truepars1,each=nsim)
tmp$method <- "MAR"
tmp$variance <- "low"
tmp$missing <- "equal"
sim4_est1_long <- tmp
tmp <-
colnames(tmp) <- c("$\pi_1$","$\pi_2$","$\pi_3$","$a_{11}$","$a_{12}$","$a_{13}$","$a_{21}$","$a_{22}$","$a_{23}$","$a_{31}$","$a_{32}$", "$a_{33}$", "$\mu_1$","$\sigma_1$","pnm_1","$p(M=1|S=1)$","$\mu_2$","$\sigma_2$","pnm_2","$p(M=1|S=2)$","$\mu_3$","$\sigma_3$","pnm_3","$p(M=1|S=3)$")
tmp$sim <- 1:nsim
tmp <- gather(tmp,key="param",value="estimate",-sim)
tmp$true <- rep(truepars2,each=nsim)
tmp$method <- "MNAR"
tmp$variance <- "low"
tmp$missing <- "equal"
sim4_est2_long <- tmp
all_long <- rbind(
my_table <- all_long
group_by(param, method, variance, missing)
summarize(true = mean(true),
mean = mean(estimate),
sd = sd(estimate),
bias = mean(abs(true - estimate)/abs(true)),
MAE = mean(abs(true - estimate)))
recast(param + variance + missing ~ method + measure)
MAR_simulation_results <- my_table
filter(variance == "low" & missing == "equal")
mutate(percMAE = MNAR_MAE/MAR_MAE)
colnames(MAR_simulation_results) <- c("parameter", "true", "MAR_estimates_mean",
"MAR_estimates_sd", "MAR_estimates_MAE", "MNAR_estimates_mean",
"MNAR_estimates_sd", "MNAR_estimates_MAE", "percMAE")
MAR_simulation_results <- MAR_simulation_results[c(1:3,7:9,4:6,10:21),]
1 |
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