navigate_hydro_network: Navigate Hydro Network

View source: R/navigation_network.R

navigate_hydro_networkR Documentation


Navigates a network of connected catchments using NHDPlus style network attributes.


navigate_hydro_network(x, start, mode, distance = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
navigate_hydro_network(x, start, mode, distance = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'hy'
navigate_hydro_network(x, start, mode, distance = NULL)



data.frame network compatible with hydroloom_names.


character or numeric to match identifier attribute. The starting catchment is included.


character chosen from c(UM, DM, UT, or DD).

  1. UM: upstream mainstem

  2. DM: downstream main

  3. UT: upstream with tributaries

  4. DD: downstream with diversions


numeric distance in km to limit navigation. The first catchment that exceeds the provided distance is included.


if only mode is supplied, require network attributes are displayed.

NOTE: for "Upstream with tributaries" navigation, if a tributary emanates from a diversion and is the minor path downstream of that diversion, it will be included. This can have a very large impact when a diversion between two large river systems. To strictly follow the dendritic network, set the "dn_minor_topo_sort" attribute to all 0 in x.


vector of identifiers found along navigation


plot_fun <- function(x, s, n) {
   plot(sf::st_geometry(x), col = "grey")
   plot(sf::st_geometry(x[x$id %in% n, ]), add = TRUE)
   plot(sf::st_geometry(x[x$id %in% s, ]), col = "red", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

x <- hy(sf::read_sf(system.file("extdata/new_hope.gpkg", package = "hydroloom")))

start <- 8891126
dm <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "DM")

plot_fun(x, start, dm)

dd <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "DD")

plot_fun(x, start, dd)

start <- 8894356

um <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "UM")

plot_fun(x, start, um)

ut <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "UT")

plot_fun(x, start, ut)

hydroloom documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:20 p.m.