
Defines functions private_get_DD get_DD private_get_DM get_DM get_UM private_get_UT get_UT navigate_hydro_network.hy navigate_hydro_network.data.frame navigate_hydro_network get_start_row required_atts_navigate

Documented in navigate_hydro_network navigate_hydro_network.data.frame navigate_hydro_network.hy

required_atts_navigate <- function(mode, distance) {
  required_atts <- list(UM = c(id, levelpath, topo_sort),
                        DM = c(id, levelpath, dn_levelpath,
                               topo_sort, dn_topo_sort),
                        UT = c(id, levelpath,
                               topo_sort, dn_topo_sort),
                        DD = c(id, levelpath, dn_levelpath,
                               topo_sort, dn_topo_sort, dn_minor_topo_sort))

  if(!is.null(distance)) required_atts <-
      sapply(required_atts, function(x) c(x, c(pathlength_km, length_km)))


get_start_row <- function(x, id) {
  start_row <- x[x$id == id, ]

  if(nrow(start_row) > 1) {
    stop("Found duplicate id for starting catchment. Duplicate rows in network?")


#' @title Navigate Hydro Network
#' @description Navigates a network of connected catchments using NHDPlus style
#' network attributes.
#' @param x data.frame network compatible with \link{hydroloom_names}.
#' @param start character or numeric to match identifier attribute. The
#' starting catchment is included.
#' @param mode character chosen from c(UM, DM, UT, or DD).
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item UM: upstream mainstem
#'   \item DM: downstream main
#'   \item UT: upstream with tributaries
#'   \item DD: downstream with diversions
#' }
#' @param distance numeric distance in km to limit navigation. The first
#' catchment that exceeds the provided distance is included.
#' @details if only `mode` is supplied, require network attributes are displayed.
#' @returns vector of identifiers found along navigation
#' @name navigate_hydro_network
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot_fun <- function(x, s, n) {
#'    plot(sf::st_geometry(x), col = "grey")
#'    plot(sf::st_geometry(x[x$id %in% n, ]), add = TRUE)
#'    plot(sf::st_geometry(x[x$id %in% s, ]), col = "red", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)
#' }
#' x <- hy(sf::read_sf(system.file("extdata/new_hope.gpkg", package = "hydroloom")))
#' start <- 8891126
#' dm <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "DM")
#' plot_fun(x, start, dm)
#' dd <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "DD")
#' plot_fun(x, start, dd)
#' start <- 8894356
#' um <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "UM")
#' plot_fun(x, start, um)
#' ut <- navigate_hydro_network(x, start, "UT")
#' plot_fun(x, start, ut)
navigate_hydro_network <- function(x, start, mode, distance = NULL) {
  if(missing(mode) | !mode %in% c('UM', 'DM', 'UT', 'DD')) {
    stop("must choose mode input from: 'UM', 'DM', 'UT', 'DD'")

  required_atts <- required_atts_navigate(mode, distance)

  if(missing(x)) {
    check_names(c(), required_atts, mode)


#' @name navigate_hydro_network
#' @export
navigate_hydro_network.data.frame <- function(x, start, mode, distance = NULL) {
  navigate_hydro_network(hy(x), start, mode, distance)

#' @name navigate_hydro_network
#' @export
navigate_hydro_network.hy <- function(x, start, mode, distance = NULL) {

  required_atts <- required_atts_navigate(mode, distance)

  check_names(x, required_atts, mode)

  fun <- switch (mode,
    "UT" = get_UT,
    "UM" = get_UM,
    "DM" = get_DM,
    "DD" = get_DD

  fun(select(st_drop_geometry(x), all_of(required_atts)),
      start, distance)


get_UT <- function(x, id, distance) {

  start_row <- get_start_row(x, id)

  if (!is.null(distance)) {
    if (distance < start_row$length_km) return(id)

  all <- private_get_UT(x, id)

  if (!is.null(distance)) {
    stop_pathlength_km <- start_row$pathlength_km -
      start_row$length_km +

    x <- filter(x, .data$id %in% all)

    filter(x, .data$pathlength_km <= stop_pathlength_km)$id
  } else {

private_get_UT <- function(x, id) {

  # expect multiples
  main <- x[x$id %in% id, ]

  if (length(main$topo_sort) == 1) {
    full_main <- filter(x,
                        levelpath %in% main$levelpath &
                          topo_sort >= main$topo_sort)

    trib_lpid <- filter(x, dn_topo_sort %in% full_main$topo_sort &
                          !levelpath %in% main$levelpath  &
                          topo_sort >= main$topo_sort)$levelpath
  } else {
    full_main <- filter(x, levelpath %in% main$levelpath)

    trib_lpid <- filter(x, dn_topo_sort %in% full_main$topo_sort &
                          !levelpath %in% main$levelpath)$levelpath

  trib_id <- filter(x, levelpath %in% trib_lpid)$id

  if (length(trib_id) > 0) {
    c(full_main$id, private_get_UT(x, trib_id))
  } else {

get_UM <- function(x, id, distance = NULL) {

  main <- get_start_row(x, id)

  main_us <- filter(x, .data$levelpath %in% main$levelpath &
                             .data$topo_sort >= main$topo_sort)

  if (!is.null(distance)) {

    if (length(main$length_km) == 1) {
      if (main$length_km > distance) {

    stop_pathlength_km <- main$pathlength_km - main$length_km + distance

    main_us <- filter(main_us, .data$pathlength_km <= stop_pathlength_km)



get_DM <- function(x, id, distance = NULL) {

  start_row <- get_start_row(x, id)

  if (!is.null(distance)) {
    if (distance < start_row$length_km){

  main_ds <- private_get_DM(x, id)

  if (!is.null(distance)) {

    stop_pathlength_km <- start_row$pathlength_km + start_row$length_km - distance

    main_ds <- x |>
      filter(id %in% main_ds$id, (pathlength_km + length_km) >= stop_pathlength_km)


private_get_DM <- function(x, id) {

  main <- ds_main <- x[x$id %in% id, ]

  if (length(main$topo_sort) == 1) {
    ds_main <- x |>
      filter(levelpath %in% main$levelpath &
               topo_sort <= main$topo_sort)

  ds_hs <- ds_main |>
    filter(!dn_levelpath %in% main$levelpath) |>

  if (nrow(ds_hs) > 0) {

    ds_lpid <- x |>
      filter(topo_sort == ds_hs$dn_topo_sort) |>

    if (nrow(ds_lpid) > 0) {
      ds_id <- x |>
        filter(levelpath == ds_lpid$levelpath & topo_sort <= ds_hs$dn_topo_sort) |>

        select(ds_main, id, topo_sort),
        private_get_DM(x, id = ds_id$id)

  select(ds_main, id, topo_sort)

get_DD <- function(x, id, distance = NULL) {

  start_row <- get_start_row(x, id)

  stop_pathlength_km <- 0

  if (!is.null(distance)) {
    if (distance < start_row$length_km) return(id)

    stop_pathlength_km <- start_row$pathlength_km +
      start_row$length_km -
  all <- private_get_DD(x, id, stop_pathlength_km)

  if (!is.null(distance)) {
    x <- filter(x, id %in% unique(all))

    filter(x, (pathlength_km + length_km) >= stop_pathlength_km)$id
  } else {

private_get_DD <- function(x, id, stop_pathlength_km = 0) {

  main <- ds_main <- x[x$id %in% id, ]

  if (length(main$topo_sort) == 1) {
    ds_main <- filter(x,
                      .data$levelpath %in% main$levelpath &
                        .data$topo_sort <= main$topo_sort)

  ds_hs <- c(filter(ds_main, !.data$dn_levelpath %in% main$levelpath)$dn_topo_sort,
             filter(ds_main, !.data$dn_minor_topo_sort == 0)$dn_minor_topo_sort)

  ds_lpid <- filter(x, .data$topo_sort %in% ds_hs)$levelpath

  if (length(ds_lpid) > 0) {
    if (length(ds_hs) == 1) {
      # Same as DM
      ds_id <- filter(x,
                      .data$levelpath %in% ds_lpid &
                        .data$topo_sort <= ds_hs)$id
    } else {
      # Works for divergent paths.
      ds_hs <- filter(x, .data$topo_sort %in% ds_hs)
      ds_id <- filter(x, .data$levelpath %in% ds_lpid) |>
        left_join(select(ds_hs, levelpath, max_topo_sort = topo_sort),
                         by = "levelpath", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
        filter(.data$topo_sort <= .data$max_topo_sort)
      ds_id <- ds_id$id

    # This allows this algorithm to work for short distances
    # in a reasonable time in large systems.
    if ("pathlength_km" %in% names(ds_main) &&
        all(ds_main$pathlength_km <= stop_pathlength_km)) return(ds_main$id)

    c(ds_main$id, private_get_DD(x, ds_id, stop_pathlength_km))
  } else {

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hydroloom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:46 a.m.