hydroscoper: hydroscoper: Interface to Hydroscope

Description Enhydris API Data Sources Author(s) See Also


hydroscoper provides an R interface to the Greek National Data Bank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information http://www.hydroscope.gr.

hydroscoper covers Hydroscope's data sources using the Enhydris API and provides functions to:

  1. Transform the available tables and data sets into tibbles.

  2. Transliterate the Greek Unicode names to Latin.

  3. Translate various Greek terms to English.

Enhydris API

The Enhydris database is implemented in PostgreSQL. Details can be found here

Data Sources

The data are retrieved from the Hydroscope's databases:


Maintainer: Konstantinos Vantas kon.vantas@gmail.com (ORCID)

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

hydroscoper documentation built on May 14, 2021, 5:08 p.m.