laser: Laser Emission A time series of an unstable laser emission.

laserR Documentation

Laser Emission A time series of an unstable laser emission.


see the Vignette


The data set consists of 84 laser emission spectra measured during 95 min. Each spectrum has 36 data points in the range of 404.5 nm to 405.8 nm.


C. Beleites



cols <- c ("black", "blue", "darkgreen", "red")
wl <- c (405.0, 405.1, 405.3, 405.4)
plotspc (laser, axis.args=list (x = list (at = seq (404.5, 405.8, .1))))
for (i in seq_along (wl))
   abline (v = wl[i], col = cols[i], lwd = 2, lty = 2)

plotc (laser [,, wl], spc ~ t, groups = .wavelength, type = "b",
       col = cols)

## Not run: vignette ("laser", package="hyperSpec")

hyperSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:28 a.m.