
Defines functions init cleanup hyphendict_is_loaded hyphenate

Documented in hyphenate hyphendict_is_loaded

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init <- function(dict_path) {
    invisible(.Call('hyphenatr_init', PACKAGE = 'hyphenatr', dict_path))

cleanup <- function() {
    invisible(.Call('hyphenatr_cleanup', PACKAGE = 'hyphenatr'))

#' Test to see if the hyphenation language rules dictionary is loaded
#' @export
#' @note The \code{en_US} hyphenation rules dictionary is loaded by default
hyphendict_is_loaded <- function() {
    .Call('hyphenatr_hyphendict_is_loaded', PACKAGE = 'hyphenatr')

hyphenate <- function(words) {
    .Call('hyphenatr_hyphenate', PACKAGE = 'hyphenatr', words)

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hyphenatr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:58 a.m.