i2dashboard-content: Add content to an i2dashboard object.

add_componentR Documentation

Add content to an i2dashboard object.


Content can be added to the dashboards pages, the sidebar or the navigation bar.


add_component(dashboard, component, ...)

add_to_sidebar(dashboard, component, ...)

add_colormap(dashboard, ...)

add_link(dashboard, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,character'
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", copy = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,'function''
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,gg'
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,gt_tbl'
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,kableExtra'
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,Heatmap'
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,ANY'
add_component(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard'
  title = NULL,
  icon = NULL,
  align = c("right", "left"),
  target = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard'
add_colormap(dashboard, map, name)

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,character'
  page = "default",
  global = FALSE,
  copy = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'i2dashboard,'function''
  page = "default",
  global = FALSE,
  copy = FALSE,



A i2dashboard.


An R object, function, or string.


Additional parameters passed to the components render function. In case of an image, parameters height and width can be used to define the dimensions of the image with CSS or provide an alternative text with image_alt_text.


The name of the page to add the component or sidebar to.


Whether or not to copy images to dashboard@datadir.


The target of the link.


The link title.


An optional link icon (see https://pkgs.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/using.html#icon-sets)


Optional argument that can be “left” or “right” (defaults = “right”) defining the alignment of the links in the navigation bar


An optional target (e.g. "_blank")


A character vector containing colors and possible the levels they map to (as names).


A name for the color mapping.


Whether or not to add the content to the global sidebar.


The options to add content in detail:

  • 'add_component()' adds content to a page of the dashboard by evaluating a function, or by including an object, a text or image file.

  • 'add_to_sidebar()' adds content to the dashboards global sidebar or to a pages local sidebar.

  • 'add_link()' adds a link to the navigation bar.

  • 'add_colormap()' adds a global color mapping to the dashboards colormaps.

The mechanism to add different types of content to a dashboards page or sidebar depends on the class of the object passed to the function 'add_component()' or 'add_to_sidebar()':

  • A function will be evaluated and its return value is used as content.

  • A string that ends with .md or .txt will be used to open a file and use its content.

  • A string that ends with \.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif] will be used to include an image as content.

  • An R object (e.g. an 'htmlwidget') will be included if a suitable signature method is implemented.


Returns the modified i2dashboard object.

  • 'add_component()' extends the list of components of the respective page, stored in the 'pages' slot, by an R Markdown string containing the provided content.

  • 'add_to_sidebar()' extends either the 'sidebar' slot or the 'sidebar' entry of a single page by an R Markdown string containing the provided content.

  • 'add_link()' extends the 'navbar' slot by a list of link properties.

  • 'add_colormap()' extends the 'colormaps' slot by the new color mapping.

If something went wrong during the addition, the unmodified i2dashboard object is returned.


i2dashboard() -> dashboard
myFunction <- function(dashboard) paste0("### Generate component\n\n",
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\n")

dashboard %<>% add_component(component = myFunction)
dashboard %<>% add_component(component = plotly::plot_ly(mtcars, x=~wt, y=~hp),
    title = "Include htmlwidget")

## Similarly, it is possible to insert files and images into components:
## dashboard %<>% add_component(component = "sample.txt", title = "Include text")
## dashboard %<>% add_component(component = "sample.jpg", title = "Include image")

dashboard %<>% add_to_sidebar(component = myFunction)

## Similarly, it is possible to insert files and images into the sidebar:
## dashboard %<>% add_to_sidebar(component = "sample.txt", package="i2dash")
## dashboard %<>% add_to_sidebar(component = "sample.jpg", package="i2dash")

colors <- c("l1" = "#F7FCFD", "l2" ="#E5F5F9", "l3" = "#CCECE6")
dashboard %<>% add_colormap(map = colors, name = "test")

dashboard %<>% add_link(href = "www.sample_url.net", title = "MyLink", align = "left")

i2dash documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 6:04 p.m.