Man pages for iMRMC
Multi-Reader, Multi-Case Analysis Methods (ROC, Agreement, and Other Metrics)

convertDFtoDesignMatrixConvert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix
convertDFtoScoreMatrixConvert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix
createGroupsAssign a group label to items in a vector
createIMRMCdfConvert a data frame with all needed factors to doIMRMC...
deleteColDelete a data frame column
dfMRMC_exampleExample of iMRMC formatted data frame
doAUCmrmcMRMC analysis for arbitrary design dataset
doIMRMCMRMC analysis for arbitrary design dataset
doIMRMC_javaMRMC analysis of the area under the ROC curve
doROCavgEmpirically average over multiple empirical ROC curves
doROCcurveMRMCCreate a standard set of ROC curves from an MRMC data frame
doROCxyCreate empirical ROC curve
doROCxyMRMCCreate empirical ROC curve from an MRMC formatted data frame
extractPairedComparisonsBRBMExtract between-reader between-modality pairs of scores
extractPairedComparisonsWRBMExtract within-reader between-modality pairs of scores
getBRBMGet between-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC...
getMRMCdatasetImport MRMC dataset from the web...
getMRMCscoreGet a score from an MRMC data frame
getWRBMGet within-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC...
init.lecuyerRNGInitialize the l'Ecuyer random number generator
limitsOfAgreementMRMC Analysis of Limits of Agreement using ANOVA
renameColRename a data frame column name or a list object name
roc2binaryConvert ROC data formatted for doIMRMC to TPF and FPF data...
sim.gRoeMetzSimulate an MRMC data set of an ROC experiment comparing two...
sim.gRoeMetz.configCreate a configuration object for the sim.gRoeMetz program
simMRMCSimulate an MRMC data set
sim.NormalIG.HierarchicalSimulate an MRMC data set comparing two modalities by a...
sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical.configCreate a configuration object for the...
simRoeMetz.exampleSimulates a sample MRMC ROC experiment
successDFtoROCdfConvert an MRMC data frame of successes to one formatted for...
undoIMRMCdfConvert a doIMRMC formatted data frame to a standard data...
uStat11Analysis of U-statistics degree 1,1
uStat11.diffCreate the kernel and design matrices for uStat11
uStat11.identityCreate the kernel and design matrices for uStat11
iMRMC documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:12 p.m.