doROCavg: Empirically average over multiple empirical ROC curves

View source: R/doROCcurveMRMC.R

doROCavgR Documentation

Empirically average over multiple empirical ROC curves


Empirically average over multiple empirical ROC curves


doROCavg(ROC, direction = "SeSp")



list of ROC curves. Each element of the list is a data frame with pairs of (fpf, tpf) operating points.


the direction over which to average

  • SeSp (default) The ROC curves are averaged diagonally. Average Se+Sp of all the input ROC curves for every possible Se-Sp.

  • Se The ROC curves are averaged vertically. Average the sensitivity of all the input ROC curves for every possible specificity.

  • Sp The ROC curves are averaged horizontally. Average the specificity of all the input ROC curves for every possible specificity.


data frame of an ROC curve

  • fpf False-positive fractions (1-specificity)

  • tpf True-positive fractions (sensitivity)

iMRMC documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:12 p.m.

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