preview.cca: Statistical description before using function iscca

View source: R/preview.cca.R

preview.ccaR Documentation

Statistical description before using function iscca


The function describes the basic statistical information of the data, including sample mean, sample variance of X and Y, and the first pair of canonical vectors.


preview.cca(x, y, L, scale.x = TRUE, scale.y = TRUE)



list of data matrices, L datasets of explanatory variables.


list of data matrices, L datasets of dependent variables.


numeric, number of datasets.


character, "TRUE" or "FALSE", whether or not to scale the variables x. The default is TRUE.


character, "TRUE" or "FALSE", whether or not to scale the variables y. The default is TRUE.


An 'preview.cca' object that contains the list of the following items.

  • x: list of data matrices, L datasets of explanatory variables with centered columns. If scale.x is TRUE, the columns of L datasets are standardized to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

  • y: list of data matrices, L datasets of dependent variables with centered columns. If scale.y is TRUE, the columns of L datasets are standardized to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

  • loading.x: the estimated canonical vector of variables x.

  • loading.y: the estimated canonical vector of variables y.

  • meanx: list of numeric vectors, column mean of the original datasets x.

  • normx: list of numeric vectors, column standard deviation of the original datasets x.

  • meany: list of numeric vectors, column mean of the original datasets y.

  • normy: list of numeric vectors, column standard deviation of the original datasets y.

See Also

See Also as iscca.


# Load a list with 3 data sets
x <- simData.cca$x
y <- simData.cca$y
L <- length(x)

prev_cca <- preview.cca(x = x, y = y, L = L, scale.x = TRUE, scale.y = TRUE)

iSFun documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:41 p.m.

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