#'Estimation of Solar Quiet (SQ) Variation
#'Estimate a non-constant solar quiet daily variation by using multiresolution analysis (MRA) and functional principal component analysis. The procedure removes the global signature of a ring current to eliminate the effect of the magnetic storm. The wavelet-based filtering and functional data analysis techniques are used to eliminate the daily periodic component. In order to get better Sq estimate it is necessary to use records from at least two stations.
#'@param data a matrix or data frame of records of magnetic storm activity. Each column should contain records from an individual station. For more accurate estimate, at least two stations should be used.
#'@param si.v estimation of WISA from SAIndex function.
#'@param wf the type of the wavelet filter used. LA(8) filter is the default one.
#'@details  \code{SQ} is a function for estimating solar quiet daily variation. Stations used in estimation of SQ need to be differ from stations used in estimating WISA. The resulting daily variation is non-constant, and its day-to-day variability is quantified by functional principal component scores. It uses \code{mra} to obtain MRA from the data after storm activity was removed. We compute the first PC rather than the first
#'PC of the raw magnetometer data with some seasonal adjustments which do not remove the storm activity from the Sq.
#'@return SQ the estimation of a non-constant solar quiet daily variation.
#'@references Maslova, P. Kokoszka, J. Sojka, L. Zhu (2010), Estimation of Sq variation by means of multiresolution and principal component analyses.
#'@seealso  \code{\link{SAIndex}}
#'## example data
#'coord=matrix(c(124.43, 19.23, 53.77,140.18,68.68,202.00,71.89,293.85),nrow=2,ncol=4)
#'## Estimation of SI index
#'index.sample<- SAIndex(record, coord, wf="la8")
#'## example data of stations which are different from the ones that are used to estimate SI
#'## index.
#'## estimation of sq
#'Sq<-SQ (datasq, si.v=si.v, wf = "la8")
#'sqplot(Sq, Title="Sq variation", start = start.date, end=end.date, n.station=4,
#'       graphs.per.page=2, station.names=c("ABG","PHU","TUC","FRD"))
#'@import waveslim

function(data, si.v=si.v, wf = "la8") {
n.levels = 10
boundary = "reflection"
if(is.vector(data)==T) {n.station<-1
                        N<-length(data)} else {n.station<-dim(data)[2] #each column of the data matrix are records for each individual station
N<-dim(data)[1]}         # number of observations for each station

data.ds<-matrix(NA, ncol=n.station, nrow = N)
# remove the storm activity from all stations
for(i in 1:n.station){data.ds[,i]<-data[,i] - si.v}
mra.sq <- matrix(data = 0, ncol = n.station, nrow = N)
for(i in 1:n.station){
# obtain MRA from the data after storm activity was removed
    data.mra<-mra(data.ds[,i], wf=wf, J = n.levels, boundary=boundary)
# MRA leveles used to extract periodic component
for(f in (J0+1):J1) mra.sq[,i] <- mra.sq[,i] + data.mra[[f]]
# extract periodic component
# Sq component
SQ <- deco$sq

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