cran_history: History of the Number of Available CRAN Packages

cran_historyR Documentation

History of the Number of Available CRAN Packages


Table with the number of packages available on CRAN and the current R version for historic dates back to 21 June 2001.




Data frame with 25 rows and 10 variables. The first column (Country) indicates the name of the country, the other columns indicate protein consumption from nine sources sources in unknown units.


Data on the number of packages on CRAN between 2001-06-21 and 2014-04-13 is obtained from CRANpackages from the package Ecdat. This data was collected by John Fox and Spencer Graves. Intervals between data points are irregularly spaced. These data are marked with John Fox or Spencer Graves in the column source. They are licenced under GPL-2/GPL-3.

Newer data was obtained using the functions n_available_packages() and available_r_version() which extract the information from CRAN snapshots on MRAN. One data point per quarter is available starting on 2014-10-01. These data are marked with MRAN in the column source.


ggplot(cran_history, aes(x = date, y = n_packages)) +

ibawds documentation built on June 17, 2022, 9:07 a.m.