
Defines functions vtob vtom btov wtoq wtom qtow qtom beltoq beltopl beltom beltob pltom pltobel pltob pltoq btobel btoq btom btopl mtow mtov mtobel mtonm mtoq mtocontour mtopl mtob mtobetp

Documented in beltob beltom beltopl beltoq btobel btom btopl btoq btov mtob mtobel mtobetp mtocontour mtonm mtopl mtoq mtov mtow pltob pltobel pltom pltoq qtom qtow vtob vtom wtom wtoq

###------DST fmt functions--------------#####

### from matlab codes by Philippe Smets. FMT = Fast Mobius Transform
### depend: package library wle ####

##' @export
mtobetp  <-  function(InputVec) {
    # computing BetP on the signal points from the m vector (InputVec) out = BetP
    # vector beware: not optimize, so can be slow for >10 atoms
    # the length of the power set, f
    mf = length(InputVec)
    # the number of the signal point clusters
    natoms = round(log2(mf))
    if (2^natoms == mf) {
        if (InputVec[1] == 1) {
            # bba of the empty set is 1
            stop("warning: all bba is given to the empty set, check the frame\n")
            out = matrix(1, 1, natoms)/natoms
        } else {
            betp = matrix(0, 1, natoms)
            for (i in 2:mf) {
                # x , the focal sets InputVec the dec2bin form
                x = dec2bin(i - 1, natoms)
                # m_i is assigned to all the signal points equally
                betp = betp + InputVec[i]/sum(x) * x
            out = betp/(1 - InputVec[1])
    } else {
        stop("Error: the length of the InputVec vector should be power set of 2\n")

##' @export
mtob  <-  function(InputVec) {
    # comput InputVec from m to b function.  belief function + m(emptset) InputVec = m
    # vector out = b vector
    mf = length(InputVec)
    natoms = round(log2(mf))
    if (2^natoms == mf) {
        # InputVec=1:4/sum(1:4) browser()
        for (myi in 1:natoms) {
            ## the first time, sum the items -2 (each focal sets that includes w1, sum
            ## the item just not include w1) the second time, sum the items -4(each
            ## focal sets that includes w2, sum the item just not include w2) at this
            ## time, the item just not include w2 has the item not include (w1,w2)
            ## continue until for that just not include wK
            i124 = 2^(myi - 1)
            i842 = 2^(natoms + 1 - myi)
            i421 = 2^(natoms - myi)
            InputVec = matrix(InputVec, i124, i842)
            InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2] = InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2] + InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2 - 
            # print(InputVec)
        out = matrix(InputVec, 1, mf)
    } else {
        stop("Error: the length of the InputVec vector should be power set of 2\n")

##' @export
mtopl  <-  function(InputVec) {
    # computing from m to pl in = m vector out = pl vector
    InputVec = mtob(InputVec)
    out = btopl(InputVec)

##' @export
mtocontour  <-  function(InputVec) {
    # computing from m to contour function in = m vector out = contour vector
    InputVec = mtob(InputVec)
    out = btopl(InputVec)
	ThetaSize = log2(length(InputVec))
    return(out[2^(1:ThetaSize - 1) + 1])

##' @export
mtoq <- function(InputVec) {
    # computing FMT from m to q.
	# input:
	#    InputVec = m vector 
	# output:
	#    out = q vector
    mf = length(InputVec)
    natoms = round(log2(mf))
    if (2^natoms == mf) {
        for (i in 1:natoms) {
            i124 = 2^(i - 1)
            i842 = 2^(natoms + 1 - i)
            i421 = 2^(natoms - i)
            InputVec = matrix(InputVec, i124, i842)
            InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2 - 1] = InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2 - 1] + InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2]
        out = matrix(InputVec, 1, mf)
    } else {
        stop("ACCIDENT in mtoq: length of input vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n")

##' @export
mtonm <- function(InputVec) {
    # transform bbm m into normalized bbm
	# make the InputVec in the closed world
    if (InputVec[1] < 1) {
        out = InputVec/(1 - InputVec[1])
    out[1] = 0

##' @export
mtobel <- function(InputVec) {
    out = mtob(mtonm(InputVec))

##' @export
mtov <- function(InputVec) {
    #  not checked 
    # computing FMT from m to v. 
	# InputVec = m vector out = v vector
    out = btov(mtob(InputVec))

##' @export
mtow <- function(InputVec) {
    # not checked
    # computing FMT from m to w. 
	## InputVec = m vector
	## out = w vector
    out = qtow(mtoq(InputVec))

##' @export
btopl  <-  function(InputVec) {
    # compute pl from b InputVec ,
	## InputVec vector f*1 
	## out = pl
    mf = length(InputVec)
    natoms = round(log2(mf))
    if (2^natoms == mf) {
        # browser()
        InputVec = InputVec[mf] - InputVec[seq(length(InputVec), 1, by = -1)]
        # InputVec[1] = 0;
        out = InputVec
    } else {
        stop("Error: the length of the InputVec vector should be power set of 2\n")

##' @export
btom <- function(InputVec) {
    # computing FMT from b to m.  
	# input: InputVec = b vector
	## out = m vector
    mf = length(InputVec)
    natoms = round(log2(mf))
    if (2^natoms == mf) {
        for (i in 1:natoms) {
            i124 = 2^(i - 1)
            i842 = 2^(natoms + 1 - i)
            i421 = 2^(natoms - i)
            InputVec = matrix(InputVec, i124, i842)
            InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2] = InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2] - InputVec[, (1:i421) * 2 - 1]
        out = matrix(InputVec, 1, mf)
    } else {
        stop("ACCIDENT InputVec btom: length of InputVecput vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n")

##' @export
btoq <- function(InputVec) {
    # computing FMT from b to q. Compute thru pl InputVec = b vector out = q vector
    out = pltoq(btopl(InputVec))

##' @export
btobel <- function(InputVec) {
    # computing bel from b 
	# input: bufn = b
	# out = bel
    if (InputVec[1] == 1) 
        stop("ACCIDENT in btobel: you try to normalize with a 1 on m\n") else {
        mf = length(InputVec)
        natoms = round(log2(mf))
        if (2^natoms == mf) {
            InputVec = (InputVec - InputVec[1])
            InputVec[1] = 0
            out = InputVec
        } else {
            stop("ACCIDENT InputVec btobel: length of InputVecput vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n")

##' @export
pltoq <- function(InputVec) {
    # computing FMT from pl to q. 
	# input: InputVec = pl vector 
	# out = q vector
    out = abs(btom(InputVec))
    out[1] = 1

##' @export
pltob <- function(InputVec) {
    # compute b from pl 
	# input:InputVec = pl 
	# out = b
    mf = length(InputVec)
    natoms = round(log2(mf))
    if (2^natoms == mf) {
        InputVec = 1 - InputVec[length(InputVec):1]
        out = InputVec
    } else {
        stop("ACCIDENT InputVec btopl: length of InputVecput vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n")


##' @export
pltobel <- function(InputVec) {
    out = pltob(InputVec)
    if (out[1] < 1) {
        out = out/(1 - out[1])
    out[1] = 0

##' @export
pltom <- function(InputVec) {
    # compute m from pl 
	# input InputVec = pl out = m
    out = btom(pltob(InputVec))

##' @export
beltob <- function(InputVec){

   out = InputVec;

##' @export
beltom <- function(InputVec){
  out = btom(InputVec);

##' @export
beltopl <- function(InputVec){
  out = btopl(InputVec);

##' @export
beltoq <- function(InputVec){
  out = btoq(InputVec);

##' @export
qtom <- function(InputVec){
	# computing FMT from q to m.
	# in = q vector
	# out = m vector

	lm = length(InputVec);
	natoms = round(log2(lm)); 		
	if(2^natoms == lm){ 
	for (step in 1:natoms){ 
		i124 = 2^(step-1); 			
		i842 = 2^(natoms+1-step); 	
		i421 = 2^(natoms - step); 	
		InputVec = matrix(InputVec,i124,i842);
		InputVec[,(1:i421)*2-1] = InputVec[,(1:i421)*2-1] - InputVec[,(1:i421)*2];
	    out = matrix(InputVec,1,lm);
		stop('ACCIDENT in qtom: length of input vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n');

##' @export
qtow <- function(InputVec){

	# computing FMT from q to w. Use algorithm qtom on log q
	# in = q vector
	# out = w vector

	lm = length(InputVec);
	natoms = round(log2(lm)); 		
	if(2^natoms == lm){ 
		if(InputVec[lm] > 0){
			out = exp(-(qtom(log(InputVec))));
			out[lm] = 1;
			cat('Accident in qtow: algorithm works only if q(lm) > 0\n')
			cat('add an epsilon to m(lm)\n')
			cat('No garantee it is really OK\n')
			mini = 1;
			for (i in 1:lm){
				if (InputVec[i] > 0){
					mini = min(mini,InputVec[i]);
			mini = mini / 10000000000;
			for(i in 1:lm){
			  InputVec[i] = max(InputVec[i],mini);
			out = exp(-(qtom(log(InputVec))));
			out[lm] = 1;
		stop('ACCIDENT in qtow: length of input vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n');
##' @export
wtom <- function(InputVec){
	# computing FMT from w to m. 
	# in = w vector
	# out = m vector
	out = qtom(wtoq(InputVec));

##' @export
wtoq <- function(InputVec){
	# computing FMT from w to q. use algortihm mtoq
	# in = w vector
	# out = q vector

	lm = length(InputVec);
	natoms = round(log2(lm)); 		
	if(2^natoms == lm){ 
			out = prod(InputVec)/exp(mtoq(log(InputVec)));
    		stop('accident in wtoq: one of the weigths are non positive\n')
		stop('ACCIDENT in wtoq: length of input vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n')


##' @export
btov <- function(InputVec){
	# computing FMT from b to v. Use algorithm btom on log b
	# in = b vector
	# out = v vector

	lm = length(InputVec);
	natoms = round(log2(lm)); 		
	if(2^natoms == lm){
		if(InputVec[lm] > 0){
			out = exp(-(btom(log(InputVec))));
			out[1] = 1;
			stop('Accident in btov: algorithm works only if b(lm) > 0\n')
			stop('I nevertheless try to compute it, I add an epsilon to m(lm)\n')
			stop('No garantee it is really OK\n')
			for(i in 1:lm){
			for(i in 1:lm){
			out = exp(-(btom(log(InputVec))));
			out[1] = 1;
		stop('ACCIDENT in btov: length of input vector not OK: should be a power of \n')

##' @export
vtom <- function(InputVec){
	# computing FMT from v to m. 
	# in = v vector
	# out = m vector
	 out = btom(vtob(InputVec));

##' @export
vtob <- function(InputVec){
	# computing FMT from v to b. use algortihm mtoq
	# in = v vector
	# out = b vector

	lm = length(InputVec);
	natoms = round(log2(lm)); 		
	if(2^natoms == lm){ 
			out = prod(InputVec)/exp( mtob(log(InputVec)));
		 stop('accident in vtob: one of the weigths are non positive\n')
		stop('ACCIDENT in vtob: length of input vector not OK: should be a power of 2\n')


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