Man pages for ibmdbR
IBM in-Database Analytics for R an R object to an IDA data frame
createviewCreate or drop a view
idaAruleAssociation Rule Mining
ida.col.def.methodsAvailable methods for ida.col.def
idaConnectOpen or closes a IDA database connection an IDA data frame methods for
idadfQuery, store and update data in the database.
idaDivClusterHierarchical (divisive) clustering
idaDropModelDrop a predictive model from the database
idaGetModelNameGet the name of a model
idaGlmGeneralized Linear Models (GLM)
idaKMeansk-means clustering
ida.listStore and retrieve R objects in the database
idaListAcceleratorsShow and set accelerator settings
ida.list.methodsAvailable methods for ida.list
idaListModelsList all predictive models in the database
idaLmLinear regression
idaMergeMerge IDA data frames
idaNbNaive Bayes Classifier
idaQueryRun an SQL query on the database
idaRetrieveModelRetrieve a predictive model from the database
idaSampleTaking a random sample from a IDA data frame
idaTableIn-Database Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
idaTApplyApply R-function to subsets of IDA data frame
idatoolsMiscellaneous tools
idaTreeDecision and Regression tree
idaTwoSteptwo step clustering
initInitialize the In-Database Analytics functions
overviewIBM In-Database Analytics
showtablesReturn a list of tables
ibmdbR documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 5:09 p.m.