Man pages for ibr
Iterative Bias Reduction

AIC.ibrSummarizing iterative bias reduction fits
betaACalculates coefficients for iterative bias reduction...
betaS1Coefficients for iterative bias reduction method.
betaS1lrCoefficients for iterative bias reduction method.
BIC.ibrInformation Criterion for ibr
bwchoiceChoice of bandwidth achieving a prescribed effective degree...
calcADecomposition of the kernel smoother
cvobsSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
departnoyauTrace of the product kernel smoother
dssmootherEvaluate the smoothing matrix, the radial basis matrix, the...
dsSxEvaluate the smoothing matrix at any point
DuchonQComputes the semi-kernel of Duchon splines
DuchonSComputes the semi-kernel of Duchon splines
fittedAEvaluates the fits for iterative bias reduction method
fittedS1Evaluate the fit for iterative bias reduction model
fittedS1lrEvaluate the fit for iterative bias reduction model
forwardIterative bias reduction smoothing
ibrIterative bias reduction smoothing
ibr.fitIterative bias reduction smoothing
ibr-packageIterative Bias Reduction
iterchoiceASelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceAcvSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceAcveSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceAeSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceS1Number of iterations selection for iterative bias reduction...
iterchoiceS1cvSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceS1cveSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceS1eNumber of iterations selection for iterative bias reduction...
iterchoiceS1lrcvSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
iterchoiceS1lrcveSelection of the number of iterations for iterative bias...
kernelKernel evaluation
kernelSxEvaluates the smoothing matrix at x*
lambdachoiceChoice of bandwidth according to a given effective degree of...
lambdachoicelrChoice of bandwidth according to a given effective degree of...
lrsmootherEvaluate the lowrank spline
npregressLocal polynomials smoothing
ozoneLos Angeles ozone pollution data, 1976.
plot.forwardibrPlot diagnostic for an ibr object
plot.ibrPlot diagnostic for an ibr object
poidsProduct kernel evaluation
predict.ibrPredicted values using iterative bias reduction smoothers
predict.npregressPredicted values using using local polynomials
print.summary.ibrPrinting iterative bias reduction summaries
print.summary.npregressPrinting iterative bias reduction summaries
summary.ibrSummarizing iterative bias reduction fits
summary.npregressSummarizing local polynomial fits
sumvalprSum of a geometric series
tracekernelTrace of product kernel smoother
ibr documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 5:08 p.m.