
Defines functions icd9IsReal icd9IsRealShort icd9IsRealDecimal icd9GetReal icd9GetRealShort icd9GetRealDecimal icd9IsBillable icd9IsBillableShort icd9IsBillableDecimal icd9GetBillable icd9GetBillableShort icd9GetBillableDecimal icd9GetNonBillableShort icd9GetNonBillableDecimal icd9GetNonBillable

Documented in icd9GetBillable icd9GetBillableDecimal icd9GetBillableShort icd9GetNonBillable icd9GetNonBillableDecimal icd9GetNonBillableShort icd9GetReal icd9GetRealDecimal icd9GetRealShort icd9IsBillable icd9IsBillableDecimal icd9IsBillableShort icd9IsReal icd9IsRealDecimal icd9IsRealShort

# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015  Jack O. Wasey
# This file is part of icd9.
# icd9 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# icd9 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with icd9. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Check whether ICD-9 codes exist
#' @description This is different from syntactic validity: it looks it up in the
#'   canonical list of ICD-9 codes published by the CMS, and which are included
#'   in this package under \code{extdata}. Checking syntactic validity using
#'   \code{link{icd9IsValid}} etc. is still useful, with a changing list of
#'   icd-9 codes over time, and possible imperfections in the master lists
#'   derived from CMS.
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template icd9-short
#' @template icd9-decimal
#' @template isShort
#' @param onlyBillable single logical value (default \code{FALSE}), if
#'   \code{TRUE} will divert to test whether the codes are in the billable list
#'   instead of seeing if they are any leaf or branch node.
#' @return logical vector
#' @export
icd9IsReal <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9),
                       onlyBillable = FALSE) {
  if (isShort) return(icd9IsRealShort(icd9, onlyBillable))
  icd9IsRealDecimal(icd9, onlyBillable)

#' @describeIn icd9IsReal Are the given short-form codes defined at heading or
#'   leaf (billable) level?
#' @export
icd9IsRealShort <- function(icd9Short, onlyBillable = FALSE) {
  if (onlyBillable) return(icd9IsBillableShort(asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Short)))
  icd9AddLeadingZeroesShort(asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Short)) %in% icd9::icd9Hierarchy[["icd9"]]

#' @describeIn icd9IsReal Are the given decimal-form codes defined at heading or
#'   leaf (billable) level?
#' @export
icd9IsRealDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal, onlyBillable = FALSE) {
  if (onlyBillable) return(icd9IsBillableDecimal(icd9Decimal))

#' @describeIn icd9IsReal Return only those codes which are heading or leaf
#'   (billable), specifying whether codes are all short-form or all decimal-form
#' @export
icd9GetReal <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9), onlyBillable = FALSE) {
  if (isShort) return(icd9GetRealShort(icd9))

#' @describeIn icd9IsReal Return only those short-form codes which are heading
#'   or leaf (billable)
#' @export
icd9GetRealShort <- function(icd9Short, onlyBillable = FALSE)
  icd9Short[icd9IsRealShort(icd9Short, onlyBillable)]

#' @describeIn icd9IsReal Return only those decimal-form codes which are heading
#'   or leaf (billable)
#' @export
icd9GetRealDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal, onlyBillable = FALSE)
  icd9Decimal[icd9IsRealDecimal(icd9Decimal, onlyBillable)]

#' @title Determine whether codes are billable leaf-nodes
#' @description Codes provided are compared to the most recent version of the
#'   CMS list of billable codes, or another version if specified.
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template icd9-short
#' @template icd9-decimal
#' @template isShort
#' @param invert single logical value, if \code{TRUE}, then the non-billable
#'   codes are returned. For functions with logical result, just negate with
#'   \code{!}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param version single character string, default is "32" which is the latest
#'   release from CMS. Currently anything from "23" to "32" is accepted. Not
#'   numeric because there are possible cases with non-numeric names, e.g.
#'   revisions within one year, although none currently implemented.
#' @return logical vector of same length as input
#' @export
icd9IsBillable <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9),
                           version = getLatestBillableVersion()) {
  if (isShort)
    return(icd9 %in% icd9::icd9Billable[[version]][["icd9"]])
  icd9DecimalToShort(icd9) %in% icd9::icd9Billable[[version]][["icd9"]]

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Are the given short-form codes leaf (billable)
#'   codes in the hierarchy?
#' @export
icd9IsBillableShort <- function(icd9Short, version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9IsBillable(icd9Short, isShort = TRUE, version)

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Are the given decimal-form codes leaf (billable)
#'   codes in the hierarchy?
#' @export
icd9IsBillableDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal, version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9IsBillable(icd9Decimal, isShort = FALSE, version)

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Return only those codes which are leaf (billable)
#'   codes in the hierarchy.
#' @export
icd9GetBillable <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9),
                            invert = FALSE, version = getLatestBillableVersion()) {
  if (isShort)
    return(icd9[icd9IsBillableShort(icd9, version = version) != invert])
  icd9[icd9IsBillableDecimal(icd9, version = version) != invert]

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Return only those short-form codes which are leaf
#'   (billable) codes in the hierarchy.
#' @export
icd9GetBillableShort <- function(icd9Short, version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9GetBillable(icd9Short, isShort = TRUE, version = version)

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Return only those decimal-form codes which are
#'   leaf (billable) codes in the hierarchy.
#' @export
icd9GetBillableDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal, version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9GetBillable(icd9Decimal, isShort = FALSE, version = version)

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Return only those short-form codes which are not
#'   leaf (billable) codes in the hierarchy. This would include invalid and
#'   heading codes.
#' @export
icd9GetNonBillableShort <- function(icd9Short, version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9GetBillable(icd9Short, isShort = TRUE, invert = TRUE, version = version)

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Return only those decimal-form codes which are not
#'   leaf (billable) codes in the hierarchy. This would include invalid and
#'   heading codes.
#' @export
icd9GetNonBillableDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal, version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9GetBillable(icd9Decimal, isShort = FALSE, invert = TRUE, version = version)

#' @describeIn icd9IsBillable Return only those codes which are not leaf
#'   (billable) codes in the hierarchy. This would include invalid and heading
#'   codes. Codes are specified (or guessed) to be all decimal- or short-form.
#' @export
icd9GetNonBillable <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9),
                               version = getLatestBillableVersion())
  icd9GetBillable(icd9, isShort = isShort, invert = TRUE, version = version)

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icd9 documentation built on May 30, 2017, 2:25 a.m.