
Defines functions getListQCChecks

Documented in getListQCChecks

#' get list of datasets
#' This API allows the user to have a list of all the datasets IDs that can be screened in the DATSU API.
#' @param datasetverID the dataset ID
#' @param recordType string name of the record type, optional
#' @return The list of Datasets that can be screened in DATSU with the IDs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getListQCChecks(145)
#' getListQCChecks(145, "VE")
#' }
#' @export
getListQCChecks <- function(datasetverID, recordType = NULL) {
  if (is.null(recordType)) {
    url <-
        paste0("getListQCChecks/", datasetverID)
  } else {
    url <-
        paste0("getListQCChecks/", datasetverID),
        RecordType = recordType

  # perform request
  out <- datsu_get(url)


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icesDatsu documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 1:06 a.m.