
Defines functions uploadDatsuFileFireAndForget

Documented in uploadDatsuFileFireAndForget

#' get list of records for a dataset
#' This API allows the user to screen a file using the API.
#' @param fileToUpload the filename of the file to upload
#' @param dataSetVerID The version of the dataset
#' @param emailAddress alternative email address of the user, if NULL, email address from ICES token
#'   is used
#' @param sendEmail it is set to TRUE by default, this will specify if the user will to receive an
#'   email when the session is finished
#' @param errorLimit does not need to be specified, it is 30000 by default
#' @param verbose get verbose output from the POST request, default FALSE
#' @return The ID of the DATSU session
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filename <- system.file("test_files/vms_test.csv", package = "icesDatsu")
#' id <- uploadDatsuFileFireAndForget(filename, 145)
#' getScreeningSessionDetails(id)
#' messages <- getScreeningSessionMessages(id)
#' head(messages)
#' uploadDatsuFileFireAndForget(filename, 145, sendEmail = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr upload_file content
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom icesConnect decode_token
uploadDatsuFileFireAndForget <- function(fileToUpload, dataSetVerID, emailAddress = NULL, sendEmail = TRUE, errorLimit = 30000, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(emailAddress)) {
    emailAddress <- decode_token()$email

  # form content
  body <-
      fileToUpload = upload_file(fileToUpload)

  # perform request
  resp <-
        EmailAddress = emailAddress,
        DataSetVerID = dataSetVerID,
        SendEmail = sendEmail,
        ErrorLimit = errorLimit
      body = body, retry = TRUE, verbose = verbose,
      use_token = TRUE

  # get results

Try the icesDatsu package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

icesDatsu documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 1:06 a.m.