surfacecentroid: Surface centroid point of a spherical point cloud

surfacecentroidR Documentation

Surface centroid point of a spherical point cloud


This function the projected place of the centroid from a pointset on the sphere.


surfacecentroid(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
surfacecentroid(x, output = "polar", center = c(0, 0, 0), radius = authRadius)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
surfacecentroid(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialPoints'
surfacecentroid(x, ...)



(matrix or data.frame) Numeric data, XYZ or longitude-latitude coordinates of the set of points.


Arguments passed to the matrix-method.


(character) The coordinate system of the output points. Can either be "polar" for longitude-latitude or "cartesian" for XYZ data.


(numeric) The center of the sphere in XYZ coordinates (default is 0,0,0).


(numeric) The radius of the circle in case the input points have only polar coordinates. Unused when XYZ coordinates are entered. Defaults to the authalic radius of Earth ca. 6371.007km.


The function implements great circle calculations to infer on the place of the centroid, which makes it resource demanding. This is necessary to avoid a particual error that frequently occurrs with other methods for centroid calculation, namely that the place of the centroid is right, but on the opposite hemisphere.


Either an XYZ or a long-lat numeric vector.


# generate some random points
allData <- rpsphere(1000)
# select only a subset
# transform to 2d
 points2 <- CarToPol(points, norad=TRUE)
# the spherical centroid
sc <- surfacecentroid(points2, output="polar")

#3d plot
plot(points2, xlim=c(-180, 180), ylim=c(-90, 90))
points(sc[1], sc[2], col="red", cex=5, pch=3)

icosa documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:57 p.m.