Man pages for iki.dataclim
Consistency, Homogeneity and Summary Statistics of Climatological Data

computeClimdexCompute a comprehensive set of climdex indices
createClimdexCreate a climdex.pcic::climdexInput from a 'dataclim' object
createDataclimCreate a 'dataclim' object
dataclim-classClass '"dataclim"'
evalHomogeneityQuality labels for temperature and precipitation observation...
evalHomogeneity-methodsMethods for Function 'evalHomogeneity'
homogeneityTests4 homogeneity tests as employed in the ECA&D project
iki.dataclim-packageConsistency, homogeneity, summary statistics and indices of...
plotWalterLiethPlot a Walter Lieth climate diagram
plotWalterLieth-methodsMethods for Function 'plotWalterLieth'
potsdamExample data from the Potsdam weather station
zoo-classClass '"zoo"'
iki.dataclim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:38 a.m.