
## ---- include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----setup---------------------------------------------------------------

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  install.packages('jpeg')

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  library(imagefx)
#  library(jpeg)
#  ## identify where the image files are located
#  ##img.dir <- '~/Desktop/optical_flow-master/example_datasets/fluidized_flow/'
#  ##img.dir <- '~/Desktop/optical_flow-master/example_datasets/granular_flow/'
#  img.dir <- '~/Desktop/optical_flow-master/example_datasets/traffic_flow/'
#  ## list all the files within this directory
#  img.files <- list.files(img.dir)
#  ## choose the first file in the image files
#  cur.file = img.files[1]
#  ## read in the JPEG image
#  cur.img <- readJPEG(paste(img.dir,cur.file,sep=""))

## ----fig.width=7,fig.height=5,eval=FALSE---------------------------------
#  ## at this point is important to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise
#  ## this is necessary because R reads in images with the top left corner as the reference frame.
#  ## in other words, rotate the image so the origin is located in the bottom right
#  img.rot <- t(apply(cur.img,2,rev))
#  ## define the domain of this image
#  xdim <- nrow(img.rot)
#  ydim <- ncol(img.rot)
#  ## choose the number of grids in the x and y direction
#  num.xgrid = 25
#  num.ygrid = 20
#  ## find the grid xs and ys
#  grid.xs <- seq(1,xdim,length.out=num.xgrid+1)
#  grid.ys <- seq(1,ydim,length.out=num.ygrid+1)
#  ## plot the grid locations
#  image(1:xdim,1:ydim,img.rot,col=gray.colors(20),asp=1)
#  abline(v=grid.xs,col='red',lwd=0.5)
#  abline(h=grid.ys,col='red',lwd=0.5)

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  ## initilize a list to hold all the shifts in each grid over every image sequence pair
#  shift.list <- list()
#  ## loop over all the images
#  ii=1
#  while(ii<length(img.files)) {
#      ## Read in the current 2 images
# <- readJPEG(paste(img.dir,img.files[ii],sep=''))
# <- readJPEG(paste(img.dir,img.files[ii+1],sep=''))
#      ## rotate them 90 degrees clockwise
#      img1 <- t(apply(,2,rev))
#      img2 <- t(apply(,2,rev))
#      ## what are the image dimensions
#      xdim <- nrow(img1)
#      ydim <- ncol(img1)
#      ### discritize the grid.
#      num.xgrid = 25
#      num.ygrid = 20
#      ## find the grid xs and ys
#      grid.xs <- seq(1,xdim,length.out=num.xgrid+1)
#      grid.ys <- seq(1,ydim,length.out=num.ygrid+1)
#      ## create a matrix holding the x and y shifts and the correlation value for reach grid cell
#      ## columns are x grid location, y grid location, x shift, y shift, correlation value
#      shift.mat = matrix(NA,nrow=num.xgrid*num.ygrid,ncol=5)
#      ## loop over grid xs and ys to find the movement between frames in each grid cell
#      k=1
#      i=1
#      while(i<=num.ygrid) {
#          j=1
#          while(j<=num.xgrid) {
#              ## define the x and y indices for the current gridded region
#              x.inds <- grid.xs[j]:grid.xs[j+1]
#              y.inds <- grid.ys[i]:grid.ys[i+1]
#              ## find the cur grid for each image
#              cur.grid1 <- img1[x.inds,y.inds] - mean(img1[x.inds,y.inds])
#              cur.grid2 <- img2[x.inds,y.inds] - mean(img2[x.inds,y.inds])
#              ## sometimes it is helpful to window in on the gridded regions
#              wind.gaus = build.gaus(nrow(cur.grid1),ncol(cur.grid1),sig.x=10)
#              cur.grid1 = cur.grid1*wind.gaus
#              cur.grid2 = cur.grid2*wind.gaus
#              ## track the movement between grids using the CROSS correlation function
#              cur.corr <- xcorr3d(cur.grid1,cur.grid2)
#              ## OR track the movement using the PHASE correlation function
#              ##cur.corr <- pcorr3d(cur.grid1,cur.grid2)
#              ## save the current current correlation components to the shift matrix
#              shift.mat[k,] <- c(mean(x.inds),mean(y.inds),cur.corr$max.shifts,cur.corr$max.corr)
#              k=k+1
#              j=j+1
#          }
#          i=i+1
#      }
#      ## save the shift matrix in the shift list
#      shift.list[[ii]] <- shift.mat
#      ii=ii+1
#  }

## ----fig.width=7,fig.height=5,eval=FALSE---------------------------------
#  ## convert each matix in the shift list into a data frame
#  shift.list <- lapply(shift.list,
#  ## create a matrix of all the shift values in each list element
#  all.shift.xs <- matrix(unlist(lapply(shift.list, "[", 3)),nrow=num.xgrid*num.ygrid)
#  all.shift.ys <- matrix(unlist(lapply(shift.list, "[", 4)),nrow=num.xgrid*num.ygrid)
#  ## take the row averages for all the shifts in the x and y direction
#  avg.shift.xs <- rowMeans(all.shift.xs)
#  avg.shift.ys <- rowMeans(all.shift.ys)
#  ## take the x and y grid locations from an example shift element
#  avg.xs = shift.list[[1]][,1]
#  avg.ys = shift.list[[1]][,2]
#  ## find the shifts that are greater than some minimum tolerance
#  ## this is to avoid warnings when plotting arrows later on
#  pos.shift.inds <- which(abs(avg.shift.xs) > 0.1 | abs(avg.shift.ys) > 0.1)
#  ## limit the average shift xs, ys, and x and y locations to the positive indices
#  pos.shift.xs <- avg.shift.xs[pos.shift.inds]
#  pos.shift.ys <- avg.shift.ys[pos.shift.inds]
#  pos.xs <- avg.xs[pos.shift.inds]
#  pos.ys <- avg.ys[pos.shift.inds]
#  ## what are the useres margins
#  ## set the margins for this particular plot
#  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
#  ## plot an example image
#  image(1:xdim,1:ydim,img1,col=gray.colors(20),useRaster=TRUE,asp=1,axes=FALSE,xlab='',ylab='')
#  ## return the margins to the users original values
#  par(
#  ## define how to scale the arrows (for easier visualization)
#  arrow.scale = 5
#  ## define the arrow locations
#  x0=pos.xs
#  y0=pos.ys
#  x1=x0+(pos.shift.xs * arrow.scale)
#  y1=y0+(pos.shift.ys * arrow.scale)
#  ## plot the motion indicating the average shift between frames
#  arrows(x0=x0,y0=y0,x1=x1,y1=y1,length=0.05,lwd=2,angle=25,col='gray30')
#  arrows(x0=x0,y0=y0,x1=x1,y1=y1,length=0.05,lwd=1,angle=25,col='red')

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imagefx documentation built on Feb. 14, 2020, 1:07 a.m.