
Defines functions is_script

#' Determine if File is an R Script.
#' Given an import source, this function will infer whether it is a script (as
#' opposed to a package). It will be treated as a file if there exists a file
#' with the provided name, and it ends in .R or .r.
#' @param file_name The name of a possible R script file.
#' @return A logical indicating whether `file_name` is a script (as opposed to a
#'   package).
#' @md
#' @noRd
is_script <- function(file_name, .directory)
  is.character(file_name) &&
  is.character(.directory) &&
  length(file_name) == 1L &&
  isTRUE(grepl(".+\\.[rR]$", file_name)) &&

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

import documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:22 a.m.