
#' \code{summaryTable}
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{The summary statistics are computed in
#' \code{\link{computeSummaryStatisticsTable}},
#' which creates a \code{summaryTable} object.}
#' \item{This object is exported to diverse formats via 
#' \code{\link{export}}}
#' }
#' Multiple \code{summaryTable} objects are combined
#' together with \code{\link{combine.summaryTable}}.
#' The \code{summaryTable} is an intermediary 
#' object of the package. 
#' This contains the summary statistics as data.frame.
#' This object contains:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{the row and column variable(s)}
#' \item{the computed statistic(s): }{\cr
#' If \code{type} is:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'summaryTable': }{
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'statN': }{number of subjects}
#' \item{'statMean': }{mean of \code{var}}
#' \item{'statSD': }{standard deviation of \code{var}}
#' \item{'statSE': }{standard error of \code{var}}
#' \item{'statMedian': }{median of \code{var}}
#' \item{'statMin': }{minimum of \code{var}}
#' \item{'statMax': }{maximum of \code{var}}
#' \item{'statPerc': }{percentage of subjects}
#' \item{'statPercTotalN': }{total number of subjects based on \code{dataTotalPerc},
#' denominator of \code{statPerc}}
#' \item{'statm': }{number of records}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{'countTable': }{
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'statN': }{number of subjects}
#' \item{'statPercN' (or 'statPercm'): }{percentage of subjects
#' (or records depending on \code{statsPerc})}
#' \item{'statPercTotalN' (or 'statPercTotalm'): }{total number of 
#' subjects (or records) based on \code{dataTotalPerc}, and used as
#' denominator of \code{statPercN} (or 'statPercm')}
#' \item{'statm': }{number of records}
#' }}}
#' }
#' \item{computed statistics.\cr
#' The statistics are stored in columns corresponding
#' to names of the \code{statsVar}.\cr
#' If the specified statistics are not named and of length
#' 1, the statistics are stored in a column called: 'Statistic'.}
#' \item{variables: }{
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'variable': }{variable name in case \code{var} is of length > 1}
#' \item{'variableGroup': }{in case \code{var} is of length > 1 and for variable(s) used for count:
#' elements of the variable}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{'isTotal': }{variable with logical flag, TRUE if the record contain the total by column}
#' }
#' Additionally, the output contains an extra attribute
#' 'summaryTable', which is a list composed of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'statsVar': }{column name(s) of summary table with computed statistics
#' included in the final table}
#' \item{'rowVar': }{column name(s) of summary table with row variable
#' included in the final table. This parameter should be mainly used for qualitative variables and 'nests' together different rows in the final output table.}
#' \item{'rowVarLab': }{labels corresponding to the 'rowVar' attribute}
#' \item{'rowVarTotalInclude': }{row variables whose total will be included:
#' \code{rowVarTotalInclude} and 'variableGroup' if the variable total should be included}
#' \item{'rowVarTotalInSepRow': }{row variables whose total will be included in a separated row:
#' \code{rowVarTotalInSepRow} and 'variableGroup' if \code{varTotalInSepRow}}
#' \item{'colVar': }{column name(s) of summary table with column variable
#' included in the final table}
#' \item{'colTotalLab': }{label for the total}
#' } 
#' @name summaryTable
#' @return Not relevant

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inTextSummaryTable documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 5:06 p.m.