Man pages for inferr
Inferential Statistics

examDummy data set for Cochran's Q test
hsbHigh School and Beyond Data Set
infer_binom_calcBinomial Test
infer_chisq_assoc_testChi Square Test of Association
infer_chisq_gof_testChi Square Goodness of Fit Test
infer_cochran_qtestCochran Q Test
infer_launch_shiny_appLaunch Shiny App
infer_levene_testLevene's test for equality of variances
infer_mcnemar_testMcNemar Test
infer_oneway_anovaOne Way ANOVA
infer_os_prop_testOne Sample Test of Proportion
infer_os_t_testOne Sample t Test
infer_os_var_testOne Sample Variance Comparison Test
inferr'inferr' package
infer_runs_testTest for Random Order
infer_ts_ind_ttestTwo Independent Sample t Test
infer_ts_paired_ttestPaired t test
infer_ts_prop_testTwo Sample Test of Proportion
infer_ts_var_testTwo Sample Variance Comparison Test
treatmentDummy data set for 2 Sample Proportion test
treatment2Dummy data set for 2 Sample Proportion test
inferr documentation built on May 29, 2021, 1:07 a.m.