
Defines functions get_last_release

Documented in get_last_release

#' Get the datasets released in the last 30 days
#' @return a tibble with the data
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'last_release = get_last_release()
#' }
#' @export
get_last_release = function(){

  insee_last_release_link = Sys.getenv("INSEE_last_release_link")

  insee_data_dir = tempdir()

  file_cache = file.path(insee_data_dir, paste0(openssl::md5(insee_last_release_link), ".rds"))

    option_mode = Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_option_mode")
    option_method = Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_option_method")
    option_port = Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_option_port")
    option_extra = Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_option_extra")
    option_proxy = Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_option_proxy")
    option_auth = Sys.getenv("INSEE_download_option_auth")
    if(option_extra == ""){
      response = httr::GET(insee_last_release_link)
      proxy = httr::use_proxy(url = option_proxy,
                              port = as.numeric(option_port),
                              auth = option_auth)
      response = httr::GET(url = insee_last_release_link,
                           config = proxy)

    data_xml = xml2::read_xml(response)
    data_list = xml2::as_list(data_xml)
    data_item = data_list$rss$channel


      list_item = which(names(data_item) == "item")

      if(length(list_item) > 0){

        list_df = lapply(list_item, function(item){
            title = if_null_na(data_item[[item]]$title[[1]]),
            link = if_null_na(data_item[[item]]$link[[1]]),
            description = if_null_na(data_item[[item]]$description[[1]]),
            guid = if_null_na(data_item[[item]]$guid[[1]]),
            pubDate = if_null_na(data_item[[item]]$pubDate[[1]]),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        extract_dataset = function(x){
          str_start = stringr::str_locate(x, "\\[")[[1]] + 1
          str_end = stringr::str_locate(x, "\\]")[[1]] - 1
          if(!is.na(str_start) & !is.na(str_end)){
            x = substr(x, str_start, str_end)

        data_final = tibble::as_tibble(dplyr::bind_rows(list_df))

        if("title" %in% names(data_final)){
          data_final = dplyr::mutate(.data = data_final,
                                     dataset = purrr::map_chr(.data$title, extract_dataset))

        saveRDS(data_final, file = file_cache)

        data_final = NULL
      data_final = NULL
    data_final = readRDS(file_cache)


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

insee documentation built on Sept. 18, 2022, 1:08 a.m.