Man pages for inspectr
Perform Basic Checks of Dataframes

character_blanks_checkCheck whether all values are either character strings. Blanks...
character_checkCheck whether all values are character strings or blanks...
col_checkCheck a single column for data fidelity.
datasetDemonstration data created to resemble data collected from an...
date_checkCheck whether all values fall within a date range. NA values...
greater_thanCheck whether values in column one are greater than their...
greater_than_equaltoCheck whether values in column one are greater than or equal...
inspectrinspectr: A package for performing fidelity checks on messy...
less_thanCheck whether values in column one are less than their...
less_than_equaltoCheck whether values in column one are less than or equal to...
numeric_checkCheck whether all values are numeric.
three_col_checkCheck a column for data fidelity using criteria related to...
two_col_checkCheck a column for data fidelity using criteria related to a...
val_checkCheck whether all values in the column fall within a set of...
inspectr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:15 a.m.