inspectr: inspectr: A package for performing fidelity checks on messy...

Description Column check functions Basic fidelity checks


The inspectr package contains two classes of functions: column checks and basic fidelity checks.

Column check functions

These are the basic functions used to perform checks. Each function checks one column for data fidelity, and functions exist to check that column against one or two additional columns. A data frame and a column name (or names) go in; a filtered set of records exhibiting issues comes out (either as a dataframe or as an .xlsx document - your choice!)

Basic fidelity checks

These functions are designed to be used with the column check functions. They perform basic checks on the data, like ensuring that all data in a column are of the same type or ensuring that all values in column 1 are less than their corresponding values in column 2.

inspectr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:15 a.m.