Man pages for insurancerating
Analytic Insurance Rating Techniques

add_predictionAdd predictions to a data frame
autoplot.bootstrap_rmseAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.check_residualsAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.constructtariffclassesAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.fitgamAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.restrictedAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.riskfactorAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.smoothAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.truncated_distAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
autoplot.univariateAutomatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from...
biggest_referenceSet reference group to the group with largest exposure
bootstrap_rmseBootstrapped RMSE
check_overdispersionCheck overdispersion of Poisson GLM
check_residualsCheck model residuals
construct_model_pointsConstruct model points from Generalized Linear Model
construct_tariff_classesConstruct insurance tariff classes
fisherFisher's natural breaks classification
fit_gamGeneralized additive model
fit_truncated_distFit a distribution to truncated severity (loss) data
histbinCreate a histogram with outlier bins
model_dataGet model data
model_performancePerformance of fitted GLMs
MTPLCharacteristics of 30,000 policyholders in a Motor Third...
MTPL2Characteristics of 3,000 policyholders in a Motor Third Party...
period_to_monthsSplit period to months
rating_factorsInclude reference group in regression output
rating_factors1Include reference group in regression output
reduceReduce portfolio by merging redundant date ranges
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
refit_glmRefitting Generalized Linear Models
restrict_coefRestrict coefficients in the model
rgammatGenerate data from truncated gamma distribution
rlnormtGenerate data from truncated lognormal distribution
rmseRoot Mean Squared Error
rows_per_dateFind active rows per date
smooth_coefSmooth coefficients in the model
summary.reduceAutomatically create a summary for objects obtained from...
univariateUnivariate analysis for discrete risk factors
update_formula_addCreate new offset-term and new formula
update_glmRefitting Generalized Linear Models
insurancerating documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:53 a.m.