
Defines functions dumpAttr.igraph dumpAttr.network dumpAttr

Documented in dumpAttr dumpAttr.igraph dumpAttr.network

#' Dump network attributes to a list
#' Given a network return a list of all the attributes.
#' @aliases dumpAttr dumpAttr.network dumpAttr.igraph
#' @param x network object
#' @param type character, type of attributes to dump
#' @param \dots other arguments from/to other methods
#' @return If \code{type} is one of "network", "vertex" or "edge" then a list of
#' corresponding attributes.
#' If \code{type} is "all" then lists of lists of attributes.
#' @export
#' @example examples/dumpAttr.R

dumpAttr <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("dumpAttr")

#' @method dumpAttr network
#' @export
#' @rdname dumpAttr
dumpAttr.network <- function(x, type=c("all", "network", "vertex", "edge"), ...)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if(type == "all")
		n <- c("network", "vertex", "edge")
		rval <- lapply( n, function(nam) dumpAttr(x, type=nam))
		names(rval) <- n
	} else
		type <- match.arg(type)
		nam <- switch(type,
		network = network::list.network.attributes(x),
		edge = network::list.edge.attributes(x),
		vertex = network::list.vertex.attributes(x) )
		rval <- switch( type,
		network = lapply( nam, function(a) network::get.network.attribute(x, a)),
		edge = lapply( nam, function(a) network::get.edge.attribute(x$mel, a)),
		vertex = lapply( nam, function(a) network::get.vertex.attribute(x, a)) )
		names(rval) <- nam

#' @method dumpAttr igraph
#' @export
#' @rdname dumpAttr
dumpAttr.igraph <- function(x, type=c("all", "network", "vertex", "edge"), ...)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if(type == "all")
		n <- c("network", "vertex", "edge")
		rval <- lapply( n, function(nam) dumpAttr(x, type=nam))
		names(rval) <- n
	} else
		nams <- switch( type,
			network = igraph::graph_attr_names(x),
			edge = igraph::edge_attr_names(x),
			vertex = igraph::vertex_attr_names(x) )
		rval <- switch( type,
			network = lapply( nams, function(a) igraph::graph_attr(x, a) ),
			edge = lapply( nams, function(a) igraph::edge_attr(x, a) ),
			vertex = lapply( nams, function(a) igraph::vertex_attr(x, a) ) )
		names(rval) <- nams

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intergraph documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:22 a.m.