
#' Water use efficiency in 15 potato genotypes
#' Experiment to evaluate the physiological response from 15 potatos genotypes
#' under water deficit condition. The experiment had a randomized complete block
#' design with five replications. The stress started at 30 day after planting.
#' @format A data frame with 150 rows and 17 variables: 
#' \describe{
#'   \item{treat}{Water deficit treatments: sequia, irrigado}
#'   \item{geno}{15 potato genotypes}
#'   \item{bloque}{blocks for the experimentl design}
#'   \item{spad_29}{Relative chlorophyll content (SPAD) at 29 day after planting}
#'   \item{spad_83}{Relative chlorophyll content (SPAD) at 84 day after planting}
#'   \item{rwc_84}{Relative water content (percentage) at 84 day after planting}
#'   \item{op_84}{Osmotic potential (Mpa) at 84 day after planting }
#'   \item{leafdw}{leaf dry weight (g)}
#'   \item{stemdw}{stem dry weight (g)}
#'   \item{rootdw}{root dry weight (g)}
#'   \item{tubdw}{tuber dry weight (g)}
#'   \item{biomdw}{total biomass dry weight (g)}
#'   \item{hi}{harvest index}
#'   \item{ttrans}{total transpiration (l)}     
#'   \item{wue}{water use effiency (g/l)} 
#'   \item{twue}{tuber water use effiency (g/l)} 
#'   \item{lfa}{leaf area (cm2)}  
#'   }


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