CORElearn: Interfaces for CORElearn package for data science pipelines.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples


Interfaces to CORElearn functions that can be used in a pipeline implemented by magrittr.





data frame, tibble, list, ...


Other arguments passed to the corresponding interfaced function.


Interfaces call their corresponding interfaced function.


Object returned by interfaced function.


Roberto Bertolusso


## Not run: 

## ntbt_attrEval: Attribute evaluation
## Original function to interface
attrEval(Species ~ ., iris, estimator = "ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations = 30)

## The interface puts data as first parameter
ntbt_attrEval(iris, Species ~ ., estimator = "ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations = 30)

## so it can be used easily in a pipeline.
iris %>%
  ntbt_attrEval(Species ~ ., estimator = "ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations = 30)

## ntbt_CoreModel: Build a classification or regression model
trainIdxs <- sample(x=nrow(iris), size=0.7*nrow(iris), replace=FALSE)
testIdxs <- c(1:nrow(iris))[-trainIdxs]

## Original function to interface
CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[trainIdxs,], model = "rf",
          selectionEstimator = "MDL", minNodeWeightRF = 5,
          rfNoTrees = 100, maxThreads = 1)

## The interface puts data as first parameter
ntbt_CoreModel(iris[trainIdxs,], Species ~ ., model = "rf",
               selectionEstimator = "MDL", minNodeWeightRF = 5,
               rfNoTrees = 100, maxThreads = 1)

## so it can be used easily in a pipeline.
iris[trainIdxs,] %>%
  ntbt_CoreModel(Species ~ ., model = "rf",
                 selectionEstimator = "MDL", minNodeWeightRF = 5,
                 rfNoTrees = 100, maxThreads = 1)

## ntbt_discretize: Discretization of numeric attributes
## Original function to interface
discretize(Species ~ ., iris, method = "greedy", estimator = "ReliefFexpRank")

## The interface puts data as first parameter
ntbt_discretize(iris, Species ~ ., method = "greedy", estimator = "ReliefFexpRank")

## so it can be used easily in a pipeline.
iris %>%
  ntbt_discretize(Species ~ ., method = "greedy", estimator = "ReliefFexpRank")

## ntbt_ordEval: Evaluation of ordered attributes
dat <- ordDataGen(200)

## Original function to interface
ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100)

## The interface puts data as first parameter
ntbt_ordEval(dat, class ~ ., ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100)

## so it can be used easily in a pipeline.
dat %>%
  ntbt_ordEval(class ~ ., ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100)

## End(Not run)

Example output

Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
   0.2684210    0.1883038    0.6522994    0.6208357 
Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
  0.24451085   0.09091832   0.64726193   0.60511665 
Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width 
   0.2486348    0.1420027    0.6924453    0.7029100 
[1] 0

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 

[1] "rf"

Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
<environment: 0x2a73948>

[1] 3


    setosa versicolor  virginica 
 0.3142857  0.3714286  0.3142857 

[1] 0

[1] 4

[1] 1

[1] "Species"

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 

[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" 

[1] 1

[1] 2 3 4 5


[1] "CoreModel"
[1] 1

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 

[1] "rf"

Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
<environment: 0x30cd498>

[1] 3


    setosa versicolor  virginica 
 0.3142857  0.3714286  0.3142857 

[1] 0

[1] 4

[1] 1

[1] "Species"

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 

[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" 

[1] 1

[1] 2 3 4 5


[1] "CoreModel"
[1] 2

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 

[1] "rf"

Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
<environment: 0x38e46e8>

[1] 3


    setosa versicolor  virginica 
 0.3142857  0.3714286  0.3142857 

[1] 0

[1] 4

[1] 1

[1] "Species"

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 

[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" 

[1] 1

[1] 2 3 4 5


[1] "CoreModel"
[1] 5.55

[1] 3.05

[1] 2.45 4.75

[1] 0.80 1.75

[1] 5.55

[1] 3.05

[1] 2.45 4.75

[1] 0.80 1.75

[1] 5.55

[1] 3.05

[1] 2.45 4.75

[1] 0.80 1.75

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4062500 0.4651163 0.5675676 0.6022099
Pstrong  0 0.3750000 0.8431373 0.8154762 0.6064516
Bweak    0 0.2589286 0.3703704 0.4275362 0.3736264
Bstrong  0 0.2323232 0.3500000 0.4605263 0.5157895
Eweak    0 0.4107143 0.3283582 0.3537415 0.3204420
Estrong  0 0.3703704 0.3000000 0.2657343 0.7005076
Iuniform 0 0.3295455 0.3524590 0.3766234 0.3149171
Inormal  0 0.3333333 0.3703704 0.3585657 0.3333333

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.5409836 0.4054054 0.4965035 0.5061728 0
Pstrong  0.5347594 0.8992806 0.7113402 0.4269663 0
Bweak    0.2616822 0.4078947 0.3723404 0.3015873 0
Bstrong  0.2243902 0.4390244 0.5887850 0.4505495 0
Eweak    0.3403141 0.2881356 0.3409091 0.2763158 0
Estrong  0.3221154 0.2947977 0.4464286 0.7294118 0
Iuniform 0.2985782 0.2765957 0.3333333 0.1967213 0
Inormal  0.3448276 0.3180077 0.3266667 0.3846154 0

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.4910180 0.4843750 0.3697479 0.2762431 0.3684211
Pstrong  0.4304933 0.5351351 0.4122137 0.5067265 0.4731707
Bweak    0.3007519 0.3589744 0.3690476 0.3522013 0.3191489
Bstrong  0.3658537 0.4574468 0.2760736 0.3553299 0.3000000
Eweak    0.3537118 0.3466667 0.2826087 0.3671498 0.2661871
Estrong  0.2424242 0.2840909 0.3596491 0.3148148 0.5792350
Iuniform 0.3157895 0.2923977 0.2325581 0.4432432 0.3540670
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3057554 0.3783784 0.3584071 0.2000000

          1  2  3  4  5
Pweak    35 34 51 41 39
Pstrong  41 42 33 48 36
Bweak    48 42 37 36 37
Bstrong  41 41 39 44 35
Eweak    42 38 45 43 32
Estrong  34 43 46 39 38
Iuniform 42 40 39 40 39
Inormal   6 56 82 49  7

Pweak    0.5344828
Pstrong  0.6775432
Bweak    0.3629630
Bstrong  0.4153298
Eweak    0.3484321
Estrong  0.4473198
Iuniform 0.3431193
Inormal  0.3589251

Pweak    0.4882883
Pstrong  0.6484375
Bweak    0.3288719
Bstrong  0.3878327
Eweak    0.3191489
Estrong  0.3979239
Iuniform 0.2868369
Inormal  0.3257261

Pweak    0.3889491
Pstrong  0.4746639
Bweak    0.3351121
Bstrong  0.3548740
Eweak    0.3278328
Estrong  0.3643587
Iuniform 0.3298097
Inormal  0.3510532

Pweak    200
Pstrong  200
Bweak    200
Bstrong  200
Eweak    200
Estrong  200
Iuniform 200
Inormal  200

, , median

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3277275 0.3315785 0.3259666 0.3354795
Pstrong  0 0.3333333 0.3218862 0.3390781 0.3327566
Bweak    0 0.3119633 0.3362733 0.3318956 0.3354432
Bstrong  0 0.3293297 0.3445195 0.3327444 0.3298230
Eweak    0 0.3193174 0.3267460 0.3339394 0.3276560
Estrong  0 0.3333333 0.3226023 0.3264009 0.3290952
Iuniform 0 0.3485759 0.3385429 0.3299679 0.3275386
Inormal  0 0.3750000 0.3272539 0.3384831 0.3134328

, , Q1

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.2790698 0.3114754 0.3039648 0.3122924
Pstrong  0 0.2900000 0.2877698 0.3107143 0.2931034
Bweak    0 0.2719298 0.3113772 0.2956522 0.3151125
Bstrong  0 0.2978723 0.3062500 0.3076923 0.3049645
Eweak    0 0.2823529 0.2977528 0.3014706 0.3068182
Estrong  0 0.2857143 0.2983425 0.2881356 0.3043478
Iuniform 0 0.2941176 0.3101266 0.2995781 0.3051948
Inormal  0 0.2500000 0.3022388 0.2994505 0.2686567

, , Q3

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3773585 0.3647059 0.3559322 0.3618421
Pstrong  0 0.3882353 0.3636364 0.3610108 0.3580645
Bweak    0 0.3655914 0.3668639 0.3663793 0.3626761
Bstrong  0 0.3750000 0.3652695 0.3576923 0.3600000
Eweak    0 0.3731343 0.3636364 0.3589744 0.3566176
Estrong  0 0.3670886 0.3707865 0.3534483 0.3548387
Iuniform 0 0.3734940 0.3773585 0.3662551 0.3633441
Inormal  0 0.4375000 0.3537906 0.3602151 0.3731343

, , lowPercentile

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.2063492 0.2486188 0.2615385 0.2653722
Pstrong  0 0.2142857 0.2450331 0.2587413 0.2601351
Bweak    0 0.1962617 0.2582418 0.2500000 0.2645161
Bstrong  0 0.2210526 0.2443182 0.2716981 0.2676580
Eweak    0 0.1780822 0.2336957 0.2664234 0.2695312
Estrong  0 0.2253521 0.2426036 0.2599119 0.2662338
Iuniform 0 0.2386364 0.2470588 0.2478992 0.2523962
Inormal  0 0.1176471 0.2552301 0.2492837 0.1594203

, , highPercentile

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4827586 0.4222222 0.4242424 0.4044586
Pstrong  0 0.4673913 0.4353741 0.3916350 0.4098361
Bweak    0 0.4259259 0.4096386 0.4241071 0.3967213
Bstrong  0 0.4615385 0.4096386 0.3953488 0.4022556
Eweak    0 0.4342105 0.4228571 0.4013841 0.4258555
Estrong  0 0.4366197 0.4245810 0.4049587 0.3838384
Iuniform 0 0.4725275 0.4569536 0.4210526 0.4171975
Inormal  0 0.6000000 0.3975904 0.4028986 0.4545455

, , mean

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3318993 0.3360006 0.3321483 0.3368137
Pstrong  0 0.3385055 0.3302317 0.3356195 0.3309891
Bweak    0 0.3170706 0.3367201 0.3324477 0.3358124
Bstrong  0 0.3326666 0.3370354 0.3324032 0.3323980
Eweak    0 0.3233719 0.3284982 0.3322899 0.3318949
Estrong  0 0.3307765 0.3325291 0.3252306 0.3270820
Iuniform 0 0.3399741 0.3404074 0.3334747 0.3320989
Inormal  0 0.3528436 0.3280662 0.3325999 0.3122757

, , stdDev

         1          2          3          4          5
Pweak    0 0.07397740 0.04354627 0.04131483 0.03597573
Pstrong  0 0.07143097 0.05644457 0.03688732 0.04200343
Bweak    0 0.06176845 0.04409364 0.04768617 0.03733510
Bstrong  0 0.06001418 0.04433523 0.03721060 0.03768086
Eweak    0 0.06851137 0.05172873 0.03909947 0.04087435
Estrong  0 0.05717472 0.05306914 0.04292500 0.03523735
Iuniform 0 0.06263892 0.05304620 0.04583705 0.04641560
Inormal  0 0.13024461 0.03966944 0.04148361 0.08152487

, , p-value

                1          2         3          4         5
Pweak    0.990099 0.19801980 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
Pstrong  0.990099 0.27722772 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
Bweak    0.990099 0.84158416 0.2277228 0.03960396 0.1584158
Bstrong  0.990099 0.93069307 0.4554455 0.00000000 0.0000000
Eweak    0.990099 0.08910891 0.4950495 0.29702970 0.5940594
Estrong  0.990099 0.22772277 0.7425743 0.91089109 0.0000000
Iuniform 0.990099 0.58415842 0.4059406 0.17821782 0.6633663
Inormal  0.990099 0.59405941 0.1683168 0.28712871 0.3960396

, , exp

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4882353 0.5211708 0.5296748 0.6346552
Pstrong  0 0.3565621 0.7466229 0.8180675 0.7332317
Bweak    0 0.3308532 0.4486486 0.5573053 0.3962859
Bstrong  0 0.3176681 0.3683552 0.5381292 0.4536797
Eweak    0 0.5075188 0.4102778 0.4922791 0.4029018
Estrong  0 0.4069767 0.4045737 0.4083802 0.7113385
Iuniform 0 0.3726190 0.4262039 0.4369835 0.3827043
Inormal  0 0.2976190 0.3929976 0.4134070 0.3997039

, , median

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3115148 0.2993232 0.3015557 0.3124707 0
Pstrong  0.3079247 0.2978291 0.3018004 0.2881226 0
Bweak    0.3010753 0.3039725 0.3024152 0.3006849 0
Bstrong  0.3023617 0.3093695 0.2993414 0.2981481 0
Eweak    0.3014925 0.2978685 0.2994253 0.3053997 0
Estrong  0.2941176 0.2990725 0.2968272 0.2953232 0
Iuniform 0.3052370 0.2983615 0.3031281 0.3007937 0
Inormal  0.3130672 0.2969782 0.3031109 0.2631579 0

, , Q1

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2775920 0.2743363 0.2707424 0.2580645 0
Pstrong  0.2768730 0.2754717 0.2802548 0.2471910 0
Bweak    0.2729730 0.2765957 0.2681159 0.2750000 0
Bstrong  0.2737752 0.2798354 0.2777778 0.2625000 0
Eweak    0.2710843 0.2683983 0.2682927 0.2580645 0
Estrong  0.2695035 0.2730627 0.2727273 0.2625000 0
Iuniform 0.2742857 0.2734694 0.2617450 0.2580645 0
Inormal  0.2542373 0.2777778 0.2655602 0.1666667 0

, , Q3

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3421927 0.3288288 0.3349057 0.3552632 0
Pstrong  0.3322368 0.3292181 0.3359375 0.3484848 0
Bweak    0.3263158 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3461538 0
Bstrong  0.3250774 0.3390558 0.3309859 0.3384615 0
Eweak    0.3274336 0.3364055 0.3372093 0.3484848 0
Estrong  0.3217993 0.3269231 0.3251534 0.3333333 0
Iuniform 0.3372781 0.3240000 0.3380282 0.3703704 0
Inormal  0.3620690 0.3200000 0.3333333 0.3529412 0

, , lowPercentile

                 1         2         3          4 5
Pweak    0.2341137 0.2522523 0.2409091 0.18032787 0
Pstrong  0.2253086 0.2460317 0.2323944 0.19354839 0
Bweak    0.2318059 0.2282158 0.2265625 0.17567568 0
Bstrong  0.2385321 0.2467532 0.2341772 0.18461538 0
Eweak    0.2212121 0.2252252 0.2134831 0.20224719 0
Estrong  0.2302158 0.2259259 0.2134146 0.22368421 0
Iuniform 0.2385321 0.2310924 0.2052980 0.19512195 0
Inormal  0.1500000 0.2313625 0.2137097 0.05555556 0

, , highPercentile

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3918919 0.3744292 0.3756614 0.4352941 0
Pstrong  0.3916914 0.3846154 0.4015152 0.4285714 0
Bweak    0.3701657 0.3772727 0.3968254 0.4237288 0
Bstrong  0.3641791 0.3760331 0.3975155 0.4342105 0
Eweak    0.3666667 0.3750000 0.3974359 0.4390244 0
Estrong  0.3780919 0.3726236 0.3730570 0.4078947 0
Iuniform 0.3779762 0.3744681 0.3961039 0.4531250 0
Inormal  0.4727273 0.3544974 0.3811475 0.5000000 0

, , mean

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3102622 0.3024370 0.3029277 0.3088174 0
Pstrong  0.3066653 0.3037070 0.3075857 0.2969986 0
Bweak    0.3004611 0.3044832 0.3015667 0.3028609 0
Bstrong  0.3000632 0.3093474 0.3057160 0.2994450 0
Eweak    0.2979085 0.3011560 0.3030172 0.3063893 0
Estrong  0.2966171 0.3003106 0.2943110 0.3003570 0
Iuniform 0.3062411 0.2978367 0.3024104 0.3114032 0
Inormal  0.3087555 0.2969535 0.3008102 0.2637346 0

, , stdDev

                  1          2          3          4 5
Pweak    0.04318786 0.03513017 0.04000313 0.06624351 0
Pstrong  0.04285611 0.03769522 0.04475191 0.06456908 0
Bweak    0.03696391 0.04010602 0.04637674 0.06372040 0
Bstrong  0.03597491 0.03921693 0.04378886 0.06433299 0
Eweak    0.03816694 0.04391292 0.04686746 0.06344240 0
Estrong  0.03877399 0.03800644 0.04204966 0.05224890 0
Iuniform 0.04026910 0.03746602 0.05446535 0.07435986 0
Inormal  0.08506901 0.03349923 0.04764258 0.12657323 0

, , p-value

                 1         2          3          4        5
Pweak    0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.990099
Pstrong  0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.04950495 0.990099
Bweak    0.8415842 0.0000000 0.05940594 0.49504950 0.990099
Bstrong  1.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.01980198 0.990099
Eweak    0.1089109 0.5940594 0.22772277 0.63366337 0.990099
Estrong  0.2475248 0.5643564 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.990099
Iuniform 0.5643564 0.7227723 0.29702970 0.96039604 0.990099
Inormal  0.3663366 0.2772277 0.33663366 0.18811881 0.990099

, , exp

         1          2          3         4 5
Pweak    0 0.07588684 0.24534314 0.8680425 0
Pstrong  0 0.10256410 0.08802309 0.2216435 0
Bweak    0 0.20476190 0.43465383 0.8783784 0
Bstrong  0 0.17238528 0.45245050 0.9357143 0
Eweak    0 0.10460526 0.41511111 1.2303779 0
Estrong  0 0.10455663 0.38989272 1.2408907 0
Iuniform 0 0.15275424 0.38851022 1.1615385 0
Inormal  0 0.02199793 0.45187282 8.0816327 0

, , median

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3682648 0.3559908 0.3616203 0.3618182 0.3741667
Pstrong  0.3716117 0.3540445 0.3729839 0.3568323 0.3725490
Bweak    0.3553012 0.3569794 0.3636364 0.3738897 0.3624094
Bstrong  0.3657225 0.3583602 0.3518184 0.3532383 0.3960299
Eweak    0.3654605 0.3566536 0.3626225 0.3603382 0.3623737
Estrong  0.3887928 0.3557310 0.3736819 0.3542486 0.3475242
Iuniform 0.3672414 0.3791012 0.3532715 0.3775009 0.3742470
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3612007 0.3569221 0.3614856 0.0000000

, , Q1

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3137255 0.2857143 0.3288591 0.3086420 0.3146067
Pstrong  0.3294118 0.3132530 0.3023256 0.3220339 0.3164557
Bweak    0.3217391 0.3076923 0.3050847 0.3166667 0.3157895
Bstrong  0.3170732 0.3068182 0.2888889 0.3131313 0.3239437
Eweak    0.3086420 0.3108108 0.3269231 0.3106796 0.3043478
Estrong  0.3333333 0.3137255 0.3365385 0.2959184 0.2878788
Iuniform 0.3333333 0.3176471 0.3088235 0.3076923 0.3230769
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3387097 0.3333333 0.3263889 0.0000000

, , Q3

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.4237288 0.4285714 0.3947368 0.4179104 0.4268293
Pstrong  0.4193548 0.3977273 0.4313725 0.3982301 0.4285714
Bweak    0.3984962 0.4186047 0.4285714 0.4155844 0.4074074
Bstrong  0.4239130 0.4200000 0.4038462 0.4000000 0.4444444
Eweak    0.4044944 0.4181818 0.4190476 0.4125000 0.4090909
Estrong  0.4444444 0.4065934 0.4134615 0.4202899 0.4084507
Iuniform 0.4183673 0.4239130 0.4084507 0.4215686 0.4428571
Inormal  0.5000000 0.3972603 0.3836858 0.4047619 0.5000000

, , lowPercentile

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.2500000 0.1923077 0.2602740 0.2500000 0.2280702
Pstrong  0.2526316 0.2318841 0.2083333 0.2547170 0.2352941
Bweak    0.2547170 0.2352941 0.2380952 0.2222222 0.2166667
Bstrong  0.2530120 0.2631579 0.2054795 0.2346939 0.2333333
Eweak    0.2592593 0.2602740 0.2613636 0.2105263 0.2105263
Estrong  0.2272727 0.2564103 0.2741935 0.2168675 0.2297297
Iuniform 0.2289157 0.2394366 0.2500000 0.2527473 0.2258065
Inormal  0.0000000 0.2569444 0.3024691 0.2568807 0.0000000

, , highPercentile

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.5277778 0.5507246 0.4857143 0.5108696 0.4769231
Pstrong  0.4867257 0.4705882 0.5116279 0.4956522 0.5208333
Bweak    0.4787234 0.5285714 0.5072464 0.5322581 0.5384615
Bstrong  0.5243902 0.5342466 0.4769231 0.4752475 0.5373134
Eweak    0.4772727 0.4821429 0.5094340 0.4946237 0.5576923
Estrong  0.5416667 0.4942529 0.5047619 0.5135135 0.5063291
Iuniform 0.4886364 0.5161290 0.5211268 0.5068493 0.5200000
Inormal  1.0000000 0.4648649 0.4342508 0.4876033 1.0000000

, , mean

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3716506 0.3628156 0.3643523 0.3634541 0.3672839
Pstrong  0.3709792 0.3550225 0.3648739 0.3622261 0.3743040
Bweak    0.3608652 0.3660393 0.3650199 0.3749898 0.3665915
Bstrong  0.3728439 0.3640921 0.3462230 0.3550689 0.3828273
Eweak    0.3630405 0.3639079 0.3731236 0.3628084 0.3629686
Estrong  0.3831884 0.3626341 0.3761254 0.3585779 0.3504226
Iuniform 0.3672334 0.3750545 0.3610229 0.3695977 0.3761368
Inormal  0.2521667 0.3656934 0.3608704 0.3655057 0.2788333

, , stdDev

                  1          2          3          4          5
Pweak    0.07949156 0.09686357 0.05683515 0.07344691 0.07129088
Pstrong  0.06287490 0.06351283 0.08475424 0.06623535 0.07916137
Bweak    0.05990889 0.08070323 0.07708144 0.08464424 0.07862672
Bstrong  0.07633143 0.07595307 0.08182926 0.06539859 0.09095232
Eweak    0.06314554 0.06598308 0.06772593 0.07445405 0.08687842
Estrong  0.08257138 0.06284312 0.06149568 0.08244744 0.07654104
Iuniform 0.07237888 0.08022435 0.07381862 0.07197650 0.07948341
Inormal  0.38099763 0.04991418 0.03790716 0.05895000 0.37652545

, , p-value

                 1         2         3          4         5
Pweak    0.0990099 0.0990099 0.4455446 0.90099010 0.5148515
Pstrong  0.1980198 0.0000000 0.2871287 0.02970297 0.1287129
Bweak    0.8613861 0.4950495 0.4653465 0.61386139 0.7425743
Bstrong  0.5049505 0.1287129 0.8217822 0.49504950 0.8217822
Eweak    0.5445545 0.5445545 0.9306931 0.47524752 0.8712871
Estrong  0.9405941 0.8811881 0.6039604 0.68316832 0.0000000
Iuniform 0.7821782 0.8316832 0.9900990 0.17821782 0.5940594
Inormal  0.9900990 0.8910891 0.3465347 0.52475248 0.4257426

, , exp

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3028571 0.2128028 0.2095348 0.2218917 0.2925707
Pstrong  0.3694230 0.3412698 0.2525253 0.3168403 0.3904321
Bweak    0.2152778 0.2154195 0.2037984 0.2608025 0.2096421
Bstrong  0.2052350 0.2528257 0.2281394 0.2334711 0.2375510
Eweak    0.2142857 0.2077562 0.2049383 0.2287723 0.2050781
Estrong  0.2214533 0.2212006 0.2126654 0.2084155 0.4127424
Iuniform 0.2210884 0.2087500 0.2176200 0.2300000 0.2018409
Inormal  0.2777778 0.2008929 0.2126710 0.2111620 0.4285714

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3351990 0.3182346 0.3488372     0.2920245      0.3750000 0.3347312
Pstrong  0.3339372 0.3155216 0.3469657     0.2950820      0.3734336 0.3331294
Bweak    0.3337367 0.3165829 0.3482143     0.2914072      0.3681592 0.3327428
Bstrong  0.3335271 0.3194103 0.3461092     0.2993939      0.3711340 0.3332651
Eweak    0.3273415 0.3161290 0.3456335     0.2903646      0.3764115 0.3304150
Estrong  0.3297492 0.3104738 0.3446970     0.2862319      0.3668790 0.3280641
Iuniform 0.3312380 0.3186275 0.3512195     0.2928661      0.3765281 0.3350461
Inormal  0.3316646 0.3143275 0.3467862     0.2771982      0.3724928 0.3297136
             stdDev    p-value exp
Pweak    0.02196575 0.00000000   0
Pstrong  0.02256841 0.00000000   0
Bweak    0.02301451 0.08910891   0
Bstrong  0.02012698 0.00000000   0
Eweak    0.02268867 0.19801980   0
Estrong  0.02305070 0.00000000   0
Iuniform 0.02272869 0.33663366   0
Inormal  0.02562530 0.10891089   0

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3073079 0.2892768 0.3174020     0.2724014      0.3514851 0.3059154
Pstrong  0.3034053 0.2873275 0.3199023     0.2651332      0.3458283 0.3047416
Bweak    0.3031665 0.2855297 0.3165195     0.2591716      0.3377563 0.3018170
Bstrong  0.3045654 0.2904459 0.3136247     0.2686946      0.3439803 0.3038922
Eweak    0.3013819 0.2862644 0.3169268     0.2569620      0.3426150 0.3007531
Estrong  0.2994664 0.2823834 0.3107417     0.2602906      0.3300371 0.2975910
Iuniform 0.2998081 0.2887768 0.3181226     0.2657767      0.3442211 0.3034611
Inormal  0.3010173 0.2813853 0.3169014     0.2568149      0.3357558 0.2984698
             stdDev   p-value exp
Pweak    0.02151925 0.0000000   0
Pstrong  0.02290706 0.0000000   0
Bweak    0.02316609 0.1386139   0
Bstrong  0.01891814 0.0000000   0
Eweak    0.02185216 0.2079208   0
Estrong  0.02032196 0.0000000   0
Iuniform 0.02208685 0.7920792   0
Inormal  0.02354582 0.1188119   0

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3688600 0.3413462 0.3877551     0.3135135      0.4162437 0.3655893
Pstrong  0.3652903 0.3452685 0.3831522     0.3193277      0.4182692 0.3653460
Bweak    0.3658844 0.3479381 0.3837838     0.3221649      0.4168798 0.3660197
Bstrong  0.3625985 0.3433584 0.3846154     0.3115942      0.4212963 0.3636707
Eweak    0.3639665 0.3466334 0.3830846     0.3274112      0.4173228 0.3663075
Estrong  0.3628207 0.3454545 0.3860590     0.3118280      0.4246575 0.3659407
Iuniform 0.3716981 0.3461538 0.3920455     0.3160622      0.4230769 0.3701016
Inormal  0.3620357 0.3449541 0.3777778     0.3265651      0.4119601 0.3631260
             stdDev   p-value exp
Pweak    0.02913877 0.2376238   0
Pstrong  0.02754165 0.0000000   0
Bweak    0.02575447 0.8811881   0
Bstrong  0.03008035 0.5841584   0
Eweak    0.02496972 0.9603960   0
Estrong  0.02901003 0.4851485   0
Iuniform 0.03108659 0.9009901   0
Inormal  0.02278554 0.6831683   0

[1] "Pweak"    "Pstrong"  "Bweak"    "Bstrong"  "Eweak"    "Estrong"  "Iuniform"
[8] "Inormal" 

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] 8

[1] 5

[1] "allNear"



class ~ Pweak + Pstrong + Bweak + Bstrong + Eweak + Estrong + 
    Iuniform + Inormal
<environment: 0x379b008>

[1] "ordEval"
         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4062500 0.4651163 0.5675676 0.6022099
Pstrong  0 0.3750000 0.8431373 0.8154762 0.6064516
Bweak    0 0.2589286 0.3703704 0.4275362 0.3736264
Bstrong  0 0.2323232 0.3500000 0.4605263 0.5157895
Eweak    0 0.4107143 0.3283582 0.3537415 0.3204420
Estrong  0 0.3703704 0.3000000 0.2657343 0.7005076
Iuniform 0 0.3295455 0.3524590 0.3766234 0.3149171
Inormal  0 0.3333333 0.3703704 0.3585657 0.3333333

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.5409836 0.4054054 0.4965035 0.5061728 0
Pstrong  0.5347594 0.8992806 0.7113402 0.4269663 0
Bweak    0.2616822 0.4078947 0.3723404 0.3015873 0
Bstrong  0.2243902 0.4390244 0.5887850 0.4505495 0
Eweak    0.3403141 0.2881356 0.3409091 0.2763158 0
Estrong  0.3221154 0.2947977 0.4464286 0.7294118 0
Iuniform 0.2985782 0.2765957 0.3333333 0.1967213 0
Inormal  0.3448276 0.3180077 0.3266667 0.3846154 0

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.4910180 0.4843750 0.3697479 0.2762431 0.3684211
Pstrong  0.4304933 0.5351351 0.4122137 0.5067265 0.4731707
Bweak    0.3007519 0.3589744 0.3690476 0.3522013 0.3191489
Bstrong  0.3658537 0.4574468 0.2760736 0.3553299 0.3000000
Eweak    0.3537118 0.3466667 0.2826087 0.3671498 0.2661871
Estrong  0.2424242 0.2840909 0.3596491 0.3148148 0.5792350
Iuniform 0.3157895 0.2923977 0.2325581 0.4432432 0.3540670
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3057554 0.3783784 0.3584071 0.2000000

          1  2  3  4  5
Pweak    35 34 51 41 39
Pstrong  41 42 33 48 36
Bweak    48 42 37 36 37
Bstrong  41 41 39 44 35
Eweak    42 38 45 43 32
Estrong  34 43 46 39 38
Iuniform 42 40 39 40 39
Inormal   6 56 82 49  7

Pweak    0.5344828
Pstrong  0.6775432
Bweak    0.3629630
Bstrong  0.4153298
Eweak    0.3484321
Estrong  0.4473198
Iuniform 0.3431193
Inormal  0.3589251

Pweak    0.4882883
Pstrong  0.6484375
Bweak    0.3288719
Bstrong  0.3878327
Eweak    0.3191489
Estrong  0.3979239
Iuniform 0.2868369
Inormal  0.3257261

Pweak    0.3889491
Pstrong  0.4746639
Bweak    0.3351121
Bstrong  0.3548740
Eweak    0.3278328
Estrong  0.3643587
Iuniform 0.3298097
Inormal  0.3510532

Pweak    200
Pstrong  200
Bweak    200
Bstrong  200
Eweak    200
Estrong  200
Iuniform 200
Inormal  200

, , median

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3076376 0.3424051 0.3301612 0.3260162
Pstrong  0 0.3297212 0.3298705 0.3339141 0.3327796
Bweak    0 0.3333333 0.3273049 0.3279004 0.3266249
Bstrong  0 0.3207502 0.3294506 0.3228868 0.3368421
Eweak    0 0.3222222 0.3380491 0.3278557 0.3285486
Estrong  0 0.3225941 0.3275358 0.3382811 0.3383094
Iuniform 0 0.3198345 0.3264850 0.3347027 0.3354944
Inormal  0 0.2899160 0.3285366 0.3314521 0.3333333

, , Q1

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.2602740 0.3076923 0.3114754 0.3039514
Pstrong  0 0.2941176 0.2992126 0.3040000 0.3094463
Bweak    0 0.2809917 0.2987805 0.2923729 0.3040293
Bstrong  0 0.2727273 0.3043478 0.2905660 0.3082437
Eweak    0 0.2823529 0.2912088 0.3060498 0.3027888
Estrong  0 0.2763158 0.2978723 0.3099174 0.3125000
Iuniform 0 0.2708333 0.3043478 0.3096234 0.3084112
Inormal  0 0.2142857 0.3050193 0.3064067 0.2714286

, , Q3

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3673469 0.3736264 0.3706897 0.3596215
Pstrong  0 0.3837209 0.3740458 0.3629630 0.3549488
Bweak    0 0.3711340 0.3609467 0.3675214 0.3536977
Bstrong  0 0.3689320 0.3602484 0.3584906 0.3605948
Eweak    0 0.3666667 0.3695652 0.3623188 0.3626374
Estrong  0 0.3763441 0.3636364 0.3673469 0.3627760
Iuniform 0 0.3734940 0.3612903 0.3662551 0.3602484
Inormal  0 0.4285714 0.3555556 0.3598901 0.3880597

, , lowPercentile

         1          2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.17391304 0.2469136 0.2597403 0.2580645
Pstrong  0 0.23809524 0.2459016 0.2615385 0.2693603
Bweak    0 0.23364486 0.2455090 0.2520325 0.2607261
Bstrong  0 0.22222222 0.2335329 0.2618182 0.2577320
Eweak    0 0.21126761 0.2558140 0.2545455 0.2482014
Estrong  0 0.19696970 0.2380952 0.2438017 0.2625000
Iuniform 0 0.21052632 0.2392638 0.2420635 0.2756410
Inormal  0 0.07692308 0.2605364 0.2698864 0.1818182

, , highPercentile

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4406780 0.4326923 0.4251012 0.4223602
Pstrong  0 0.4444444 0.4233577 0.4059041 0.3993174
Bweak    0 0.4329897 0.4142012 0.4163090 0.4095563
Bstrong  0 0.4583333 0.4129032 0.3895582 0.4163823
Eweak    0 0.4567901 0.4234694 0.4061303 0.4222222
Estrong  0 0.4883721 0.4310345 0.4208333 0.4063604
Iuniform 0 0.4431818 0.4204545 0.4212766 0.4115854
Inormal  0 0.5714286 0.4122137 0.4144928 0.4852941

, , mean

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3117632 0.3409596 0.3364916 0.3316782
Pstrong  0 0.3382150 0.3333578 0.3334062 0.3323464
Bweak    0 0.3305661 0.3279888 0.3299656 0.3321441
Bstrong  0 0.3273058 0.3291664 0.3262910 0.3355719
Eweak    0 0.3251302 0.3343187 0.3297509 0.3302961
Estrong  0 0.3282225 0.3298696 0.3363933 0.3374071
Iuniform 0 0.3266670 0.3311910 0.3341986 0.3357188
Inormal  0 0.3164908 0.3320351 0.3336854 0.3352148

, , stdDev

         1          2          3          4          5
Pweak    0 0.07837899 0.04997820 0.04361022 0.04208438
Pstrong  0 0.05925546 0.04980191 0.04071136 0.03726251
Bweak    0 0.05691187 0.04747228 0.04743198 0.04145712
Bstrong  0 0.06745829 0.04516451 0.04200821 0.04073091
Eweak    0 0.06250524 0.05226608 0.04005255 0.04596432
Estrong  0 0.07108663 0.05127611 0.04708206 0.03863148
Iuniform 0 0.06557846 0.04778966 0.04722758 0.03792788
Inormal  0 0.13866657 0.04156039 0.03879492 0.08723336

, , p-value

                1          2          3          4         5
Pweak    0.990099 0.15841584 0.01980198 0.00000000 0.0000000
Pstrong  0.990099 0.28712871 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
Bweak    0.990099 0.89108911 0.22772277 0.03960396 0.1683168
Bstrong  0.990099 0.94059406 0.33663366 0.01980198 0.0000000
Eweak    0.990099 0.08910891 0.54455446 0.27722772 0.5742574
Estrong  0.990099 0.27722772 0.74257426 0.92079208 0.0000000
Iuniform 0.990099 0.46534653 0.32673267 0.17821782 0.6831683
Inormal  0.990099 0.41584158 0.18811881 0.25742574 0.5148515

, , exp

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4882353 0.5211708 0.5296748 0.6346552
Pstrong  0 0.3565621 0.7466229 0.8180675 0.7332317
Bweak    0 0.3308532 0.4486486 0.5573053 0.3962859
Bstrong  0 0.3176681 0.3683552 0.5381292 0.4536797
Eweak    0 0.5075188 0.4102778 0.4922791 0.4029018
Estrong  0 0.4069767 0.4045737 0.4083802 0.7113385
Iuniform 0 0.3726190 0.4262039 0.4369835 0.3827043
Inormal  0 0.2976190 0.3929976 0.4134070 0.3997039

, , median

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2951849 0.3090563 0.2942810 0.3026316 0
Pstrong  0.3119430 0.3016254 0.3000000 0.3024390 0
Bweak    0.3059626 0.2963013 0.3029236 0.3109101 0
Bstrong  0.2998516 0.3009994 0.2896854 0.3087387 0
Eweak    0.2961385 0.3055581 0.3024786 0.2906158 0
Estrong  0.3010715 0.3049214 0.2908034 0.3126304 0
Iuniform 0.2980197 0.3048369 0.3107280 0.2999531 0
Inormal  0.3103448 0.3075992 0.2991939 0.2666667 0

, , Q1

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2711864 0.2775120 0.2722513 0.2676056 0
Pstrong  0.2843750 0.2749004 0.2706767 0.2674419 0
Bweak    0.2722372 0.2742616 0.2649007 0.2535211 0
Bstrong  0.2691131 0.2752294 0.2558140 0.2647059 0
Eweak    0.2674419 0.2787611 0.2711864 0.2461538 0
Estrong  0.2740214 0.2814815 0.2655367 0.2631579 0
Iuniform 0.2765957 0.2815126 0.2763158 0.2656250 0
Inormal  0.2280702 0.2797927 0.2686567 0.1875000 0

, , Q3

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3206897 0.3458333 0.3236715 0.3442623 0
Pstrong  0.3374613 0.3346457 0.3285714 0.3473684 0
Bweak    0.3305556 0.3265306 0.3357143 0.3734940 0
Bstrong  0.3242424 0.3291667 0.3313253 0.3571429 0
Eweak    0.3209169 0.3392070 0.3314917 0.3521127 0
Estrong  0.3345070 0.3294574 0.3311258 0.3698630 0
Iuniform 0.3191489 0.3262712 0.3401361 0.3484848 0
Inormal  0.3620690 0.3255814 0.3307393 0.3750000 0

, , lowPercentile

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2374101 0.2387387 0.2211055 0.1951220 0
Pstrong  0.2333333 0.2260536 0.2071429 0.2058824 0
Bweak    0.2419825 0.2314410 0.2013889 0.1875000 0
Bstrong  0.2378049 0.2301255 0.2142857 0.1944444 0
Eweak    0.2341772 0.2360515 0.2214765 0.1911765 0
Estrong  0.2256944 0.2417582 0.2277778 0.1818182 0
Iuniform 0.2302839 0.2314050 0.2181818 0.1830986 0
Inormal  0.1379310 0.2380952 0.2367347 0.0625000 0

, , highPercentile

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3741497 0.4101382 0.3940887 0.4146341 0
Pstrong  0.3702532 0.3700441 0.3962264 0.4137931 0
Bweak    0.3711340 0.3793103 0.3851852 0.4264706 0
Bstrong  0.3822526 0.3786008 0.4025974 0.4342105 0
Eweak    0.3670520 0.3836735 0.3888889 0.4516129 0
Estrong  0.3718412 0.3948339 0.4047619 0.4157303 0
Iuniform 0.3582555 0.3869565 0.3913043 0.4400000 0
Inormal  0.5000000 0.3697479 0.3788546 0.5555556 0

, , mean

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2991484 0.3124737 0.3012612 0.3045789 0
Pstrong  0.3093526 0.3028922 0.2998984 0.3056296 0
Bweak    0.3024410 0.3011656 0.3009223 0.3104067 0
Bstrong  0.2999869 0.3047023 0.2963380 0.3103648 0
Eweak    0.2966788 0.3060213 0.3023543 0.2990975 0
Estrong  0.3032646 0.3083337 0.3024552 0.3120803 0
Iuniform 0.2972526 0.3045557 0.3105821 0.3075038 0
Inormal  0.3028049 0.3039100 0.3009728 0.2869535 0

, , stdDev

                  1          2          3          4 5
Pweak    0.03752345 0.04787080 0.04620500 0.05812763 0
Pstrong  0.03885327 0.03999421 0.05413662 0.05677083 0
Bweak    0.03764727 0.03984701 0.04940662 0.07142874 0
Bstrong  0.04068272 0.04079721 0.05317615 0.06634777 0
Eweak    0.03840795 0.04216090 0.04638060 0.07117396 0
Estrong  0.04223636 0.04056125 0.05032924 0.06752413 0
Iuniform 0.03243208 0.04030200 0.04668508 0.06756488 0
Inormal  0.09458472 0.03484211 0.04035599 0.13493666 0

, , p-value

                 1          2          3          4        5
Pweak    0.0000000 0.04950495 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.990099
Pstrong  0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.01980198 0.990099
Bweak    0.8514851 0.00000000 0.05940594 0.54455446 0.990099
Bstrong  0.9801980 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.03960396 0.990099
Eweak    0.1485149 0.64356436 0.18811881 0.61386139 0.990099
Estrong  0.3366337 0.63366337 0.01980198 0.00000000 0.990099
Iuniform 0.5049505 0.78217822 0.27722772 0.94059406 0.990099
Inormal  0.3465347 0.30693069 0.28712871 0.22772277 0.990099

, , exp

         1          2          3         4 5
Pweak    0 0.07588684 0.24534314 0.8680425 0
Pstrong  0 0.10256410 0.08802309 0.2216435 0
Bweak    0 0.20476190 0.43465383 0.8783784 0
Bstrong  0 0.17238528 0.45245050 0.9357143 0
Eweak    0 0.10460526 0.41511111 1.2303779 0
Estrong  0 0.10455663 0.38989272 1.2408907 0
Iuniform 0 0.15275424 0.38851022 1.1615385 0
Inormal  0 0.02199793 0.45187282 8.0816327 0

, , median

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3621939 0.3585714 0.3625540 0.3631369 0.3681186
Pstrong  0.3559908 0.3663405 0.3538462 0.3640246 0.3642506
Bweak    0.3684862 0.3629776 0.3500000 0.3533937 0.3561644
Bstrong  0.3536858 0.3586302 0.3692586 0.3612784 0.3628527
Eweak    0.3597197 0.3613054 0.3575188 0.3625000 0.3626692
Estrong  0.3591255 0.3700000 0.3817340 0.3750587 0.3384615
Iuniform 0.3595804 0.3636364 0.3879952 0.3516683 0.3641768
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3618056 0.3715419 0.3610345 0.0000000

, , Q1

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.2909091 0.3000000 0.3333333 0.3200000 0.3225806
Pstrong  0.3125000 0.3294118 0.2982456 0.3260870 0.3103448
Bweak    0.3206107 0.3076923 0.2830189 0.3103448 0.3157895
Bstrong  0.3058824 0.3186813 0.3157895 0.3139535 0.3066667
Eweak    0.3176471 0.3095238 0.3196721 0.3163265 0.3000000
Estrong  0.3111111 0.3333333 0.3250000 0.3043478 0.2857143
Iuniform 0.2987013 0.3103448 0.3296703 0.3116883 0.3108108
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3154362 0.3455657 0.3235294 0.0000000

, , Q3

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.4262295 0.4225352 0.4000000 0.4102564 0.4210526
Pstrong  0.4096386 0.4130435 0.4264706 0.4244604 0.4285714
Bweak    0.4087591 0.4181818 0.4029851 0.4137931 0.4166667
Bstrong  0.4210526 0.4096386 0.4166667 0.4105263 0.4285714
Eweak    0.4133333 0.4000000 0.4019608 0.4186047 0.4444444
Estrong  0.4107143 0.4200000 0.4205607 0.4252874 0.3913043
Iuniform 0.3918919 0.4303797 0.4305556 0.4266667 0.4252874
Inormal  0.4000000 0.3954802 0.3952096 0.3934426 0.5000000

, , lowPercentile

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.2173913 0.1951220 0.2290076 0.2258065 0.2363636
Pstrong  0.2266667 0.2272727 0.2258065 0.2857143 0.2500000
Bweak    0.2547170 0.2368421 0.2162162 0.2222222 0.2435897
Bstrong  0.2475248 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2192982 0.2343750
Eweak    0.2560976 0.2173913 0.2666667 0.2235294 0.2222222
Estrong  0.1935484 0.2500000 0.2612613 0.2375000 0.2037037
Iuniform 0.2530120 0.2471910 0.2560976 0.2359551 0.2295082
Inormal  0.0000000 0.2666667 0.2990937 0.2542373 0.0000000

, , highPercentile

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.5344828 0.5079365 0.4800000 0.5227273 0.5000000
Pstrong  0.4772727 0.5000000 0.5263158 0.4736842 0.5066667
Bweak    0.4754098 0.4938272 0.5270270 0.5081967 0.5238095
Bstrong  0.5189873 0.5180723 0.5277778 0.4761905 0.5178571
Eweak    0.4936709 0.5178571 0.4949495 0.4831461 0.5471698
Estrong  0.5200000 0.5268817 0.4910714 0.5076923 0.4637681
Iuniform 0.4776119 0.5054945 0.5512821 0.5076923 0.5172414
Inormal  1.0000000 0.4388489 0.4336283 0.4913793 1.0000000

, , mean

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3636708 0.3582645 0.3632348 0.3660228 0.3705809
Pstrong  0.3604013 0.3712085 0.3625812 0.3724965 0.3719225
Bweak    0.3639872 0.3614317 0.3525424 0.3627426 0.3662170
Bstrong  0.3662202 0.3655289 0.3699876 0.3646826 0.3695052
Eweak    0.3661465 0.3626381 0.3635223 0.3636619 0.3722981
Estrong  0.3591923 0.3757707 0.3769442 0.3656764 0.3392513
Iuniform 0.3511157 0.3673298 0.3866540 0.3648322 0.3699222
Inormal  0.2145000 0.3599944 0.3704190 0.3634074 0.2233333

, , stdDev

                  1          2          3          4          5
Pweak    0.09373077 0.09131777 0.06064681 0.07280704 0.07160056
Pstrong  0.07082900 0.07042607 0.08605973 0.05935636 0.07763355
Bweak    0.06267025 0.07110245 0.08364652 0.07591155 0.07746324
Bstrong  0.07993832 0.07502382 0.07393169 0.07220060 0.08257127
Eweak    0.06847060 0.07929755 0.06463474 0.07141275 0.09527411
Estrong  0.08698959 0.06942922 0.06685442 0.08365113 0.07242960
Iuniform 0.06268437 0.07462958 0.07673777 0.07925582 0.08613922
Inormal  0.37115177 0.05264659 0.03703184 0.06245540 0.35168641

, , p-value

                 1          2         3          4         5
Pweak    0.1089109 0.08910891 0.4356436 0.89108911 0.4950495
Pstrong  0.1584158 0.01980198 0.2970297 0.01980198 0.0990099
Bweak    0.8514851 0.53465347 0.3861386 0.51485149 0.7326733
Bstrong  0.4257426 0.11881188 0.9207921 0.53465347 0.7623762
Eweak    0.5643564 0.55445545 0.9306931 0.47524752 0.8613861
Estrong  0.8910891 0.92079208 0.5742574 0.70297030 0.0000000
Iuniform 0.6336634 0.85148515 0.9900990 0.16831683 0.5445545
Inormal  0.9900990 0.85148515 0.4455446 0.52475248 0.3366337

, , exp

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3028571 0.2128028 0.2095348 0.2218917 0.2925707
Pstrong  0.3694230 0.3412698 0.2525253 0.3168403 0.3904321
Bweak    0.2152778 0.2154195 0.2037984 0.2608025 0.2096421
Bstrong  0.2052350 0.2528257 0.2281394 0.2334711 0.2375510
Eweak    0.2142857 0.2077562 0.2049383 0.2287723 0.2050781
Estrong  0.2214533 0.2212006 0.2126654 0.2084155 0.4127424
Iuniform 0.2210884 0.2087500 0.2176200 0.2300000 0.2018409
Inormal  0.2777778 0.2008929 0.2126710 0.2111620 0.4285714

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3313064 0.3189756 0.3494282     0.2982005      0.3865854 0.3336825
Pstrong  0.3328918 0.3183569 0.3509852     0.2921348      0.3690621 0.3336597
Bweak    0.3290128 0.3129870 0.3477189     0.2898010      0.3779528 0.3305488
Bstrong  0.3300613 0.3151365 0.3427110     0.2851711      0.3785104 0.3303436
Eweak    0.3302976 0.3092784 0.3531599     0.2869565      0.3774510 0.3307045
Estrong  0.3343673 0.3207301 0.3522167     0.2888318      0.3770287 0.3347497
Iuniform 0.3337446 0.3197115 0.3446970     0.2961631      0.3720350 0.3333499
Inormal  0.3307137 0.3136986 0.3512748     0.2863128      0.3793103 0.3328833
             stdDev   p-value exp
Pweak    0.02335814 0.0000000   0
Pstrong  0.02202444 0.0000000   0
Bweak    0.02374776 0.0990099   0
Bstrong  0.02320872 0.0000000   0
Eweak    0.02546658 0.2772277   0
Estrong  0.02424260 0.0000000   0
Iuniform 0.02081489 0.2871287   0
Inormal  0.02559464 0.1683168   0

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3030491 0.2865854 0.3171975     0.2673522      0.3483290 0.3038646
Pstrong  0.3030300 0.2924051 0.3202033     0.2647783      0.3436341 0.3052952
Bweak    0.3015777 0.2830189 0.3218673     0.2641261      0.3428913 0.3024536
Bstrong  0.3004796 0.2846252 0.3162393     0.2592138      0.3462500 0.3017154
Eweak    0.2970228 0.2810945 0.3198992     0.2607626      0.3442822 0.3007994
Estrong  0.3039039 0.2904821 0.3231552     0.2634271      0.3484277 0.3055748
Iuniform 0.3025166 0.2878412 0.3175416     0.2667494      0.3494559 0.3027753
Inormal  0.3004369 0.2849534 0.3232170     0.2604317      0.3436620 0.3025026
             stdDev   p-value exp
Pweak    0.02256056 0.0000000   0
Pstrong  0.02126525 0.0000000   0
Bweak    0.02319886 0.1485149   0
Bstrong  0.02416232 0.0000000   0
Eweak    0.02443338 0.2772277   0
Estrong  0.02267121 0.0000000   0
Iuniform 0.02161679 0.7722772   0
Inormal  0.02466027 0.2376238   0

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3621630 0.3457447 0.3853904     0.3106061      0.4138817 0.3648032
Pstrong  0.3693581 0.3478261 0.3883495     0.3204819      0.4155844 0.3683325
Bweak    0.3612476 0.3462470 0.3781321     0.3173804      0.4104478 0.3620882
Bstrong  0.3692537 0.3442211 0.3866667     0.3105263      0.4258242 0.3672987
Eweak    0.3659640 0.3446602 0.3788969     0.3217822      0.4202128 0.3649460
Estrong  0.3682796 0.3475000 0.3829787     0.3181818      0.4201878 0.3660533
Iuniform 0.3663702 0.3437500 0.3885057     0.3183024      0.4326425 0.3669711
Inormal  0.3658328 0.3475410 0.3823009     0.3282828      0.4197731 0.3662616
             stdDev   p-value exp
Pweak    0.02944718 0.2178218   0
Pstrong  0.02869558 0.0000000   0
Bweak    0.02509972 0.8712871   0
Bstrong  0.02939135 0.6237624   0
Eweak    0.02622485 0.9405941   0
Estrong  0.02785108 0.5643564   0
Iuniform 0.03157541 0.8811881   0
Inormal  0.02322712 0.7425743   0

[1] "Pweak"    "Pstrong"  "Bweak"    "Bstrong"  "Eweak"    "Estrong"  "Iuniform"
[8] "Inormal" 

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] 8

[1] 5

[1] "allNear"



class ~ Pweak + Pstrong + Bweak + Bstrong + Eweak + Estrong + 
    Iuniform + Inormal
<environment: 0x39593f8>

[1] "ordEval"
         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4062500 0.4651163 0.5675676 0.6022099
Pstrong  0 0.3750000 0.8431373 0.8154762 0.6064516
Bweak    0 0.2589286 0.3703704 0.4275362 0.3736264
Bstrong  0 0.2323232 0.3500000 0.4605263 0.5157895
Eweak    0 0.4107143 0.3283582 0.3537415 0.3204420
Estrong  0 0.3703704 0.3000000 0.2657343 0.7005076
Iuniform 0 0.3295455 0.3524590 0.3766234 0.3149171
Inormal  0 0.3333333 0.3703704 0.3585657 0.3333333

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.5409836 0.4054054 0.4965035 0.5061728 0
Pstrong  0.5347594 0.8992806 0.7113402 0.4269663 0
Bweak    0.2616822 0.4078947 0.3723404 0.3015873 0
Bstrong  0.2243902 0.4390244 0.5887850 0.4505495 0
Eweak    0.3403141 0.2881356 0.3409091 0.2763158 0
Estrong  0.3221154 0.2947977 0.4464286 0.7294118 0
Iuniform 0.2985782 0.2765957 0.3333333 0.1967213 0
Inormal  0.3448276 0.3180077 0.3266667 0.3846154 0

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.4910180 0.4843750 0.3697479 0.2762431 0.3684211
Pstrong  0.4304933 0.5351351 0.4122137 0.5067265 0.4731707
Bweak    0.3007519 0.3589744 0.3690476 0.3522013 0.3191489
Bstrong  0.3658537 0.4574468 0.2760736 0.3553299 0.3000000
Eweak    0.3537118 0.3466667 0.2826087 0.3671498 0.2661871
Estrong  0.2424242 0.2840909 0.3596491 0.3148148 0.5792350
Iuniform 0.3157895 0.2923977 0.2325581 0.4432432 0.3540670
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3057554 0.3783784 0.3584071 0.2000000

          1  2  3  4  5
Pweak    35 34 51 41 39
Pstrong  41 42 33 48 36
Bweak    48 42 37 36 37
Bstrong  41 41 39 44 35
Eweak    42 38 45 43 32
Estrong  34 43 46 39 38
Iuniform 42 40 39 40 39
Inormal   6 56 82 49  7

Pweak    0.5344828
Pstrong  0.6775432
Bweak    0.3629630
Bstrong  0.4153298
Eweak    0.3484321
Estrong  0.4473198
Iuniform 0.3431193
Inormal  0.3589251

Pweak    0.4882883
Pstrong  0.6484375
Bweak    0.3288719
Bstrong  0.3878327
Eweak    0.3191489
Estrong  0.3979239
Iuniform 0.2868369
Inormal  0.3257261

Pweak    0.3889491
Pstrong  0.4746639
Bweak    0.3351121
Bstrong  0.3548740
Eweak    0.3278328
Estrong  0.3643587
Iuniform 0.3298097
Inormal  0.3510532

Pweak    200
Pstrong  200
Bweak    200
Bstrong  200
Eweak    200
Estrong  200
Iuniform 200
Inormal  200

, , median

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3393548 0.3254834 0.3346792 0.3249993
Pstrong  0 0.3257120 0.3344086 0.3303281 0.3365734
Bweak    0 0.3316667 0.3211858 0.3395558 0.3294611
Bstrong  0 0.3514706 0.3203774 0.3314367 0.3263127
Eweak    0 0.3294118 0.3342803 0.3380543 0.3314908
Estrong  0 0.3333333 0.3269779 0.3375777 0.3277836
Iuniform 0 0.3277494 0.3295188 0.3225743 0.3328298
Inormal  0 0.3076923 0.3333333 0.3342567 0.3235294

, , Q1

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.2812500 0.3021978 0.2987552 0.3047619
Pstrong  0 0.2906977 0.3082707 0.3055556 0.3010033
Bweak    0 0.2830189 0.2937500 0.3119658 0.2956811
Bstrong  0 0.2933333 0.2865497 0.3071161 0.2992958
Eweak    0 0.2826087 0.3053892 0.3038462 0.3035019
Estrong  0 0.2727273 0.3015873 0.3086420 0.2966667
Iuniform 0 0.2839506 0.3012821 0.2926829 0.3003300
Inormal  0 0.2307692 0.3120301 0.3108504 0.2835821

, , Q3

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3823529 0.3684211 0.3673469 0.3520249
Pstrong  0 0.3763441 0.3680000 0.3620072 0.3602694
Bweak    0 0.3645833 0.3483871 0.3652174 0.3492063
Bstrong  0 0.3870968 0.3670886 0.3585657 0.3545151
Eweak    0 0.3809524 0.3681319 0.3705036 0.3610108
Estrong  0 0.3866667 0.3617021 0.3733906 0.3630769
Iuniform 0 0.3809524 0.3750000 0.3524590 0.3613707
Inormal  0 0.4285714 0.3617886 0.3681319 0.3823529

, , lowPercentile

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.2000000 0.2515337 0.2345679 0.2607261
Pstrong  0 0.2409639 0.2500000 0.2557252 0.2474916
Bweak    0 0.2264151 0.2439024 0.2558140 0.2603175
Bstrong  0 0.2337662 0.2366864 0.2562278 0.2536232
Eweak    0 0.2325581 0.2329545 0.2647059 0.2625483
Estrong  0 0.2121212 0.2400000 0.2589286 0.2445141
Iuniform 0 0.2317073 0.2542373 0.2561983 0.2618297
Inormal  0 0.1111111 0.2745902 0.2657143 0.1857143

, , highPercentile

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4838710 0.4221106 0.4184100 0.3824451
Pstrong  0 0.4318182 0.4405594 0.4090909 0.4088050
Bweak    0 0.4358974 0.4074074 0.4217391 0.4040404
Bstrong  0 0.4673913 0.4183007 0.3976834 0.4174757
Eweak    0 0.4516129 0.4191919 0.4334601 0.4000000
Estrong  0 0.4347826 0.4357542 0.4156379 0.4082278
Iuniform 0 0.4239130 0.4429530 0.4076923 0.4006849
Inormal  0 0.6666667 0.3983402 0.4047619 0.4571429

, , mean

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.3362993 0.3341897 0.3334751 0.3271866
Pstrong  0 0.3305153 0.3371365 0.3322491 0.3300008
Bweak    0 0.3294281 0.3236420 0.3398849 0.3254918
Bstrong  0 0.3476859 0.3245354 0.3327802 0.3302901
Eweak    0 0.3340642 0.3376471 0.3390952 0.3314134
Estrong  0 0.3281031 0.3326105 0.3378253 0.3305185
Iuniform 0 0.3307585 0.3395440 0.3245031 0.3333608
Inormal  0 0.3318368 0.3365476 0.3366749 0.3291740

, , stdDev

         1          2          3          4          5
Pweak    0 0.07362034 0.04651212 0.04835540 0.03699510
Pstrong  0 0.05817483 0.05009787 0.03901561 0.04270223
Bweak    0 0.05810500 0.04574535 0.04380067 0.03870025
Bstrong  0 0.07141214 0.05324181 0.03694136 0.04146282
Eweak    0 0.06847452 0.05197958 0.04620288 0.03871533
Estrong  0 0.06549246 0.05233969 0.04075485 0.04507863
Iuniform 0 0.06313018 0.05324885 0.04291424 0.03986908
Inormal  0 0.15279993 0.03711138 0.03736921 0.07336409

, , p-value

                1         2         3          4         5
Pweak    0.990099 0.1584158 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
Pstrong  0.990099 0.2574257 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
Bweak    0.990099 0.9108911 0.1584158 0.02970297 0.1287129
Bstrong  0.990099 0.9702970 0.3168317 0.00000000 0.0000000
Eweak    0.990099 0.1485149 0.5247525 0.35643564 0.6237624
Estrong  0.990099 0.3267327 0.7623762 0.96039604 0.0000000
Iuniform 0.990099 0.4950495 0.3168317 0.12871287 0.7029703
Inormal  0.990099 0.4158416 0.2079208 0.30693069 0.4554455

, , exp

         1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0 0.4882353 0.5211708 0.5296748 0.6346552
Pstrong  0 0.3565621 0.7466229 0.8180675 0.7332317
Bweak    0 0.3308532 0.4486486 0.5573053 0.3962859
Bstrong  0 0.3176681 0.3683552 0.5381292 0.4536797
Eweak    0 0.5075188 0.4102778 0.4922791 0.4029018
Estrong  0 0.4069767 0.4045737 0.4083802 0.7113385
Iuniform 0 0.3726190 0.4262039 0.4369835 0.3827043
Inormal  0 0.2976190 0.3929976 0.4134070 0.3997039

, , median

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3098888 0.2986955 0.3004833 0.2974019 0
Pstrong  0.3064270 0.3027845 0.2962049 0.3006849 0
Bweak    0.2921373 0.3032429 0.2989362 0.3116883 0
Bstrong  0.3089797 0.2916602 0.2991363 0.3006024 0
Eweak    0.2996987 0.3059853 0.3022034 0.2981899 0
Estrong  0.3017544 0.3002076 0.3063508 0.2864215 0
Iuniform 0.3062811 0.2955514 0.3000083 0.3061111 0
Inormal  0.2820175 0.3097260 0.3083407 0.3060201 0

, , Q1

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2804428 0.2731278 0.2745098 0.2625000 0
Pstrong  0.2815534 0.2751938 0.2621951 0.2604167 0
Bweak    0.2704225 0.2758621 0.2631579 0.2580645 0
Bstrong  0.2816456 0.2620968 0.2619048 0.2643678 0
Eweak    0.2745665 0.2814070 0.2738095 0.2500000 0
Estrong  0.2610169 0.2690909 0.2784091 0.2469136 0
Iuniform 0.2789318 0.2655602 0.2611940 0.2619048 0
Inormal  0.2166667 0.2880000 0.2777778 0.2380952 0

, , Q3

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3289037 0.3262712 0.3239437 0.3333333 0
Pstrong  0.3401760 0.3223140 0.3333333 0.3510638 0
Bweak    0.3163539 0.3333333 0.3405797 0.3521127 0
Bstrong  0.3372093 0.3174603 0.3282443 0.3513514 0
Eweak    0.3283133 0.3333333 0.3388889 0.3333333 0
Estrong  0.3235294 0.3372093 0.3386243 0.3375000 0
Iuniform 0.3333333 0.3320463 0.3289474 0.3472222 0
Inormal  0.3620690 0.3282051 0.3529412 0.4090909 0

, , lowPercentile

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.2214022 0.2363636 0.2216749 0.1940299 0
Pstrong  0.2396450 0.2259414 0.1956522 0.1919192 0
Bweak    0.2421053 0.2217391 0.2061069 0.1710526 0
Bstrong  0.2386707 0.2297872 0.2244898 0.1710526 0
Eweak    0.2343750 0.2270531 0.2013423 0.1960784 0
Estrong  0.2222222 0.2444444 0.2427746 0.1829268 0
Iuniform 0.2378049 0.2320675 0.1975309 0.1898734 0
Inormal  0.1403509 0.2455696 0.2240000 0.1111111 0

, , highPercentile

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3770492 0.3707317 0.3876404 0.4264706 0
Pstrong  0.3841270 0.3739837 0.3795620 0.4078947 0
Bweak    0.3702703 0.3896104 0.3851351 0.4393939 0
Bstrong  0.3819876 0.3617886 0.3987730 0.4189189 0
Eweak    0.3661017 0.4248927 0.3907285 0.4285714 0
Estrong  0.3804348 0.3923077 0.3807107 0.4461538 0
Iuniform 0.3906250 0.3669725 0.3904110 0.4000000 0
Inormal  0.4736842 0.3512821 0.3842593 0.5217391 0

, , mean

                 1         2         3         4 5
Pweak    0.3055862 0.3005714 0.3022298 0.3012153 0
Pstrong  0.3082411 0.3007445 0.2934246 0.3043313 0
Bweak    0.2953776 0.3035113 0.3012509 0.3070824 0
Bstrong  0.3088572 0.2916057 0.3009285 0.3040394 0
Eweak    0.3014108 0.3092259 0.3037077 0.2992955 0
Estrong  0.2980785 0.3060250 0.3096212 0.2943541 0
Iuniform 0.3080360 0.2999616 0.2969453 0.3029052 0
Inormal  0.2955107 0.3071674 0.3076835 0.3122958 0

, , stdDev

                  1          2          3          4 5
Pweak    0.04024768 0.03762221 0.04116320 0.06026425 0
Pstrong  0.04049402 0.03951106 0.05193168 0.06066736 0
Bweak    0.03442094 0.04427336 0.05172441 0.06988125 0
Bstrong  0.04021740 0.03747100 0.04623651 0.06333433 0
Eweak    0.03745036 0.04567836 0.04942380 0.06313644 0
Estrong  0.04240329 0.04276565 0.04251635 0.06872006 0
Iuniform 0.04144498 0.03944363 0.05124660 0.05805756 0
Inormal  0.09519207 0.02994341 0.04766995 0.11976874 0

, , p-value

                 1          2          3          4        5
Pweak    0.0000000 0.01980198 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.990099
Pstrong  0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.02970297 0.990099
Bweak    0.8415842 0.02970297 0.09900990 0.57425743 0.990099
Bstrong  0.9801980 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.990099
Eweak    0.1683168 0.68316832 0.22772277 0.65346535 0.990099
Estrong  0.2673267 0.54455446 0.01980198 0.00000000 0.990099
Iuniform 0.5742574 0.68316832 0.22772277 0.95049505 0.990099
Inormal  0.3465347 0.36633663 0.37623762 0.30693069 0.990099

, , exp

         1          2          3         4 5
Pweak    0 0.07588684 0.24534314 0.8680425 0
Pstrong  0 0.10256410 0.08802309 0.2216435 0
Bweak    0 0.20476190 0.43465383 0.8783784 0
Bstrong  0 0.17238528 0.45245050 0.9357143 0
Eweak    0 0.10460526 0.41511111 1.2303779 0
Estrong  0 0.10455663 0.38989272 1.2408907 0
Iuniform 0 0.15275424 0.38851022 1.1615385 0
Inormal  0 0.02199793 0.45187282 8.0816327 0

, , median

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3486111 0.3535714 0.3596342 0.3777036 0.3507130
Pstrong  0.3558600 0.3559668 0.3363095 0.3609842 0.3647450
Bweak    0.3665394 0.3483830 0.3621939 0.3664319 0.3715304
Bstrong  0.3570231 0.3642506 0.3555803 0.3555803 0.3523617
Eweak    0.3574631 0.3521463 0.3565180 0.3649865 0.3626692
Estrong  0.3626692 0.3788444 0.3572082 0.3562030 0.3485162
Iuniform 0.3665017 0.3480576 0.3818007 0.3623737 0.3424812
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3675439 0.3691597 0.3699602 0.0000000

, , Q1

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3035714 0.2950820 0.3214286 0.3255814 0.2931034
Pstrong  0.3086420 0.3103448 0.2794118 0.3129771 0.3116883
Bweak    0.3255814 0.3030303 0.3114754 0.3220339 0.3139535
Bstrong  0.3095238 0.3108108 0.3085106 0.3170732 0.3064516
Eweak    0.3132530 0.3088235 0.3225806 0.3239437 0.2972973
Estrong  0.3134328 0.3400000 0.3260870 0.3134328 0.2987013
Iuniform 0.3260870 0.2820513 0.3188406 0.3142857 0.2916667
Inormal  0.0000000 0.3410853 0.3428571 0.3285714 0.0000000

, , Q3

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.4098361 0.4264706 0.3968254 0.4222222 0.4155844
Pstrong  0.4166667 0.4078947 0.4166667 0.3939394 0.4262295
Bweak    0.4100719 0.3902439 0.4285714 0.4137931 0.4266667
Bstrong  0.4166667 0.4035088 0.4218750 0.4000000 0.4150943
Eweak    0.4111111 0.4032258 0.4175824 0.4111111 0.4200000
Estrong  0.4285714 0.4239130 0.4086022 0.4025974 0.4035088
Iuniform 0.4433962 0.4074074 0.4302326 0.4266667 0.3846154
Inormal  0.3333333 0.4054054 0.3893557 0.4086957 0.5000000

, , lowPercentile

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.2121212 0.2241379 0.2500000 0.2658228 0.2133333
Pstrong  0.2222222 0.2150538 0.2115385 0.2589286 0.2033898
Bweak    0.2727273 0.2340426 0.1860465 0.1875000 0.2424242
Bstrong  0.2278481 0.2236842 0.2266667 0.2500000 0.2156863
Eweak    0.2531646 0.2361111 0.2452830 0.2400000 0.2051282
Estrong  0.2500000 0.2528736 0.2372881 0.2027027 0.2272727
Iuniform 0.2300000 0.2077922 0.2063492 0.2317073 0.2222222
Inormal  0.0000000 0.2760736 0.3022508 0.2681159 0.0000000

, , highPercentile

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.5217391 0.5517241 0.4495413 0.5185185 0.5205479
Pstrong  0.4918033 0.4935065 0.5106383 0.4680851 0.5230769
Bweak    0.4905660 0.4851485 0.5396825 0.5303030 0.5079365
Bstrong  0.4936709 0.5119048 0.5245902 0.4947368 0.5645161
Eweak    0.5243902 0.5468750 0.4722222 0.4672897 0.5400000
Estrong  0.5384615 0.5176471 0.4878049 0.5176471 0.4931507
Iuniform 0.5098039 0.5526316 0.5200000 0.5333333 0.5230769
Inormal  1.0000000 0.4709677 0.4352159 0.4574468 1.0000000

, , mean

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3560524 0.3623513 0.3591514 0.3781484 0.3575051
Pstrong  0.3603831 0.3609203 0.3500305 0.3560024 0.3676119
Bweak    0.3689889 0.3511628 0.3668051 0.3657489 0.3705950
Bstrong  0.3650905 0.3660188 0.3657412 0.3631840 0.3635999
Eweak    0.3672193 0.3600039 0.3600722 0.3650761 0.3609117
Estrong  0.3748738 0.3795491 0.3662865 0.3575436 0.3517067
Iuniform 0.3732009 0.3525989 0.3739002 0.3720364 0.3466873
Inormal  0.1950000 0.3703326 0.3671904 0.3681757 0.2956151

, , stdDev

                  1          2          3          4          5
Pweak    0.08138006 0.08970539 0.05640484 0.07140018 0.08723355
Pstrong  0.07237905 0.07097830 0.08879370 0.05690877 0.08016999
Bweak    0.06082315 0.06664155 0.09186173 0.08445961 0.07690343
Bstrong  0.07592000 0.07544485 0.08267924 0.06425502 0.09073929
Eweak    0.07429755 0.07799394 0.06535293 0.06305780 0.09259311
Estrong  0.07944333 0.06853769 0.06781008 0.07473488 0.08223651
Iuniform 0.07377663 0.09204660 0.08140146 0.08282168 0.07442366
Inormal  0.34372550 0.05346368 0.03468265 0.05442100 0.40945204

, , p-value

                 1          2         3          4          5
Pweak    0.0990099 0.08910891 0.4455446 0.95049505 0.40594059
Pstrong  0.1782178 0.01980198 0.2574257 0.01980198 0.10891089
Bweak    0.8514851 0.44554455 0.4653465 0.58415842 0.71287129
Bstrong  0.4257426 0.15841584 0.8712871 0.50495050 0.77227723
Eweak    0.5346535 0.54455446 0.8712871 0.49504950 0.85148515
Estrong  0.9702970 0.94059406 0.4851485 0.75247525 0.01980198
Iuniform 0.7920792 0.73267327 0.9405941 0.20792079 0.46534653
Inormal  0.9900990 0.86138614 0.3861386 0.59405941 0.40594059

, , exp

                 1         2         3         4         5
Pweak    0.3028571 0.2128028 0.2095348 0.2218917 0.2925707
Pstrong  0.3694230 0.3412698 0.2525253 0.3168403 0.3904321
Bweak    0.2152778 0.2154195 0.2037984 0.2608025 0.2096421
Bstrong  0.2052350 0.2528257 0.2281394 0.2334711 0.2375510
Eweak    0.2142857 0.2077562 0.2049383 0.2287723 0.2050781
Estrong  0.2214533 0.2212006 0.2126654 0.2084155 0.4127424
Iuniform 0.2210884 0.2087500 0.2176200 0.2300000 0.2018409
Inormal  0.2777778 0.2008929 0.2126710 0.2111620 0.4285714

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3318844 0.3157216 0.3465473     0.2925926      0.3748489 0.3314719
Pstrong  0.3316452 0.3179551 0.3473819     0.2912020      0.3719298 0.3321752
Bweak    0.3257299 0.3137255 0.3431877     0.2976630      0.3672457 0.3296694
Bstrong  0.3308441 0.3164721 0.3472750     0.2928922      0.3700887 0.3316837
Eweak    0.3352152 0.3216445 0.3499392     0.2952261      0.3802647 0.3357009
Estrong  0.3364808 0.3125794 0.3516209     0.2830424      0.3782130 0.3331232
Iuniform 0.3311412 0.3128834 0.3501805     0.2936221      0.3774834 0.3318035
Inormal  0.3366129 0.3210059 0.3520115     0.2934473      0.3734266 0.3357312
             stdDev    p-value exp
Pweak    0.02241624 0.00000000   0
Pstrong  0.02198875 0.00000000   0
Bweak    0.02148101 0.07920792   0
Bstrong  0.02150140 0.00000000   0
Eweak    0.02176006 0.32673267   0
Estrong  0.02652563 0.00000000   0
Iuniform 0.02302245 0.34653465   0
Inormal  0.02241699 0.14851485   0

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3022099 0.2864198 0.3192020     0.2736967      0.3395291 0.3028404
Pstrong  0.3025980 0.2885572 0.3199513     0.2627551      0.3375796 0.3027526
Bweak    0.3019072 0.2826899 0.3137255     0.2692308      0.3366093 0.2996954
Bstrong  0.2993240 0.2879708 0.3149100     0.2692308      0.3413098 0.3017593
Eweak    0.3031897 0.2873134 0.3210784     0.2716688      0.3446191 0.3038818
Estrong  0.3030671 0.2874543 0.3192547     0.2545900      0.3455882 0.3028982
Iuniform 0.3013099 0.2843016 0.3195876     0.2659033      0.3456647 0.3027340
Inormal  0.3068599 0.2942029 0.3200613     0.2670537      0.3434191 0.3063399
             stdDev    p-value exp
Pweak    0.02175054 0.00000000   0
Pstrong  0.02143445 0.00000000   0
Bweak    0.01977189 0.08910891   0
Bstrong  0.02007491 0.00000000   0
Eweak    0.02064530 0.28712871   0
Estrong  0.02443274 0.00000000   0
Iuniform 0.02213906 0.71287129   0
Inormal  0.02158951 0.16831683   0

            median        Q1        Q3 lowPercentile highPercentile      mean
Pweak    0.3605263 0.3437500 0.3835294     0.3135802      0.4113475 0.3635152
Pstrong  0.3613232 0.3398058 0.3755869     0.3034301      0.4207650 0.3591578
Bweak    0.3615731 0.3471503 0.3877005     0.3153846      0.4166667 0.3644625
Bstrong  0.3603756 0.3414044 0.3849879     0.3121693      0.4281915 0.3646613
Eweak    0.3632586 0.3414634 0.3803526     0.3170103      0.4103194 0.3627925
Estrong  0.3654679 0.3482587 0.3838120     0.3160763      0.4204276 0.3660546
Iuniform 0.3613447 0.3427110 0.3830275     0.3220779      0.4262295 0.3641429
Inormal  0.3676114 0.3534202 0.3841369     0.3290530      0.4113475 0.3682346
             stdDev   p-value exp
Pweak    0.02765876 0.2079208   0
Pstrong  0.02857327 0.0000000   0
Bweak    0.02753739 0.8811881   0
Bstrong  0.03139455 0.5742574   0
Eweak    0.02629408 0.9108911   0
Estrong  0.02883198 0.5049505   0
Iuniform 0.02697746 0.9108911   0
Inormal  0.02178379 0.7623762   0

[1] "Pweak"    "Pstrong"  "Bweak"    "Bstrong"  "Eweak"    "Estrong"  "Iuniform"
[8] "Inormal" 

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

[1] 8

[1] 5

[1] "allNear"



class ~ Pweak + Pstrong + Bweak + Bstrong + Eweak + Estrong + 
    Iuniform + Inormal
<environment: 0x32acb60>

[1] "ordEval"

intubate documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:46 p.m.