
Defines functions NormalizedLaplacian

Documented in NormalizedLaplacian

#' Normalized graph Laplacian transformation
#' @slot rsA numeric.
#' @slot csA numeric.
#' @export
  contains = "Invertiform",
  slots = c(
    rsA = "numeric",
    csA = "numeric"

#' Construct and use the Normalized Laplacian
#' A convenience function to create [NormalizedLaplacian-class] S4 objects,
#' which are useful for finding the normalized Laplacian of the
#' adjacency matrix of a graph.
#' @details
#' We define the *normalized Laplacian* \eqn{L(A)} of an
#' \eqn{n \times n}{n by n} graph adjacency matrix \eqn{A} as
#' \deqn{
#'   L(A)_{ij} = \frac{A_{ij}}{\sqrt{d^{out}_i} \sqrt{d^{in}_j}}
#' }{
#'   L[ij] = A[ij] / sqrt(d^out[i] d^in[j])
#' }
#' where
#' \deqn{
#'   d^{out}_i = \sum_{j=1}^n \| A_{ij} \|
#' }{
#'   d^out[i] = sum_j abs(A[ij])
#' }
#' and
#' \deqn{
#'   d^{in}_j = \sum_{i=1}^n \| A_{ij} \|.
#' }{
#'   d^in[j] = sum_i abs(A[ij]).
#' }
#' When \eqn{A_{ij}}{A[ij]} denotes the present of an edge *from* node \eqn{i}
#' *to* node \eqn{j}, which is fairly standard notation,
#' \eqn{d^{out}_i}{d^out[i]} denotes the (absolute) out-degree of node
#' \eqn{i} and \eqn{d^{in}_j}{d^in[j]} denotes the (absolute) in-degree
#' of node \eqn{j}.
#' Note that this documentation renders most clearly at
#' <https://rohelab.github.io/invertiforms/>.
#' @inheritParams transform
#' @return
#'   - `NormalizedLaplacian()` creates a [NormalizedLaplacian-class] object.
#'   - `transform()` returns the transformed matrix,
#'     typically as a [Matrix-class].
#'   - `inverse_transform()` returns the inverse transformed matrix,
#'     typically as a [Matrix-class].
#' @export
#' @include s4-generics.R
#' @rdname NormalizedLaplacian
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' library(igraphdata)
#' data("karate", package = "igraphdata")
#' A <- get.adjacency(karate)
#' iform <- NormalizedLaplacian(A)
#' L <- transform(iform, A)
#' A_recovered <- inverse_transform(iform, L)
#' all.equal(A, A_recovered)
NormalizedLaplacian <- function(A) {

  # don't try to be clever and simplify the degree calculations,
  # there are at least two gotchas:
  #   (1) don't use abs(), which returns a *vector*
  #   (2) Matrix::rowSums() and rowSums() are different

  rsA <- Matrix::rowSums(A * sign(A))  # (absolute) out-degree
  csA <- Matrix::colSums(A * sign(A))  # (absolute) in-degree

    rsA = rsA,
    csA = csA

#' @rdname NormalizedLaplacian
#' @export
  signature = c("NormalizedLaplacian", "sparseMatrix"),
  definition = function(iform, A) {
    D_row <- Diagonal(n = nrow(A), x = 1 / sqrt(iform@rsA))
    D_col <- Diagonal(n = ncol(A), x = 1 / sqrt(iform@csA))
    D_row %*% A %*% D_col

#' @rdname NormalizedLaplacian
#' @export
  signature = c("NormalizedLaplacian", "sparseMatrix"),
  definition = function(iform, A) {
    D_row_inv <- Diagonal(n = nrow(A), x = sqrt(iform@rsA))
    D_col_inv <- Diagonal(n = ncol(A), x = sqrt(iform@csA))
    D_row_inv %*% A %*% D_col_inv

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invertiforms documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.