
#' @title Create a coefficient matrix
#' @description Create a coefficient matrix from a Symmetric Input-Output Table. 
#' @details The coefficient matrix is related by default to output, but you can change
#' this to total supply or other total aggregate if it exists 
#' in your table.
#' @param data_table A symmetric input-output table, a use table, 
#' a margins or tax table retrieved by the  \code{\link{iotable_get}}
#'  function. 
#' @param total Usually an output vector with a key column, defaults to 
#' \code{"output"} which equals \code{"P1"} or \code{"output_bp"}.
#' You can use other rows for comparison, for example \code{"TS_BP"} 
#' if it exists in the matrix. 
#' @param digits An integer showing the precision of the technology matrix in 
#' digits. Default is \code{NULL} when no rounding is applied.
#' @param return_part Defaults to \code{NULL}. You can choose \code{"product"} 
#' or \code{"industry"} to return an input coefficient matrix or
#' \code{"primary_inputs"} to get only the total intermediate use and 
#' proportional primary inputs.
#' @param remove_empty Defaults to \code{TRUE}. If you want to keep empty 
#' primary input rows, choose \code{FALSE}. Empty product/industry rows are
#' always removed to avoid division by zero error in the analytic functions.
#' @param households Defaults to \code{NULL}. Household column can be added 
#' with \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A data.frame that contains the matrix of  \code{data_table} divided 
#' by \code{total} with a key column. Optionally the results are rounded to 
#' given \code{digits}. 
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across left_join
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_select_helpers
#' @references See 
#' \href{https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20160114044923/https://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/input-output/input-output-analytical-tables/2010/index.html}{United Kingdom Input-Output Analytical Tables 2010}
#' for explanation on the use of the Coefficient matrix.
#' @family indicator functions
#' @examples 
#' coefficient_matrix_create(data_table = iotable_get(source = "germany_1995"), 
#'                           total = "output", 
#'                           digits = 4 )
#' @export 

coefficient_matrix_create <- function (data_table, 
                                       total = "output", 
                                       digits = NULL, 
                                       remove_empty = TRUE,
                                       households = FALSE,
                                       return_part = NULL) {
  # Create a coefficient matrix, including primary inputs.  
  # For the Leontief matrix, only the inputs part (first quadrant is used)
  if ( !is.null(return_part)) {
    if ( ! return_part %in% c("products", "industry", "primary_inputs")) {
      warning ( "Parameter return_part='", return_part, 
                "' was not recognized, returned all data.")
  data_table <- data_table %>% 
    mutate ( across(where(is.factor), as.character) )
  ## Removing all zero columns and rows --------
  if ( remove_empty ) data_table <- empty_remove ( data_table )
  ## See the internal function in the source file quadrant_separator_find.R
  last_column <- quadrant_separator_find( data_table, 
                                          include_total = FALSE)
  ## Removing the 2nd and 4th quadrants--- 
  if ( !is.null(households) ) { 
    if ( households == TRUE ) { 
      household_column <- household_column_get( data_table )
      quadrant <- data_table [, 1:last_column]
      data_table <- dplyr::left_join ( quadrant, 
                                       by = names(quadrant)[1])
    } else {
      data_table <- data_table [, 1:last_column]
  } else {
    data_table <- data_table [, 1:last_column]
  key_column <- tolower(as.character(unlist(data_table[,1])))
  ## Getting the row for division
  if ( total %in%  c("output", "p1", "output_bp")  ) { 
    if (any( c("output", "p1", "output_bp", "total output")  %in%  key_column )) {
      total_row <- data_table[which ( key_column  %in%
                                        c("output", "p1", "output_bp", "total output"))[1],]
    } else {
      stop ( "The output row was not found in the table as 'output', 
             'p1' or 'output_bp'")
  } else if ( total %in%  c("total", "cpa_total")  ) { 
    if ( any( c("total", "cpa_total") %in%  key_column ) ) {
      total_row_n <- which (  key_column  %in% c("total", "cpa_total"))[1]
      total_row <- data_table[total_row_n,]
  } else {
    total_row <- data_table[which ( tolower(key_column) %in% tolower(total)[1]), ]
    if ( length(total_row) == 0) stop("The total row was not found.")
  } #end of else
  ##Adjust the total vector -------------------------------------------------------------- 
  null_to_eps <- function(x) ifelse (x == 0, 0.000001, x)
  total_row <-  total_row %>% mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.character))
  total_row <-  total_row %>% mutate (across(where(is.factor), null_to_eps)) # avoid division by zero
  where <- tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where
  ## Make sure that no integers remain in the data table, because they cannot be divided with numerics.
  coeff_matrix <- data_table %>%
    mutate (across(where(is.numeric), as.numeric))
  if (households == TRUE)  last_column <- last_column+1
  ###The actual creation of the coefficients-----
  for ( i in seq_len(nrow(data_table)) ) {
    coeff_matrix[i,2:last_column] <-  coeff_matrix[i,2:last_column] / as.numeric(total_row[2:last_column])
  potential_houeshold_earning_names <- c("compensation_employees", 'd1')
  earnings_name <- potential_houeshold_earning_names [
    which ( potential_houeshold_earning_names  %in% key_column )
  household_earnings_row <- coeff_matrix[which( earnings_name == key_column), ]
  # If only a part should be returned-----------------------------
  if ( ! is.null(return_part) )  {
    last_row <- which ( 
      tolower(unlist(data_table[,1])) %in% c("cpa_total", "total", "total output")
    ) #not last column
    if ( return_part == "primary_inputs" ) {
      coeff_matrix <- coeff_matrix[last_row:nrow(coeff_matrix), ]  #households remain anyway
    } else if ( return_part %in% c("products", "industries") ) {
      coeff_matrix <- coeff_matrix[1:last_row, ]
      if ( households == TRUE ) {  #households re_added if they were removed
        coeff_matrix <- rbind ( coeff_matrix, household_earnings_row )
  ### Make rounding if required  --------------------------------------------------------
  if ( is.null(digits) ) {
  } else {
    round_table (coeff_matrix, digits = digits)

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iotables documentation built on Sept. 24, 2022, 5:05 p.m.