read.ip.icl: Read in parameter estimates

View source: R/readin.R

read.ip.iclR Documentation

Read in parameter estimates


From ICL output, read in estimates of item parameters. Invoked automatically when the model is estimated via irtoys. If that is not the case, file must be a file produced with the write_item_param file command in ICL.





File name


A list with three elements, est, se, vcm for the parameter estimates, their standard errors, and the variance-covariance matrix per item. Because ICL does not compute standard errors, se and vcm will be NULL. est is a matrix with one row per item, and three columns: [,1] item discrimination a, [,2] item difficulty b, and [,3] asymptote c. For the 1PL and 2PL models, all asymptotes are equal to 0; for the 1PL, the discriminations are all equal but not necessarily equal to 1.


Ivailo Partchev

irtoys documentation built on May 12, 2022, 5:06 p.m.