Man pages for joineRmeta
Joint Modelling for Meta-Analytic (Multi-Study) Data

confint.jointmeta1SEExtract confidence intervals
EMalgRandpropEM algorithm function used in jointmeta1
fixef.jointmeta1Extract fixed effects
formula.jointmeta1Extract formulae from joint model fit
jlikeFunction to calculate joint likelihood used in the jointmeta1...
JMfitsStudy specific joint model fits using the JM package
JMfits2Study specific joint model fits using the JM package
joineRfitsStudy specific joint model fits using the joineR package
joineRfits2Study specific joint model fits using the joineR package
jointmeta1One stage joint meta function
jointmeta1.objectFitted 'jointmeta1' object
jointmeta1SE.objectA 'jointmeta1SE' object
jointmeta2Function to pool joint model fits in two stage MA
jointmetaplotProduce plots of longitudinal and survival outcomes
jointmetaplotallArrange study plots into a grid
jointmetaSEBootstrapping function to obtain standard errors for...
longstFunction for longitudinal starting values
onestage0One stage jointmeta1 fit and bootstrapped standard errors
onestage1One stage jointmeta1 fit and bootstrapped standard errors
onestage2One stage jointmeta1 fit and bootstrapped standard errors
onestage3One stage jointmeta1 fit and bootstrapped standard errors
onestage4One stage jointmeta1 fit and bootstrapped standard errors
print.jointmeta1Print function for 'jointmeta1' objects
print.jointmeta1SEPrint function for 'jointmeta1SE' objects
rancovFunction to extract the estimated covariance matrices for the...
ranef.jointmeta1Function to extract estimated random effects
removeafterCode to remove longitudinal information recorded after...
sepFunction to determine if estimates from separate models were...
simdatSimulated joint longitudinal and survival dataset containing...
simdat1randlevelData simulation function for the case with only individual...
simdat2Simulated joint longitudinal and survival dataset containing...
simdat2randlevelsData simulation function for the case with both individual...
simdat3Simulated joint longitudinal and survival dataset containing...
simjointmetaSimulation of multi-study joint data
sortDatSort data by order of increasing survival time
summary.jointmeta1Summary function for jointmeta1
survstFunction for survival starting values
tojointdataFunction to change multi-study data into jointdata format
vcov.jointmeta1SEExtract the variance covariance matrix from the bootstrapped...
joineRmeta documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 5:10 p.m.