
## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Example payload
claim <- jwt_claim(user = "jeroen", session_key = 123456)

# Encode with hmac
key <- charToRaw("SuperSecret")
(jwt <- jwt_encode_hmac(claim, secret = key))

# Decode 
jwt_decode_hmac(jwt, secret = key)

## ----error=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
# What happens if we decode with the wrong key
jwt_decode_hmac(jwt, secret = raw())

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate ECDSA keypair
key <- ec_keygen()
pubkey <- as.list(key)$pubkey

# Sign with the private key
(jwt <- jwt_encode_sig(claim, key = key))

# Decode and verify using the public key
jwt_decode_sig(jwt, pubkey = pubkey)

## ----error = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
wrong_key <- ec_keygen()
jwt_decode_sig(jwt, pubkey = wrong_key)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note that this token expires in 1 hour!
myclaim <- jwt_claim(
  iss = "My webapp",
  exp = Sys.time() + 3600,
  myfield = "Some application logic",
  customer = "a cow"
(jwt <- jwt_encode_sig(myclaim, key = key))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
jwt_decode_sig(jwt, pubkey = pubkey)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(strings <- strsplit(jwt, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])

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jose documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 5:07 p.m.