Man pages for jwutil
Tools for Data Manipulation and Testing

add_time_to_dateconvert separate lists of dates and times to POSIXlt objects
affixFieldsupdate a set of data frame field names
as_char_no_warnconvert to character vector without warning
as_numeric_nowarnconvert factor or vector to numeric without warnings
bad_inputbad input data for tests
bang_dollarGet the first/only argument of the last run command
binary_col_namesnames of fields which are numeric, binary or combinations...
build_formulabuild simple linear formula from variable names
combn_subsetall unique combinations of a vector and all its non-zero...
countIsNacount NA in vector
countNonNaCumulativerunning totals of number of non-NA values in consecutive...
countNotNumericcount non-numeric elements
countNumericcount numeric elements
dput_expect_equaldput a testthat test
drop_duplicate_fieldsDrop fields with duplicate data
drop_rows_with_nadrops rows with NA values in specified fields
eine%in%/match equivalent for two 'environment' arguments
env_to_vec_flipreturn a new environment with names and values swapped
expect_that_combine_all_argsalternative 'expect_that' from 'testthat' which permutes all...
extreme_numbersextreme numbers
factor_nosortFast Factor Generation
factor_to_dfConvert factor into a data.frame of logicals
fastIntToStringFast convert integer vector to character vector
fastIntToStringRcppConvert integers to strings as quickly as possible
fillMissingCombsfill out missing combinations of factors with NA
filter_betterfilter data with diagnostics
fix_na_ishFix NA-like strings to be NA (or other value of choice)
flattenListflatten a list
getDroppedget items or numerics that would be dropped in a merge
get_factor_fieldsget names of the factor fields in a data frame
get_na_fieldsget NA field names from data frame
get_non_ASCIImimic the 'R CMD check' test
get_numeric_char_field_namesFind columns which are numeric
grapes-nin-grapesinverse of %in%
invwhichinverse which
is.Dateis the object a 'Date'
isFlatdetermine whether a list is nested
is_na_ishDetermine whether a value is, or should be, 'NA'
is_numeric_strWhich elements of a character vector are numeric
isRowSortedis every row sorted?
isValidTimecheck if a time is valid in 24h clock
jw_df_basicsminimal basic pre-processing metrics
jw_scan_buildBuild with current Makevars, but with clang scan-build static...
jwutil-packageTools for testing and data manipulation not found elsewhere
list_namedMake a list using input argument names as names
listTrimtrim null or empty values from a list
listTrimFlattrim null or empty values from a list
logical_to_binaryConvert logical columns of data frame to 0s and 1s
lsflist all functions in a package
ls.objectsSummarize objects
lsosshow largest objects
lspList all items in a package
match_multiMatch across columns for multiple lookup values
merge_betterMerge better
mergeListsmerge lists by names
min_r_versionFind minimum R version required for package
npcPrint integers with percentage of total rounded to integer
numbers_to_long_and_floatconvert numbers to long and float types
opt_binary_bruteselects columns from a data frame using an optimization...
percentizeConvert a number into rounded integer percentage string
percent_signifReturn percentage string to given significant figures
permuteGenerate all permutations of input
permuteWithRepeatsGenerate all permutations of input, reusing values in each...
pgo_benchCompile and test package with and without profile guided...
platformIsLinuxAre we running on Linux, Mac or Windows?
propIsNaProportion of NA values in a vector
propNaPerFieldreturn proportion of NA values per field
propRowSortedproportion of non-descending rows in matrix
random_test_datesgenerate random Dates or POSIXlt test datetimes
random_test_numberscreate extreme random numbers
read_xlsx_linuxread '.xlsx' file, interpret as CSV, and return a data frame
read_zip_urlread file from zip at URL
reqinstLoad packages with 'library', installing any which are...
rm_rrecursive remove
save_in_data_dirSave given variable in package data directory
shuffleShuffle a vector
sort_clip_charTake clipboard contents, and write sorted character vector...
source_purlExtract code from knitr vignette and source it
str_extract'stringr' does this, but here we have a small amount of base...
stripstrip all whitespace
strip_for_formulastrip a string so that it can be used as a variable name in a...
str_match_allreturn all matches for regular expression
str_multi_matchreturn the actual matches from a bracketed regex
str_pair_matchMatch pairs of strings to get named vector
trimstrip whitespace from ends of each string in given character...
two_cat_to_logicalTake dataframe, and convert any columns with just two...
unzip_singleunzip a single file from URL
unzip_to_data_rawUnzip file to 'data-raw'
update_github_pkgsUpdate github_install packages
vec_to_env_truecreate environment from vector
zero_naZero NA values in a data.frame
jwutil documentation built on May 7, 2019, 1:03 a.m.