kangar00: Kernel Approaches for Nonlinear Genetic Association Regression

Methods to extract information on pathways, genes and various single-nucleotid polymorphisms (SNPs) from online databases. It provides functions for data preparation and evaluation of genetic influence on a binary outcome using the logistic kernel machine test (LKMT). Three different kernel functions are offered to analyze genotype information in this variance component test: A linear kernel, a size-adjusted kernel and a network-based kernel).

Package details

AuthorJuliane Manitz [aut, cre], Benjamin Hofner [aut], Stefanie Friedrichs [aut], Patricia Burger [aut], Ngoc Thuy Ha [aut], Saskia Freytag [ctb], Heike Bickeboeller [ctb]
MaintainerJuliane Manitz <r@manitz.org>
URL https://kangar00.manitz.org/
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the kangar00 package in your browser

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kangar00 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:09 a.m.