Man pages for keyplayer
Locating Key Players in Social Networks

contractGroup the Chosen Players in a Network
delta.scoreThe change on objective function for greedy search...
diffusionCompute the Diffusion Centrality Score in a Network
fragmentCompute the Fragmentation Centrality Score in a Netwrok
FriendsThe friendship network of 21 managers in a high-tech company
group.mreach.closenessCompute the Group-level mreach.closeness Centrality Score in...
group.mreach.degreeCompute the group-level Centrality Score in a...
kpcentCompute Group Centraltiy in a Network
kpnodeReturn the most central player in sequentially reduced...
kpsetSelecting the Most Central Group of Players in a Network
mreach.closenessCompute the M-reach Closeness Centrality Score in a Netwrok
mreach.degreeCompute the M-reach Degree Centrality Score in a Netwrok
topnodeOrders players by individual centrality from high to low
keyplayer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 9:06 a.m.