prep: Prepare package(s) for use

View source: R/prep.R

prepR Documentation

Prepare package(s) for use


Installs, loads, and attaches package(s). If package(s) are not installed, installs them prior to loading and attaching.


  pkg_names_as_object = FALSE,
  silent_if_successful = FALSE,
  silent_load_pkgs = NULL



names of packages to load and attach, separated by commas, e.g., "ggplot2", data.table. The input can be any number of packages, whose names may or may not be wrapped in quotes.


logical. If pkg_names_as_object = TRUE, the input will be evaluated as one object containing package names. If pkg_names_as_object = FALSE, the input will be considered as literal packages names (default = FALSE).


logical. If silent_if_successful = TRUE, no message will be printed if preparation of package(s) is successful. If silent_if_successful = FALSE, a message indicating which package(s) were successfully loaded and attached will be printed (default = FALSE).


a character vector indicating names of packages to load silently (i.e., suppress messages that get printed when loading the packaged). By default, silent_load_pkgs = NULL


there will be no output from this function. Rather, packages given as inputs to the function will be installed, loaded, and attached.


prep("data.table", silent_if_successful = TRUE)
prep("base", utils, ggplot2, "data.table")
pkgs <- c("ggplot2", "data.table")
prep(pkgs, pkg_names_as_object = TRUE)
prep("data.table", silent_load_pkgs = "data.table")

kim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:14 a.m.

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