Man pages for kim
A Toolkit for Behavioral Scientists

akaike_weightsAkaike Weights
barplot_for_countsBarplot for counts
binomial_testBinomial test
bracketDraw a bracket on a ggplot
capitalizeCapitalize a substring
change_var_namesChange variable names in a data set
check_modesCheck modes of objects
check_req_pkgCheck for required packages
chi_squared_testChi-squared test
chi_squared_test_pairwiseChi-squared test, pairwise
clean_data_from_qualtricsClean data from Qualtrics
coefficent_of_variationCoefficient of variation
cohen_dCalculate Cohen's d and its confidence interval using the...
cohen_d_borensteinCalculate Cohen's d as illustrated by Borenstein et al....
cohen_d_for_one_sampleCalculate Cohen's d to accompany a one-sample t-test
cohen_d_from_cohen_textbookCohen's d from Jacob Cohen's textbook (1988)
cohen_d_over_nCohen's d as a function of sample size
cohen_d_to_rConvert Cohen's d to r
cohen_d_torchianoCalculate Cohen's d and its confidence interval using the...
combine_data_across_colsCombine data across columns
comma_sep_string_to_numbersConvert a comma-separated string of numbers
compare_datasetsCompare data sets
compare_dependent_rsCompare dependent correlations
compare_effect_sizesCompare effect sizes
compare_groupsCompare groups
compare_independent_rsCompare independent correlations
contingency_tableContingency table
convert_cols_to_numericConvert columns to numeric
convert_to_excel_formulaConvert character to Excel formula
correlation_kimEstimate the correlation between two variables
correlation_matrixcorrelation matrix
cum_percent_plotCumulative percentage plot
desc_statsDescriptive statistics
desc_stats_by_groupDescriptive statistics by group
detach_user_installed_pkgsDetach all user-installed packages
duplicated_valuesDuplicated values in a vector
excel_formula_convertExcel formula, convert (to)
exit_from_parent_functionExit from a Parent Function
find_duplicatesFind duplicated values in a vector
fisher_z_transformFisher's Z transformation
floodlight_2_by_continuousFloodlight 2 by Continuous
floodlight_2_by_continuous_logisticFloodlight 2 by Continuous for a Logistic Regression
floodlight_2_by_continuous_mlm_logisticFloodlight 2 by Continuous for a Multilevel Logistic...
floodlight_for_contrastsFloodlight Analyses for a Set of Contrasts
floodlight_multi_by_continuousFloodlight Multicategorical by Continuous
forest_plotForest plot
geomeanGeometric mean
ggsave_quickggsave quick
histogram_by_groupHistogram by group
histogram_from_histHistogram from hist function
histogram_w_outlier_binsHistogram with outlier bins
holm_adjusted_pHolm-adjusted p-values
id_across_datasetsID across datasets
identical_allCheck whether all inputs are identical
install_all_dependenciesInstall all dependencies for all functions
lenulenu: Length of unique values
levene_testLevene's test
logistic_regressionLogistic regression
logistic_regression_tableLogistic regression table
logistic_reg_w_interactionLogistic regression with an interaction term
loglinear_analysisLoglinear analysis
log_odds_ratioLog odds ratio
log_odds_ratio_to_dConvert log odds ratio to Cohen's d
mad_remove_outliersRemove outliers using the MAD method
mann_whitneyMann-Whitney U Test (Also called Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test)
matrix_prep_dtPrepare a two-column data.table that will be used to fill...
mean_centerMean center
mediation_analysisMediation analysis
merge_data_table_listMerge a list of data tables
merge_data_tablesMerge data tables
modes_of_objectsFind modes of objects
multiple_regressionMultiple regression
noncentrality_parameterFind noncentrality parameter
odds_ratioOdds ratio
order_rows_specifically_in_dtOrder rows specifically in a data table
overlapping_intervalFind the overlapping interval of two ranges.
package_list_defaultPackages - List the default packages
parallel_analysisParallel analysis
percentile_rankPercentile rank
pivot_tablePivot Table
plot_group_meansPlot group means
pmPaste for message
population_variancePopulation variance of a vector
prepPrepare package(s) for use
pretty_round_p_valuePretty round p-value
pretty_round_rPretty round r
print_loop_progressprint loop progress
proportion_of_values_in_vectorProportion of given values in a vector
q_stat_test_homo_rQ statistic for testing homogeneity of correlations
read_csvRead a csv file
read_sole_csvRead the sole csv file in the working directory
regex_matchRegular expression matches
rel_pos_of_value_in_vectorFind relative position of a value in a vector
rel_value_of_pos_in_vectorFind relative value of a position in a vector
remove_from_vectorRemove from a vector
remove_user_installed_pkgsRemove all user installed packages
repeated_measures_anovaRepeated-Measures ANVOA
replace_values_in_dtReplace values in a data table
robust_regressionRobust regression (bootstrapped regression)
round_flexiblyRound flexibly
score_scale_itemsScore scale items
se_of_meanStandard error of the mean
se_of_percentageStandard Error (SE) of a percentage
se_of_proportionStandard Error (SE) of a proportion
setup_r_envSet up R environment
setwd_to_active_docSet working directory to active document in RStudio
simple_effects_analysisSimple Effects Analysis
spotlight_2_by_continuousSpotlight 2 by Continuous
standardized_regressionStandardized Regression
start_kimStart kim
susu: Sorted unique values
tabulate_vectorTabulate vector
tau_squaredTau-squared (between-studies variance for meta analysis)
theme_kimTheme Kim
top_median_or_bottomTop, median, or bottom
t_test_pairwiset-tests, pairwise
tvTabulate vector
two_way_anovaTwo-way ANOVA
undUndocumented functions
unload_user_installed_pkgsUnload all user-installed packages
update_kimUpdate the package 'kim'
var_of_log_odds_ratio_to_var_of_dConvert variance of log odds ratio to variance of d
var_of_percentageVariance of a percentage
var_of_proportionVariance of a proportion
weighted_mean_effect_sizeEstimate the mean effect size in a meta analysis
weighted_mean_rWeighted mean correlation
weighted_zWeighted z
wilcoxon_rank_sum_testWilcoxon Rank-Sum Test (Also called the Mann-Whitney U Test)
write_csvWrite to a csv file
z_scorez score
z_to_r_transformZ to r transformation (Inverse of Fisher's Z transformation)
kim documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 5:08 p.m.