update_kim: Update the package 'kim'

View source: R/update_kim.R

update_kimR Documentation

Update the package 'kim'


Updates the current package 'kim' by installing the most recent version of the package from GitHub This function requires installing Package 'remotes' v2.4.2 (or possibly a higher version) by Csardi et al. (2021), https://cran.r-project.org/package=remotes


update_kim(force = TRUE, upgrade_other_pkg = FALSE, confirm = TRUE)



logical. If force = TRUE, force installing the update. If force = FALSE, do not force installing the update. By default, force = TRUE.


input for the upgrade argument to be passed on to remotes::install_github. One of "default", "ask", "always", "never", TRUE, or FALSE. "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE correspond to "always" and "never" respectively. By default, upgrade_other_pkg = FALSE.


logical. If confirm = TRUE, the user will need to confirm the update. If confirm = FALSE, the confirmation step will be skipped. By default, confirm = TRUE.


there will be no output from this function. Rather, executing this function will update the current 'kim' package by installing the most recent version of the package from GitHub.


## Not run: 
if (interactive()) {update_kim()}

## End(Not run)

kim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:14 a.m.