
Defines functions update_kim

Documented in update_kim

#' Update the package 'kim'
#' Updates the current package 'kim' by installing the
#' most recent version of the package from GitHub
#' This function requires installing Package 'remotes' v2.4.2
#' (or possibly a higher version) by Csardi et al. (2021),
#' <https://cran.r-project.org/package=remotes>
#' @param force logical. If \code{force = TRUE}, force installing the
#' update. If \code{force = FALSE}, do not force installing the update.
#' By default, \code{force = TRUE}.
#' @param upgrade_other_pkg input for the \code{upgrade} argument to
#' be passed on to \code{remotes::install_github}.
#' One of "default", "ask", "always", "never", TRUE, or FALSE.
#' "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment
#' variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset.
#' "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade.
#' For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always".
#' TRUE and FALSE correspond to "always" and "never" respectively.
#' By default, \code{upgrade_other_pkg = FALSE}.
#' @param confirm logical. If \code{confirm = TRUE}, the user will
#' need to confirm the update. If \code{confirm = FALSE}, the confirmation
#' step will be skipped. By default, \code{confirm = TRUE}.
#' @return there will be no output from this function. Rather, executing
#' this function will update the current 'kim' package by installing
#' the most recent version of the package from GitHub.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {update_kim()}
#' }
#' @export
update_kim <- function(
  force = TRUE,
  upgrade_other_pkg = FALSE,
  confirm = TRUE) {
  # 6 possible cases
  # 1. error in getting the current package version -> yes
  # 2. error in getting the github package version -> no
  #    -> this used to be "yes," but as of aug 22, 2023, it's now "no"
  # 3. current package version < github package version -> yes
  # 4. current package version > github package version -> no
  # 5. current package version == github package version -> no
  # 6. the user forces the update -> yes
  # in short, notify the option to update unless the version numbers match
  # case 6. the user forces the update -> yes
  # i.e., update if the user wants an update
  if (force == TRUE) {
    # unload the package kim
    while ("package:kim" %in% search()) {
      "jinkim3/kim", force = force, upgrade = upgrade_other_pkg)
    # attach the package
    kim::prep("kim", silent_if_successful = TRUE)
  } else {
    # get version of the currently installed package
    current_pkg_version <- tryCatch(
      error = function(e) "unknown")
    # github url
    github_url <- paste0(
    # get github description or handle errors
    github_pkg_desc <- tryCatch(
      warning = function(w) {"github_desc_read_fail"},
      error = function(e) {"github_desc_read_fail"})
    if (!identical(github_pkg_desc, "github_desc_read_fail")) {
      github_pkg_version <- "unknown"
    # get the version number of github version
    if (identical(github_pkg_desc, "github_desc_read_fail")) {
      # case 2. error in getting the github package version -> no
      github_pkg_version <- "unknown"
    } else {
      github_pkg_version <- gsub(
        ".*ersion: ", "", github_pkg_desc[
          grep("ersion", github_pkg_desc)])
      # cases 1, 3-5.
      # compare versions
      compare_version_result <- tryCatch(
          current_pkg_version, github_pkg_version),
        warning = function(w) {999}, # 999 indicates no need for update
        error = function(e) {999})
      # 5. current package version == github package version -> no
      # skip update for case 5
      if (current_pkg_version != "unknown" &
          github_pkg_version != "unknown" &
          compare_version_result == 0) {
          "Current version of 'kim': v", current_pkg_version,
          " (same as the most recent version available through GitHub)."))
      } else if (
        # 4. current package version > github package version -> no
        # skip update for case 4
        current_pkg_version != "unknown" &
        github_pkg_version != "unknown" &
        compare_version_result > 0) {
          "Current version of 'kim': v", current_pkg_version,
          " (probably the most recent version available through GitHub)."))
      } else {
        # cases 1 and 3.
        # confirm update
        if (confirm == TRUE) {
          # ask the user to confirm
          user_reply <- utils::menu(
            c("Yes.", "No."),
            title = "\nDo you want to try to update the package 'kim'?")
        } else {
          # if not asked, assume the user wants to update
          user_reply <- 1
        # update if user wants the update
        if (user_reply == 1) {
          # unload the package kim
          while ("package:kim" %in% search()) {
            "jinkim3/kim", force = force, upgrade = upgrade_other_pkg)
          # attach the package
          kim::prep("kim", silent_if_successful = TRUE)

Try the kim package in your browser

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kim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:14 a.m.