retrieveall_appdata: Retrieve all 'KinPairData' objects from appdata (as list)

Description Usage Value See Also Examples

View source: R/app_ports.R


This function is part of a suite of functions handling the interface between the kindisperse app & R package. Due to how shiny's interactive programming works, ordinary objects are not visible to the reactive functions embedded in the app. The solution implemented here is to construct a custom environment, env_appdata, that is accessible within the app and outside of it.

This function accesses the app interface environment and retrieves a named list of all objects (typically of classes KinPairData or KinPairSimulation contained within it, making them accessible outside of the app). This is used to quickly pass all simulation objects that were saved to this interface environment while using the app to the regular R environment (after closing the app).




Returns a list of objects stored in the appdata environment

See Also

Other app_ports: display_appdata(), mount_appdata(), reset_appdata(), reset_tempdata(), retrieve_appdata(), retrieve_tempdata(), unmount_appdata()



kindisperse documentation built on July 28, 2021, 5:09 p.m.