
Defines functions logsmoo unwrap.phase.lower cross_spectrum.default cross_spectrum.mts cross_spectrum

Documented in cross_spectrum cross_spectrum.default cross_spectrum.mts logsmoo

#' Calculate the cross-spectrum of two timeseries
#' @param x numeric; timeseries
#' @param y numeric; timeseries. if missing, assumed to be column no. 2 in \code{x}
#' @param k integer; the number of sine tapers, unless this is \code{NULL}; in the latter case
#' a Welch-based spectrum is calculated rather than a multitaper spectrum. There are distinct
#' advantages and disadvantages to either of these.
#' @param samp numeric; the sampling rate (e.g., \code{\link{deltat}}) of the data; must be the same for \code{x} and \code{y}
#' @param q numeric; the probability quantile [0,1] to calculate coherence significance levels; if missing, a 
#' pre-specified sequence is included. This is will be ignored for Welch-based spectra (see \code{k}).
#' @param adaptive logical; should adaptive multitaper estimation be used?
#' @param verbose logical; should messages be printed?
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{\link{pspectrum}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(stats)
#' require(psd)
#' n <- 1000
#' ramp <- seq_len(n)
#' parab <- ramp^2
#' set.seed(1255)
#' X <- ts(rnorm(n) + ramp/2)
#' Y <- ts(rnorm(n) + ramp/10 + parab/100)
#' # Calculate the multitaper cross spectrum
#' csd <- cross_spectrum(X, Y, k=20)
cross_spectrum <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('cross_spectrum')

#' @rdname cross_spectrum
#' @export
cross_spectrum.mts <- function(x, ...){
    xsamp <- stats::deltat(x)
    cross_spectrum.default(x=unclass(x), samp=xsamp, ...)

#' @rdname cross_spectrum
#' @export
cross_spectrum.default <- function(x, y, k=10, samp=1, q, adaptive=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...){
  XY <- if (missing(y)){
  } else {
    cbind(as.double(x), as.double(y))
  if (any(is.na(XY))) stop("Neither series can contain NA values")
  # Calculate sine-mt CS; sapa is no longer reliable; we use the psd implementation
  # which is more advanced anyway
  do.mt <- TRUE
  cs <- if (do.mt){
    if (verbose) message("calculating sine-multitaper spectra...")
    psd::pspectrum(XY, x.frqsamp=samp, ntap.init=k, niter=ifelse(adaptive, 3, 0), verbose=verbose, ...)
  } else {
    stop('With removal of sapa, Welch cross spectrum is temporarily unavailable.')
  freq <- cs[['freq']]
  period <- 1/freq
  # Spectral content (complex)
  Sp <- cs[['spec']]
  Tf <- cs[['transfer']]
  Co <- cs[['coh']]
  Ph <- cs[['phase']]
  # Autospectra
  S11 <- Sp[,1]
  S22 <- Sp[,2]
  # Coherence
  Coh <- Co[, 1]
  # Admittance (gain)
  G <- Mod(Tf[,1])
  G <- Coh * G
  # Std. error in gain
  G.err <- sqrt((1 - Coh) / ifelse(do.mt, k, 1))
  # Phase
  Phi <- Ph[,1]
  # Assemble results
  csd. <- tibble::tibble(Frequency=freq, Period=1/freq, Coherence=Coh, 
                         Admittance=G, Admittance.stderr=G.err, 
                         Phase=Phi, S11, S22)

  # Calculate minimum coherence significance levels
  Coh.probs <- if (do.mt){
    if (missing(q)) q <- c(0.01, seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05), 0.99)
    data.frame(q, coh.sig=stats::pf(q, 2, 4*k))
  } else {
  attr(csd., 'mtcsd') <- Coh.probs
  class(csd.) <- c('mtcsd', class(csd.))

# simple threshold unwrapper to remove lower wrapping in phase
unwrap.phase.lower <- function(ang, thresh=0) {
  while (any(ang <= thresh)){
    inds <- ang <= thresh
    ang[inds] <- ang[inds] + 360

#' Logarithmic smoothing with loess
#' @param x numeric; the index series (cannot contain \code{NA})
#' @param y numeric; the series of values associated with x
#' @param x.is.log logical; determines whether the series in \code{x} has
#' been log-transformed already. If \code{FALSE} then \code{log10} is used.
#' @param ... additional parameters (e.g., \code{span}) passed to \code{\link{loess.smooth}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{loess.smooth}} and \code{\link{approxfun}}
#' @references Barbour, A. J., and D. C. Agnew (2011), Noise levels on 
#' Plate Boundary Observatory borehole strainmeters in southern California,
#' Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101(5), 2453-2466,
#' doi: 10.1785/0120110062
#' @return The result of \code{\link{loess.smooth}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11133)
#' n <- 101
#' lx <- seq(-1,1,length.out=n)
#' y <- rnorm(n) + cumsum(rnorm(n))
#' plot(lx, y, col='grey')
#' lines(logsmoo(lx, y, x.is.log=TRUE))
logsmoo <- function(x, y, x.is.log=FALSE, ...){
  if (any(is.na(x))) stop('x vector cannot contain NA values')
  fx <- if (x.is.log){
  } else {
  fy <- y
  nx <- length(fx)
  COHFUN <- stats::approxfun(fx, fy, rule=2)
  fxnew <- seq(min(fx), max(fx), length.out=nx*2)
  fynew <- COHFUN(fxnew)
  lsmoo <- stats::loess.smooth(fxnew, fynew, family='gaussian', evaluation=nx, ...)
  if (!x.is.log) lsmoo[['x']] <- 10 ** lsmoo[['x']]

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