
Defines functions test_sensitivity summary.konfound create_konfound_class

Documented in summary.konfound

# helpers for the core sensitivity analysis function

create_konfound_class <- function(x) {
  structure(x, class = "konfound")

#' Concise summary of konfound output
#' @details Prints a concise summary of konfound output with multiple types of data specified in the to_return argument
#' @param object A `konfound` object
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export

summary.konfound <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("Created", length(object), "forms of output. To access type: \n")

  for (name in names(object)) {
    cat(rlang::expr_text(substitute(object)), "$", name, "\n", sep = "")

# Main function to test sensitivity to be wrapped with pkonfound(), konfound(), and mkonfound()

test_sensitivity <- function(est_eff,
                             tested_variable) {
  if (nu != 0) warning("You entered a non-zero null hypothesis about an effect; this is being interpreted in terms of a partial correlation. Sampling variability is not accounted for.")

  # calculating statistics used in every case
  if (est_eff < 0) {
    critical_t <- stats::qt(1 - (alpha / tails), n_obs - n_covariates - 1) * -1
  else {
    critical_t <- stats::qt(1 - (alpha / tails), n_obs - n_covariates - 1)

  beta_threshold <- critical_t * std_err
  # dealing with cases where hypotheses other than whether est_eff differs from 0
  if (nu != 0) {
    est_eff <- abs(est_eff - nu)
  } else {
    est_eff <- est_eff - 0
  } # this is just to make what this is doing evident

  # for replacement of cases approach

  # calculating percentage of effect and number of observations to sustain or invalidate inference
  if (abs(est_eff) > abs(beta_threshold)) {
    bias <- 100 * (1 - (beta_threshold / est_eff))
    recase <- round(n_obs * (bias / 100))
  else if (abs(est_eff) < abs(beta_threshold)) {
    sustain <- 100 * (1 - (est_eff / beta_threshold))
    recase <- round(n_obs * (sustain / 100))
  else if (est_eff == beta_threshold) {
    stop("The coefficient is exactly equal to the threshold.")

  # for correlation-based approach

  # transforming t into r
  obs_r <- (est_eff / std_err) / sqrt(((n_obs - n_covariates - 3) + ((est_eff / std_err)^2)))
  # finding critical r
  critical_r <- critical_t / sqrt((critical_t^2) + (n_obs - n_covariates - 3))
  # calculating threshold
  if ((abs(obs_r) > abs(critical_r)) & ((obs_r * critical_r) > 0)) {
    mp <- -1
  } else {
    mp <- 1
  # calculating impact of the confounding variable
  itcv <- (obs_r - critical_r) / (1 + mp * abs(critical_r))
  # finding correlation of confound to invalidate / sustain inference
  r_con <- round(sqrt(abs(itcv)), 3)

  # if (component_correlations == FALSE){
  #     rsq <- # has to come from some kind of model object
  #         varY <- # has to come from some kind of model object
  #         varX <- # has to come from some kind of model object
  #         sdX <- # has to come from some kind of model object
  #         rsqYZ = (((obs_r ^ 2) - Rsq) / ((obs_r ^ 2) - 1))
  #     rsqXZ = max(0, 1 - ((VarY * (1 - RSQ))) / (VarX * (n_obs - n_covariates - 2) * (sdx * 2)))
  #     r_ycv = r_con * sqrt(1 - rsqYZ)
  #     r_xcv = r_con * sqrt(1 - rsqXZ)
  #     # before conditioning on observed covariates
  # }

  # output dispatch

  if (length(to_return) > 1) {
    to_return <- to_return[!(to_return == "print")]

    konfound_output <- purrr::map(
      ~ test_sensitivity(
        est_eff = est_eff,
        std_err = std_err,
        n_obs = n_obs,
        n_covariates = n_covariates,
        alpha = alpha,
        tails = tails,
        nu = nu,
        to_return = .
    konfound_output <- create_konfound_class(konfound_output)
    names(konfound_output) <- to_return
    output_print(est_eff, beta_threshold, bias, sustain, nu, recase, obs_r, critical_r, r_con, itcv, alpha, index)

    message(paste("Print output created by default. Created", length(konfound_output), "other forms of output. Use list indexing or run summary() on the output to see how to access."))


  else if (to_return == "raw_output") {
    return(output_df(est_eff, beta_threshold, est_eff, bias, sustain, recase, obs_r, critical_r, r_con, itcv))
  } else if (to_return == "thresh_plot") { # this still makes sense for NLMs (just not quite as accurate)
    return(plot_threshold(beta_threshold = beta_threshold, est_eff = est_eff))
  } else if (to_return == "corr_plot") {
    return(plot_correlation(r_con = r_con, obs_r = obs_r, critical_r = critical_r))
  } else if (to_return == "print") {
    return(output_print(est_eff, beta_threshold, bias, sustain, nu, recase, obs_r, critical_r, r_con, itcv, alpha, index))
  } else if (to_return == "table") {
    return(output_table(model_object, tested_variable))
  } else {
    stop("to_return must be set to 'raw_output', 'print', 'table', 'thresh_plot', or 'corr_plot' or some combination thereof")

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konfound documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.