
#kubik: Cubic Hermite Splines and Related Foot Finding Methods
#Copyright (C), Abby Spurdle, 2019 to 2021

#This program is distributed without any warranty.

#This program is free software.
#You can modify it and/or redistribute it, under the terms of:
#The GNU General Public License, version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

#You should have received a copy of this license, with R.
#Also, this license should be available at:

.likely.2b.equally.spaced = function (cx)
{	dx = diff (cx)
	diff (range (dx) ) < min (dx) / 200

#note, bounds arg, deprecated
.chs.constraints = function (correction, increasing, decreasing, flim, ..., bounds)
{	.arg.error (...)
	if (! missing (bounds) )
		flim = bounds
	.bounded = is.finite (flim)
	if (diff (flim) <= 0)
		stop ("diff (flim) <= 0")
	if (increasing && decreasing)
		stop ("increasing and decreasing constraints")

	new ("CHS.Constraints",

chs.constraints = function (correction=TRUE, ...,
	increasing=FALSE, decreasing=FALSE,
	flim = c (fmin, fmax),
		fmin = -Inf,
		fmax = +Inf)
	.chs.constraints (correction, increasing, decreasing, flim, ...)

chs.slopes = function (cx, cy, ..., constraints = chs.constraints (, ...), init.method)
{	nc = .test.cps (cx, cy)
	.chs.slopes (nc, cx, cy, constraints, init.method)

.chs.slopes = function (nc, cx, cy, constraints, init.method)
{	sec = diff (cy) / diff (cx)
	cb = .slopes.ext (nc, cx, cy, sec, init.method)
	.apply.ext (nc, cx, cy, sec, cb, constraints)

chs.tangents = function (cx, cy, ..., constraints = chs.constraints (, ...), init.method)
{	cb = chs.slopes (cx, cy, constraints=constraints, init.method=init.method)
	cbind (intercept = cy - cb * cx, slope=cb)

apply.chs.constraints = function (cx, cy, cb, ..., constraints = chs.constraints (, ...) )
{	nc = .test.cps (cx, cy)
	.apply.chs.constraints (nc, cx, cy, cb, constraints)

.apply.chs.constraints = function (nc, cx, cy, cb, constraints)
{	sec = diff (cy) / diff (cx)
	.apply.ext (nc, cx, cy, sec, cb, constraints)

.slopes.ext = function (nc, cx, cy, sec, init.method)
{	if (nc == 2)
		cb = c (sec, sec)
	{	if (missing (init.method) )
		{	if (.likely.2b.equally.spaced (cx) )
				init.method = "SQ"
				init.method = "SL"
		cb = numeric (nc)
		for (i in 2:(nc - 1) )
			cb [i] = (cy [i + 1] - cy [i - 1]) / (cx [i + 1] - cx [i - 1])
		if (init.method == "SL")
		{	cb [1] = sec [1]
			cb [nc] = sec [nc - 1]
		else if (init.method == "SQ")
		{	ps = .quad.params (nc, cx, cy)
			cb [1] = ps [1, 2] + 2 * ps [1, 3] * cx [1]
			cb [nc] = ps [2, 2] + 2 * ps [2, 3] * cx [nc]
			stop ('init.method needs to be "SL" or "SQ"')

.apply.ext = function (nc, cx, cy, sec, cb, constraints)
{	if (is.null (constraints) || (is.vector (constraints) && length (constraints) == 1 && is.na (constraints) ) )
	else if (is (constraints, "CHS.Constraints") )
	{	if (constraints@.bounded [1] && any (cy < constraints@flim [1]) )
			stop ("some cy < bounds [1]")
		if (constraints@.bounded [2] && any (cy > constraints@flim [2]) )
			stop ("some cy > bounds [2]")
		if (constraints@increasing && any (diff (cy) < 0) )
			stop ("increasing (nondecreasing) constraint needs nondecreasing cy")
		if (constraints@decreasing && any (diff (cy) > 0) )
			stop ("decreasing (nonincreasing) constraint needs nonincreasing cy")

		ns = nc - 1
		mono = (constraints@increasing || constraints@decreasing)

		if (constraints@correction)
			cb = .apply.ext.2 (ns, sec, cb)
		if (any (constraints@.bounded) || mono)
		{	I = rep (FALSE, ns)
			for (i in 1:ns)
			{	K = c (i, i + 1)
				x = .chs.roots.derivative.eval (cx [K], cy [K], cb [K], TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
				x = x [x [,2] == 1 | x [,2] == -1, 1]
				if (length (x) > 0)
				{	if (mono)
						I [i] = TRUE
					{	y = chs.eval (cx [K], cy [K], cb [K], x)
						I [i] = (
							(constraints@.bounded [1] && any (y < constraints@flim [1]) ) ||
							(constraints@.bounded [2] && any (y > constraints@flim [2]) ) )
			I = which (I)
			cb [I] = cb [I + 1] = 0
		stop ("constraints needs to be NULL, NA or CHS.Constraints object")

.apply.ext.2 = function (ns, sec, cb)
{	sign.sec = sign (sec)
	sign.cb = sign (cb)
	for (i in 1:(ns) )
	{	if (sec [i] == 0)
		{	if (sign.cb [i] + sign.cb [i + 1] != 0)
			{	cb [i] = 0;
				cb [i + 1] = 0;
		else if (sign.sec [i] + sign.cb [i] != 0 && sign.sec [i] + sign.cb [i + 1] != 0)
		{	if (cb [i] / sec [i] > 2.999999)
				cb [i] = 2.999999 * sec [i]
			if (cb [i + 1] / sec [i] > 2.999999)
				cb [i + 1] = 2.999999 * sec [i]

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kubik documentation built on April 15, 2021, 9:09 a.m.