slMatrix: Function to create objects from class slMatrix

View source: R/pc20slMatrix.r

slMatrixR Documentation

Function to create objects from class slMatrix


Provides a flexible way to create objects from class slMatrix. The entries may be specified in several ways.


slMatrix(init = NA, period, maxlag, seasonnames = seq(length = period),
         lagnames = as.character(0:maxlag), periodunit = "season",
         lagunit = "lag", f = NA, type = "sl")



values for the the autocovariances, see also argument f.


the number of seasons in an epoch


maximum lag to be stored


names of seasons (?)


names of lags


name of the period unit


name of the unit for lags


function to evaluate or matrix to get the values of the autocovariances.


format or the arguments of f, see details.


The internal representation of slMatrix is a matrix slot, m, of size period x (maxlag+1). It is created by a call to matrix() with init supplying the values (may be NAs). If init is a matrix values for period and maxlag are deduced (if not supplied) from its size.

Change on 21/06/2006: Now, if the length of init is smaller than that of m, the remaining values are filled with NA's (in the past the normal recycling rules of matrix() applied). The previous behaviour used to hide puzzling and difficult to track errors. I cannot be sure but this change should not affect old code.

If f is given it is used to populate the slot m by a call to fill.slMatrix. Normally in this case init=NA but this is not required.

Currently fill.slMatrix has methods for f of class "matrix" and "function". The arguments (or the indices) can be controlled by the argument type.

type="sl" - standard season-lag pair

type="tt" - time-time pair

type="tl" - standard season-lag pair


An object of class slMatrix


To do: additional work is needed on the case when the dimensions of init and the result are not the same (see the details section)


Georgi N. Boshnakov

See Also

slMatrix-class, fill.slMatrix

lagged documentation built on Aug. 7, 2022, 5:19 p.m.