
Defines functions lv_optics

Documented in lv_optics

#' lv_optics
#' Experimental implementation of the OPTICS algorithm.
#' @param edges A weighted graph of the type produced by \code{\link{buildEdgeMatrix}}. Alternatively, a \code{largeVis} object,
#' in which case \code{edges} and \code{neighbors} will be taken from the \code{edges} and \code{knns} parameters, respectively.
#' @param neighbors An adjacency matrix of the type produced by \code{\link{randomProjectionTreeSearch}}
#' @param eps See \code{\link[dbscan]{optics}}.
#' @param minPts See \code{\link[dbscan]{optics}}.
#' @param eps_cl See \code{\link[dbscan]{optics}}.
#' @param xi See \code{\link[dbscan]{optics}}.
#' @param useQueue Whether to process points in order of core distance.  (See note.)
#' @param verbose Vebosity level.
#' @details This is an implementation of the OPTICS algorithm that attempts
#' to leverage the \code{largeVis} nearest-neighbor search.
#' This implementation does not use the OPTICS neighbor-search strategy, in favor of using the pre-calculated
#' neighbor matrix produced incidentally by \code{largeVis}. It is therefore a variant of OPTICS rather than an
#' implementation of the original, and the results vary slightly from those obtained by the implementations in
#' \code{ELKI} and the \code{dbscan} package.
#' @note The \code{useQueue} parameter controls the order in which points that have not yet been visisted are processed. If \code{FALSE},
#' points are processed in order of rows. If \code{TRUE}, they are processed in ascending order of core distance. \code{FALSE} is more
#' compatible with the implementations in the \code{dbscan} package and in the \code{ELKI} Java clustering package. \code{TRUE} may produce
#' preferrable results.
#' @return An \code{\link[dbscan]{optics}} object.
#' @references  Mihael Ankerst, Markus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jorg Sander (1999). OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure. ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data. ACM Press. pp. 49-60.
#' @export
lv_optics <- function(edges,
										 eps = Inf,
										 minPts = nrow(neighbors),
										 useQueue = TRUE,
										 verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE)) {
	if (inherits(edges, "edgematrix")) {
		edges <- t(toMatrix(edges))
	} else if (inherits(edges, "largeVis")) {
		if (missing(neighbors)) neighbors <- edges$knns
		edges <- t(toMatrix(edges$edges))
	} else {
		stop("edges must be either an edgematrix or a largeVis object")
	if (!is.null(neighbors)) {
		neighbors[is.na(neighbors)] <- -1
		if (ncol(neighbors) != ncol(edges)) neighbors <- t(neighbors)
	if (is.null(edges) || is.null(neighbors)) stop("Both edges and neighbors must be specified (or use a largeVis object)")
	ret <- optics_cpp(edges = edges,
										neighbors = neighbors,
										eps = as.double(eps),
										minPts = as.integer(minPts),
										useQueue = as.logical(useQueue),
										verbose = as.logical(verbose))

	ret$minPts <- minPts
	ret$eps <- eps
	ret$eps_cl <- NA
	ret$call <- sys.call()
	class(ret) <- "optics"

	if ( !missing(eps_cl) || !missing(xi) ) {
		if (!requireNamespace("dbscan", quietly = TRUE)) warning("xi and eps_cl require the dbscan package")
		else {
			if ( !missing(xi) ) ret <- dbscan::extractXi(ret, xi)
			if ( !missing(eps_cl) ) ret <- dbscan::extractDBSCAN(ret, eps_cl)

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largeVis documentation built on Feb. 17, 2018, 1:01 a.m.